(no subject)

May 13, 2007 11:53

1) I've updated The Ron and Luna Show! Continuing from here.

2) Still living at my brother's apartment. Still sleeping on the couch. I should probably look into getting a mattrass to sleep on, but I've grown accustomed to the couch. Weird, no? Especially since it's not broad enough for my leangth, so my feet end up resting on one of the armrests. Which in turn leads me to wake up in the morning with feet that I can't feel! And I panic every time too, even if I by now should now that it passes quite quickly.

3) Otherwise, real life's pretty much okay for me now, so I'm trying to look into fixing things that I've left in the air fandomwise. (Hence the above, one year late, update of The Ron and Luna Show.) Also, I'm organising my original work more, and am currently transfering stuff from my special notebook to the computer. Special as in it being a notebook that's completely dedicated to the world, characters and stories of a certain book series I've been working on for practically all my life. And yet, I already know that I'll finish at least two, if not more, other books before I even get halfway through the first book in that particular series.

4) Continuing on that note, it's funny to realise how many worlds there actually exists in my mind. Even though I doubt I'll get to Tolkien's level, he was afterall a professor in the area, I still try my feeble hand at creating entire languages to go with the cultures. So far the most I've gotten done is several glossaries and some grammatic structure in one of the languages. I really can't decide which is more interesting, making up languages or the cultures. Because with creating culture, I get to use and invent symbolism, gestures, and lots of sayings and mythology. But making up words... And grammar! Ahh, fantasy... The space you give for world creating... (And sci-fi too, but I mostly write fantasy.)

5) I'm totally just babbling now, out of the sole reason that I can't get over how much that world in the notebook has developed over the years. From one dimensional cultures and characters to actual depth, in just seven years of dust collecting.

6) My bouncing cat is totally in sync with the song I'm listening too!

rambling, real life, language

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