(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 12:28

I'm so bitching sad right now. I finally, after 24 days, find out how I did on the macro-exam. I flunked it. Fuck, it just feels so much worse because
a) the way it felt when I handed it in, it really could have gone either way
b) it took so long for me to find out that my hopes had gotten too high for me to handle "flunk"
c) I'm on my period, that always makes things worse
d) the test itself was worth 5 points, and that's a lot.

There, so that's why I'm crying right now. I just really wanted to pass it, and really tried hard for it too. Jackasses who couldn't have finished grading the test sooner. It wouldn't have been so bad if they'd just told me after 2 weeks, instead of 3 and a half.

I'm gonna go read webcomics for comfort, and then I'm going to work like crazy on the next exam I'm gonna take. And I'm gonna go and get the exam I took, and see how close or faraway from the mark I got, I can always redo it in the summer. *wipes tears off face*


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