(no subject)

Feb 06, 2007 21:27

Today's cry: Grandfather's funeral was today. I think I cried the most openly about his death only after having actually seen the casket.

Today's awww,cute: My almost three year old cousin, who has pretty much been a light in grandpa's life. And my exactly one week old cousin's child. SO TINY!!!

Today's lolwtf: Decided for some odd reason to look up Scientology on wikipedia. Now there's a lol-wtf-religion. I'd rather adhere to the Spaghetti Monster. (Also a wikipedia story, look it up.) I mean, srsly?
Psychiatry and psychology are evil and abusive practices is one of their central tenets! I mean, what is that? Are they saying that people that learn psychology are all evil? That people that offer counseling and therapy are all inherently bad guys? Now that I think about it, my friend who studies to be a psychatrist has started to show some evil tendencies lately. No wait, I'm confusing him with Mr Burns again....

Oh yeah, and good luck with combining "silent birth" with "no or little anesthetic". (Obviously not a cult started by a woman whose given birth, or you know, someone with common sense.)

Well, I guess we all need a losercult for a laugh now and again.

ETA: LOL on originality.

scientology, rambling, real life

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