1) First of all, thank you
rainbowstrlght for the gingerbread man with the cracked head. Too much have I neglected telling you thanks for this.
2) And I'm looking forward to your christmas card, and Leda's too, which should arrive sometime this week I assume. Otherwise I've gotten
austenrowling's and
3) And I've gotten great presents from my family too. But the greatest present of all might have been to see my cousin, aged two and a half, get all extactic over a tool-desk. ... Nah, the bedsheets with Ahlgren's Bilar still beats that! (I'm serious, my favorite candy and ice-cream, now as bedsheets!)
4) Ohhh, and I got cordless mouse for the comp. Had a bit of dificulty with it until I could find the proper surface for it. The topside of the mousepad didn't do it, but the underside did it. Aww, that means Harry Potter on his broomstick must be hidden from sight. :(
5) Oh, and if you noticed, I have a new icon. It's basically one of my hardcore ships of The Simpsons, and as usual with my hardcore ships, no lj-community. (Damn you el-jay!) However, now there is. Now there is:
bart_bob (Bwahaha, I'll never stop making communities for my lovelies, never!!!)