Installing the Athena DynamoDB connector

Oct 31, 2020 10:22

To install Athena DynamoDB Connector, complete the following steps:
1) In your AWS account, search for "serverless application repository".
2) Choose Available applications.
3) Make sure that Show apps that create custom IAM roles or resource policies is selected.
4) Search for athena federation.
5) Locate and choose AthenaDynamoDBConnector.
6) Provide the following values:
a) Application name - Leave it as default name AthenaDynamoDBConnector.
b) SpillBucket - Enter the S3Bucket value for e.g. athena-federation-workshop-
c) AthenaCatalogName - Enter dynamo.
d) DisableSpillEncryption - Leave it as the default value false.
e) LambdaMemory - Leave it as the default value 3008.
f) LambdaTimeout - Leave it as the default value 900.
g) SpillPrefix - Enter athena-spill-dynamo.
h) Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles.

7) Choose Deploy.

This deploys Athena DynamoDB connector; you can refer to this Lambda function in your queries as

select * from "lambda:dynamo".Movies limit 10;


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