No Black Thorn danger for Cordelia. Fromeerie_rebirth

Oct 27, 2007 18:24

The roars could be heard...well..for the vampire's ears for minutes before the second wave of demons came to our vantage point.

The roars could be heard and I could have acted but this was a stressful, wonderfu, appalling and amazing moment all wrapped up into one. If you take Spike out of the equation and the fact that Willow, Giles, Xander, Illyria and at least twenty slayers had been killed, seeing Buffy again was magical, especially not under the influence of the Immortal.

Her fighting was empassioned and she did all that she could to save her friends and the other slayers, wearing her heart on her sleeve the entire time. I would always love that about her and would always love her deeper then that and those feelings came rushing forward.

Then, rushing from the barren alley towards us, as we were trying to account for all of the loss and the injured...was Cordy!


I saw that Buffy and Spike had settled into a conversation and when a minute ago that would have bothered me, all of a sudden, it meant nothing. I saw that Faith was leaving us and the bodies everywhere..the tragically dead because of what I had done with the Circle and the Senior Partners, though I didn't ask for Buffy or the rest of the slayers' help. Faith was taking Gunn and Wesley, who badly needed to go to a hospital; away. I was glad for that, though I knew that another fight was coming on.

Barely able to take my eyes off of Cordy as she approached me, but doing so for a second, I saw that Kennedy, I believe her name is and the black guy that was the Principal at Sunnydale, Wood, were still ready to fight and also grieving the losses. I saw that Connor and Dawn seemed to be getting close and that he was being the dutiful and responsible boy that I knew that he would become and that he was helping her deal with the emotion that she had to be feeling.

Knowing that we would have to fight more, Cordy was suddenly in my arms. I wanted to ask how and why and a bunch of other things but all that I could do was hold her. She had been dealt a horrible blow by ascending and becoming a higher being and I prayed that all of that was over. The only way to accomplish this was to get her away from the upcoming second battle.

We spoke, but not in depth...not nearly in depth enough and then this second wave, which surprised me because I didn't believe that the Circle would do anything except attack us at once with numbers that were supposed to be crushing to us, and in some respects, because the loss of so many friends, it had been, and yet, many of us still stood, ready to fight some more, except that I couldn't until I knew that Cordy was safe.

The demons rounded the corner and I wondered if there would be a third wave and if I would even see this second battle. I wanted to scream for Connor to get Dawn away from this fight, and I did, but I didn't know if he heard me as I grabbed Cordy, knowing that she was a warrior and a former higher being...and pulled her towards the anonymity of the warehouse, where demons wouldn't be protruding.

I knew that she would fight me about not staying out and fighting, but too bad. She had just come back to me and I wasn't about to risk her life, even if that meant that I had to wait her with her to make sure that she didn't follow me outside.

"Cordy, I have a billion questions, but you need to stay in here and stay hidden until I'm done fighting."

I had the feeling that she was going to tell me to stay because she had just gotten me back. This was going to be dificult. I needed to help Buffy, Spike and the others, but leaving Cordy right now would be more difficult then the fighting itself.

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