
Oct 29, 2009 22:24

Two memes today. Both came from layla_aaron, who also provided me with questions for the first one.

First one:

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

1. What inspires you to write?
Mostly other people's art. Music is a big inspiration for me, and most of my stories have at least one theme song although the current one actually has several. There's also what I like to call negative inspiration, which happens when I read a book or watch a movie or something and find myself thinking "I could do so much better" and set out to prove it.

2. Have you ever read a book then turned around and re-read it? What book and why? (If there's not a book, tell me about a movie.)
I didn't actually get a chance to do this because it was a library book that was due and couldn't be renewed, but I would have loved to do this with Bret Easton Ellis's Lunar Park because it was just...magical. Kind of autobiographical but kind of not, kind of scary but kind of not, and just all-around neat.

3. What characteristic in another person (male or female) makes you spend time with them?
Noncompetitiveness, at least in the friendship arena. I'm not very competitive myself, so it's really off-putting for me to be around people who constantly compare themselves to me and let me know how I stand.

4. What song, artist or type of music calms you?
Low-grade depressing/melancholy music, most of the time. I'll listen to it for awhile when I'm in a funk, and it'll just drain away enough of my bad mood until I feel normal again. Nothing too angry, just low-key angst. :)

5. Love at first sight. Possible or impossible?
Impossible. You can't love someone without knowing them, and that takes time.

Second one:

1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2) Have your f-list guess your favorite character/member from each item.
3) When someone guesses correctly, strikethrough the item and put the name of your favorite character next to it.

1. Tashan
2. Xena
3. Futurama - Leela (guessed by layla_aaron)
4. Buffy - Giles (guessed by layla_aaron)
5. Angel
6. Jeeves and Wooster (the TV show with Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry)
7. Whose Line is it Anyway? (American version) - Greg (guessed by layla_aaron)
8. the Vampire Academy books by Richelle Mead
9. Harry Potter
10. The Nightmare Before Christmas
11. the Nightside books by Simon R Green
12. the Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce
13. The Smithsonian Institution by Gore Vidal
14. the Belgariad by David Eddings
15. Gilmore Girls
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