(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 01:32

Tonight was absolutly HILARIOUS. omg.

  • saw Kyle Mumford for the first time in over a year
  • was really happy that kyle is a medway citizen once again
  • left to go to the movies
  • picked up a kid named Zane
  • i was really happy Zane is his real name
  • went to Barnes and Nobles instead
  • saw samuel
  • then Walmart
  • working at a slaughterhouse is almost the same as a being a butcher
  • camo shorts
  • chilis for the 3rd time in the past like 2 weeks
  • w/ santa,kyle,jen,samuel, zane,bob, snak,joel
  • the waiter gave me a completely different dinner than what i ordered, but i ate it anyways because i couldnt bring myself to complain
  • it was a chicken ceaser salad
  • i dont like ceaser salad.
  • jennies house
  • pete and pete
  • exit bob snak and joel
  • zane wants to reinact the video of jen swinging the baby around, but add him as jen and jen as the baby
  • FART hahsdlkh
  • swings jen around, she hits the hanging flower pot with her head hahhfshdsfhah
  • we all pee our pants laughing
  • santa and kyle step on a dead mouse
  • big nipples online
  • scary animations
  • woopie spread eagle in milk
  • didnt have my camera for the first time in forever, and i wished i had.

wow. just hahahsdglkhfds.
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