Story of a life time .. One for the Grandchildren

May 06, 2005 02:30

Story Of A LifeTime

I decided that I was a little lonely and not enjoying my home so I decided to go for a walk.. It was a cold brisk May evening and the stars were shining bright.. I had just finished tucking Young Amanda into bed before I left..

I was so determined... I was going to walk to California to visit Jacque.. Plane tickets were just so expensive I had to take the easy + Cheap way out.. So I headed out on my journey a quarter after one... I was making great process... The streets were empty and silent.. It was beautiful..

I made it to Walker Rd by 1:30 am... (Yes I already said I was making GREAT progress)... Thats when I saw him.. A devilish little squart with nothing better to do but harass the locals... Yes he was a police officer.. He started approaching me quickly...

"Miss, what do you think your doing?"

"Ummm Nothing" I replied as I started to run.. This police officer was not going to ruin my trip.. I had travelled too far.. i was so Close.. I started running like my life depended on it...

"Miss, By Law I order you to stop" He yelled as his stubby legs couldnt keep up with my super awesome Cheetah Skills!!!

"Fuck you Man, I have made it too far to turn around now.. Im going to make it to California, USA"...

"I am an officer of the law, STOP!" I refused.. I was not going to give into his "Im a cop rountine.." Cop is just another word for Harassment... Here he is chasing after incident me while who knows what sort of crimes are taking place...

That is when he pulled it out.. It was long and slender and shine a reflection from the lights. It practically blinded me when I turned around ... It was his gun.. He was going to shoot me!! No of course not...

He did... He fired two shots.. Both of them hit me in the back.. Luckily my tough skin stopped them from hitting another major organs.. I fell briefly but seeing that I have the strength of a million steel horses I kept on... I was running.. and I was not going to stop... He fired a third shot but this time it hit me right in the back of the leg.. I fell.. I couldnt go on.. i was like a young deer injured by a ignorant hunter... I snarled at him.. I was not going to end like this..

He ran towards ... We started to fight.. It was a violent mess..

even with the gimpy leg i managed to get some good shots in

In The End he hand cuffed me and put me in the car.. He decided to drop all charges once he learned that I was so crazy that I wanted to walk to California... he drove me to my home and left me with some touching advice....

"You a fucking psycho lady.. Im sorry I dont even want you near the other prisoners who knows what you would do to them..."


(You have just read an original masterpiece created by Jacque and I at 2:30 am.. Thats All Folks)

Based on a true Story.....
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