"Nova Vita" - Chapter 6

Dec 09, 2011 20:58

Title: Nova Vita
Author: Shannon - shannyfish
Disclaimer: I do not own "Sanctuary" or its characters, Syfy and other people do. This is merely for entertainment purposes only.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Magnus, Druitt, and Tesla are captured.  A group (possibly the Cabal) capture them and attempt to find a way to reproduce a super abnormal from source blood parents.  Takes place after “Neutiquam Erro”.
Warning: Season 1-3 is fair for sure, if I have spoilers for 4, it’s by complete accident.
Author's Note: Reviews make me happy :D  And I’ll write faster too!  So, keep that in mind!  Special thanks to all those who have been reviewing!  You have NO idea how awesome that is!  It really does motivate me to keep writing!  <3

.   .    .

Chapter 6 - “Getting Comfortable…Sort Of…”

“I really would do with a nice calendar and a clock,” Tesla complained.

“I thought you knew how many days had passed,” Helen spoke up in confused.

Tesla shook his head.  “I know it’s at least three weeks,” he admitted.  “But I honestly couldn’t really keep track anymore.”

They’d been moved to a new room.  This one was much like the one that they’d taken her and John to.  There were three beds, tables, chairs, bedside tables, lamps, and a bathroom attached.  Smith’s men had even started to take requests including books and what music they played.  They’d even gone so far to take requests for their food orders.  The temperature was controlled, unless the original room they’d been in.  It was comfortable, that was for sure.  They did plan on keeping them there.

“I know, why don’t we have a discussion!” Tesla said, perking up a bit.  He got up from where he’d been perched on the bed he’d claimed.  He moved towards the middle of the room and faced them.

Helen sighed.  “Not again, Nikola…”

“How could you possibly choose Jack the Ripper over me?” Nikola started.  This had turned into pretty much a daily routine.  Sometimes it happened more than once.  “My DNA is far more superior…”  He looked to Helen.  “And just imagine how breathtaking and intelligent our children would have been.”

“Enough, Nikola,” she snapped after a moment.  “I’m tired and I honestly don’t have the patience for this today.”

He stopped and just stared at her for a moment before sulking off.

“If you’re going to be snippy, you could at least show signs of pregnancy,” Tesla complained.

“I thought you received books you requested that you could busy yourself with?” Druitt asked Tesla as he walked towards him.

Tesla sighed.  “You know my reenactment of that is the only thing I look forward to everyday.”

John touched her shoulder.  She knew what he wanted before he opened his mouth to say it.  She was sitting in a chair and had been attempting to read one of the books that had been brought in.  She hadn’t been able to get past the two pages that she’d started with.  “I’m fine,” she whispered.

“Take a nap!  We’re both tired of seeing you struggle to read the pages,” Tesla spoke up.

John sighed.  “You’ve been fighting it.  Just sleep for a little bit.  Nikola and I will be here the whole time.”

“I’m not worried about them dragging me away again,” she told him and when she looked up at him, she could see the worry in his face.  She was exhausted, but she just didn’t want to sleep.  Not here.  Helen wanted to go home to Old City so badly and sleep in her own bed.  “John,” she tried to argue, but she allowed him to take her book and set it aside and took his offered hand.  He pulled her to her feet and he walked her to the bed.

“You’ll feel better after you’ve slept for a little bit,” he told her quietly.

Helen sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.  She reached down and removed her shoes and socks before pulling back the bedding and crawling underneath it.  John moved it to cover her.  Maybe she was scared.  She liked to be in control and all of this…she was completely out of control here…  Smith controlled everything.  Smith had been coming every few days and throwing her and John back into the other room, sometimes at what they felt were odd times of day.  It was hard and sometimes it scared her so badly.  There was no knowing of how long Smith would remain somewhat patient.

.   .    .

Time passed on slowly, but they all knew that time was definitely passing by.  She felt like she’d crawled into bed and just decided not to move.  Helen hadn’t been feeling well, especially not lately.  She felt warm and couldn’t sleep well.

“She’s been like this for a week now,” Tesla said.

“I know,” Druitt spoke up.  “I’m worried about her.”

“I’m not sure worried is the correct term,” Tesla said.

The bed moved a bit, someone was crawling in beside her.  She turned to see that Nikola was there and then she felt the bed move again.  John was crawling in on the other side.  “I’m fine,” she lied.  She felt ill.  That was for sure.  All she wanted was to go home.  So much time had passed; she had begun to think that Smith was right.  Her teams wouldn’t be able to find her…them.

“Shh…” John whispered as he moved her shirt upward slightly.

She tried to stop him, but his hand cupped her stomach and slid downward slightly.  She didn’t understand.  Helen looked up at Nikola’s face.  He looked quite shocked and obviously speechless.

“We have to keep them from realizing she’s pregnant for as long as possible,” John told Nikola.  “They haven’t been monitoring her.  They obviously are looking for her to show.”

“Well, that’s starting now.”

“We didn’t notice,” John pointed out.

“It would be easier if she were naked,” Tesla pointed out.  “Plus, she’s been in bed…harder to keep track of her body shape.”

“John,” she whispered, tears coming to her eyes.  “I…”  She was pregnant.  Her hands moved to where John’s hands still rested and he moved her hands in the same way he’d moved his.  She could feel it, the tiny bump that was forming.

His lips touched her forehead in a kiss.  He wiped away her tears.  “Mustn’t be sad, Darling,” he whispered.   “We need to act normal…  We need to try to keep this from them.”

“My people aren’t coming, John,” she whispered.  Panic set in suddenly.  Her brain started to race as she tried to figure out exactly how far along she most likely was.  She’d had one child previously, Ashley, and she tried to remember her body’s changes from that pregnancy.  “I could be as far as two months along,” she whispered.

“Have we really been here that long?” Tesla asked, a little shocked.

“Longer even,” John pointed out.

Carefully, she was moved up into a sitting position by John, who held her.  She pressed her face against the fabric of his shirt.  Of all the people she could cry in front of and not be judged, these were two of those people.  His hand was on her back and she was trying to calm down, but her emotions were deciding differently.

“Hormones…should be interesting,” Tesla commented.  “That’s for sure.”

.   .    .

Helen was fast asleep when she felt herself being pulled from bed.  She reached out for John and held tight.  She could hear Nikola; he’d moved from the other side and was fighting the guards.  She didn’t want to go with them, not now…not yet.  It was the gun to John’s head that forced her to let go of him.  Tears ran down her face as she was dragged off of the bed and out of the room.  She didn’t think they’d ever sent in that many armed guards before.  Obviously, they were expecting them to put up a fight.

Down the hallway they went.  She was exhausted and upset.  They’d been hopeful that they wouldn’t catch on until she was really showing.  She figured that that could give her a few more weeks at the most.   Helen found herself being set up onto a hospital-like bed.

“You and your friends are quite clever, Doctor Magnus,” Smith said, appearing from the doorway.  “It does become a bit odd though when two men are willing to sleep in the same bed together, but you were there…you were the one they were protecting.”

She thought about making a comment, but remained quiet.  There were trays with needles and empty vials and far too much medical equipment for her liking.   She was strapped down and though she fought it, it was no use.   Helen held her breath as one of the ‘nurses’ in the room moved her shirt up a bit, squeezed gel out onto it, and then waved the ultrasound wand over her belly.  Her eyes moved to the screen and she saw it, she saw what she already knew was there.

A baby.

Her baby.

“There it is,” Smith said.

“From the size, she’s about eight weeks,” the nurse said.

“We need to be sure to administer prenatal care,” Smith reminded.

Another nurse came up to her side.  “I need to draw some blood,” she said quite calmly and started her task.

The only ones in the room with her were Smith and the two nurses.  The others had left once she’d been strapped down.  She’d tested the bonds, her wrists felt loose enough.  There was a chance that she could take the three of them down.  Helen’s mind races as she thought of what she needed to do.

The nurse finished drawing blood and left her side, she turned to see the other one had a syringe filled with something and was getting ready to inject it into the area where the baby was.  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Don’t fret, it’s something to help the little one,” Smith told her.  “We want to make sure this child is as healthy as possible, remember?”

“What is it?”

“I told you not to worry,” Smith said.

She needed to know what they were giving her.  It was too late though, whatever it was was injected and the nurse left too.  She couldn’t remember if there was a lab or another area attached to the room, but neither nurse returned after a moment.  It left her just with Smith.

He turned his back and she took that as her opportunity to pull from her wrist bonds, she swung out and smacked him backwards before reaching down and removing the ankle bonds.  She was up and out of the chair before he could make it back to her.  The room could be seen in full now.  There was another room towards the back.  Helen kept going after Smith and pushed him towards the back room with the nurses.  The last swing knocked him against the back wall of the smaller room.  She shut the door between the rooms and blocked it.

Now, the harder part was to get to Nikola and John and make it out of the facility.  There was also the small problem of their collars.  They most likely needed to be removed before they made their full escape attempt.

Only one guard was outside the door and she took him by surprise.  She headed back towards where she thought the room was when there was a loud blast and suddenly guards were filing out left and right.  She hid in the closest room she could find, a small closet.  She tried to make herself as small as possible and sunk into a corner.

The sound of people going past made her try to make herself even smaller.  Helen chastised herself for not pulling the gun off of the guard she’d taken out outside of the room they’d taken her to.  She didn’t feel the need for it at the time.  She didn’t think that there’d be so much activity in the hallway.


Immense pain kicked her suddenly in her abdomen.  She doubled over in pain and bit her bottom lip in order to keep from screaming out in pain.  Her eyes snapped shut and she tried to breathe past it.


She ignored the voices.  She was starting to believe that it was quite possible that with all the pain she was experiencing that she was delirious.  Helen couldn’t be a small form anymore and found herself lying on the floor on her side as she continued to keep the pain she was experiencing to herself only.  She couldn’t be found out.  No, she wouldn’t let them take her back.


The pain hit her hard again and she couldn’t keep it in any longer.  She let out a loud cry and then sobs followed after.  Tears fell from her eyes as she held herself.  God, let her not be found.  Let the pain pass so she could free Tesla and Druitt so that they could go home.  All she wanted right now was to go home.


The edges of her vision started to blacken and she closed her eyes again and tried to focus on happier thoughts.  Of going home and being in her own bed.  The darkness overtook her in no time and she was actually grateful.

.   .    .


sanctuary, nova_vita

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