Mar 29, 2004 14:17
My life is so fucking confusing. Does anybody else have this problem, please say I!
It's like every other day people change, or people confuse you or they change their minds, how the fuck are we supposed to keep up? HMM? Its psychotic really. I know we all do it without conscience, I do. But c'mon you have to admit that some people do it farrrr more than others. Suck it Trebek.
I dont know what to write about, I was just bored. lets are some highlights of this week..I like to list..
1) I get to see Allison next week! wooh! Hopefully she'll get to meet jeff, and then she'll be the first to meet him (as it should be) ohh yeaaahh :o)
2) I need a new job like woah.
3) I'm going upstate (hopefully) with jeff on friday. Truth be told.
4) Going to work with jeff was an experience..I got to see how stressful owning my own business really is..-aka-my life will never be NOT stressful
5) I've come to the conclusion that I hate people who are obsessed with their looks. The people who are completely pre-occupied with making themselves LOOK good, instead of working on the inner. It pisses me off. Me and eddie came to the same res. bc we know this girl (who no offense doesnt have a pretty face, but thats okay) is completely obsessed with making her body "perfect" . And Ed was like (in a mean way.that bitch) why the fuck does it matter? she's ugly no matter what she does. But really she's not. She's so pretty because shes so nice and so sweet and shes smart as hell. So why the fuck does she have to take away from that? And I just know she'll never be satisfied, cuz ppl like that never do get satisfied. Its like a vicious cycle. I mean, look at allison. Now thatsa girl who is GEORGIOUS. . . but is that all she has? no. Shes the best person in the whole world bc shes smart, funny,kind,caring sweet and compassionate. -shes the one person who i know is the exception. she doesnt have to me THATS true beauty.
Yeah, I'm not saying get fat and dont shower and dont brush ur hair and dont wash ur clothes, I'm saying stop getting wrapped up in all of it. get over it. life goes on.
and to that friend of me and edwardius..we love you, and ur perfect just the way you are.
dont change for anyone