I would just like to announce that my loverly shannon kern is now 19 years of age! My little skank bag is growing up so fast. oh how i love her let me count the ways:
-i love-
dancing in parking lots
dancing for old men in parking lots
getting drunk in parking lots
just shannon in a parking lots <33
cheese doodles with straws
charlies angels
trips to the city
going to get slurpees after dance
being hated by everyone
death and rigormortus in class
Welcome back to HELL
being obnoxious <33
and most of all i love
Happy Birthday you whore bag, sorry i missed it <33
HOW CUTE IS SHE??? very I must say!! I love ya christa! u losa' you!
"lets go get drunk and dance in the parking lots and eat cheese doodles with a straw"
thats why being apart of the AMDC hoe crew is so cool. I love my friends!
its people like her who made my birthday oh so special! My birthday was actually really really really good this year! I was sick, yes, but still it didnt stop it from being great! :o)
good things about my birthday this year:
my mom and dad got me a bike! hehe (allison dont make fun of me!)
rachel sussman, thankyou
allison..u rock my world
jon mantell is the coolest guy ever, and i love him so so much yay!
Auto response from RageKnot923: Sorry SHANNY, your Birthday is over...hope your feeling better!
ang IMed me and wished me a happy bday, i miss that chickie, she rocks my hoe socks
steve and jill cutting accounting and music with me so we could celebrate, i love those kids
jill kushner buying me a bday crown and balloons, and a gift for my bday! i love it!! shes so adorable
kyle and him buying me a new bag and flip flops! woooooord son
a walk to remember..becky kix
christa chapman is just too cool for school, literally
cole taking me to gasho's..mucho fun with sleepovers and baking cookies and watching movies, and falling asleep!
allison making fun of me cuz i wanted a bike..lol
jeff..roses.dmb.candles.balloons.urcard AHEM.chocolates.wine. and YOU. it was good times
jeff singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me on the phone..me hanging up on him..classic
brittany mcKnight IMing me, i miss my lil sister! good stuff
andrea davenport's comment..i love that chickie
gasho dinner with the fam.
i got cookies instead of a cake! SCORE
jon being an understanding friend :o)
i love rae sussman, did i mention that?
Always L&D
my gma and AL
sucking sick, and all its benefits..(lmao jill and chad!)
good times in the LBC