People ask, "Why do you have a reborn baby?" Or in my case, babies. But before they even ask the question, they have a preconceived idea about these dolls and the people who have them. Without knowing the true term for these beautiful babies or without ever holding one.
I reply, "Because the world is cold, heartless, and dark. It's in a baby's eyes that innocence can always shine through. It's the truth that despite the bad you face, there will always be a good. These babies will never get bigger, never say first words, never tell me they love me, never learn to walk or talk, never get married, never go to school, never graduate college, never travel the world.
It just means they will never get bullied, will never get their heart broken, will never witness another human beating another one, will never learn what a curse is, never witness the unkind and disregarding way that people treat one another. They'll never have to know poverty.
They comfort me in my times of need. Yes I may have my own kids and I wouldn't trade them for the world. But the days of being able to snuggle them in my lap or fall asleep with them lying on my chest are long gone. So please don't judge me for something that doesn't hurt my kids, myself, or anyone else. My babies all look different (except the twins). And they all have their own little personalities. Anyway, my OCD insists that everyone gets equal time and attention. So, I have started sleeping with them. Each baby sleeps with me for three nights, then they get dressed in day time clothes and put into the pack and play. Laugh all you want at the 44 year old woman who sleeps with dolls, but since I have started sleeping with them, I have seen a huge drop in my nightmares and night terrors. That has been huge.
These babies are so comforting and have made such a big difference for me. Just sitting and holding one eases my anxiety. It doesn't take it all away, but it does make a difference. They look so real and they are the weight of real babies.
I can't explain it. I guess it's something you have to experience yourself. All I can say is that discovering the world of reborns has been really wonderful for me.
Before you judge someone who has a hobby or interest you don't understand just remember, "He who judges has no safe place to exist. He who gets judged builds their safe place around them."