Mar 31, 2004 22:51
Man am i bored. Ive been havin alot of dreams lately that have been argy and violent, like me getting in physical fights and shit. Actually almost everynight. So i looked it up today, turns out i have alot of pent up agression. Huh, figure that, pfft whatever. i think its cuz im not playing any phyisical sports and burning off steam and im just bored out of my mind. oh well, i need to find something to do. I wish I had a punching bag sometimes, or could go to some batting cages or something and smack the crap out the ball. Now thats somethin i havent dont in a while. Rugby, or foot ball would be kick ass too. Maby ill try out for a womens football team next year when the season rolls around, i think id be good at it. If anyone has any suggestions for blowing off some steam that doesnt include blowin someone away, thatd be great. im desprate. cant wait for thursday and friday and saturday. thats if i get my check, which i havent yet. mother fuckers. ok, enough of this, im gona go chill with my best and watch a movie or some shit.