Jun 23, 2009 17:43

I have a crush! Not only is he unmarried and unattached to some girl back in New York, but he has been described as both a "cool dude" and a "womanizer."


Not to mention, he apparently breaks out the guitar to improve his "game." (My assumption based on previous reported events, not actually proven.) It's so fantastically lame, I want to jump for joy because, really, how perfect of a candidate is he for a little summer sizzle? When it comes to summer, it seems like the best candidate is one with a lack of commitment. Unfortunately, I think that would invite a little too much openness (i.e. making out with a wide variety of people rather than just a focus on one particular pair of lips), but it's a summer art's camp. Kind of like our School Sweet School in the Summertime: you have to take what you can get.

Anyway, the worst/great thing about the whole situation is that he's an Intermediate Boys' Counselor. As I am in High School Girls, the chances of me seeing him are like, nil. I first saw him during our training week- I was intrigued by his Prince William-esque flush to his cheeks and his adorableness. Not to mention the little diabetes pump hanging on his belt. Thus... "Cute Diabetes Boy" he has been dubbed.

I actually met him during an Open Ropes Course period the last day of Pre-Camp. It was very exciting. I got to show off my confidence and shapely muscles while climbing on rock walls and walking across ropes suspended fifty-feet in the air.

However, being the Rec Director, I find myself on the Boys' side of camp most days of the week and, wonder of wonders!, the Intermediate Boys often have Rec when we have Open Rec. Thus, my bemoaning about "Cute Diabetes Boy" while walking around, so "sad" because he didn't appear to be on the field. That would be due to the fact he was in the soccer goal behind me.

LML. Love my life.

Even if he did actually hear my quiet as a church mouse (because, you know, I'm always so quiet and calm) sighs over his adorableness, he ended up giving me a hug before rushing off to entertain his "too cool for school" rising ninth graders.

I need Flirting Lessons. I'm a bit dubious about employing my friend's suggestion of pizza and beer: "Invite him to pizza and beer! Any girl who did that would have my heart!"
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