Looking for something to do???

Aug 04, 2006 23:45

OK, so - I just got back from seeing the Bare Bones Theater Group production of "The Last Five Years." It was fantastic. So, if you are into theater, and into musicals and want to see one that is not just entertaining and well done, but makes you think, I highly recommend it.

The play/musical runs Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 2:30pm then next Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8pm. Go here for more information, including ticket prices. http://www.barebones.org/index.cfm?template=whatthefestival.cfm

Oh, btw, Stan and Raegan are the stage crew. But that is beside the point. It is a fabulous musical, a revival of the 2004 CPCC production and I just loved it. Worth every penny!!!

Remember -- support your local theaters. Bare Bones is NOT a part of the Arts Council, they recieve no funding from them and therefore don't have to be conservative in what they produce. They are *the* avant-garde theater troupe in Charlotte. Check'em out!!
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