Sep 01, 2006 18:54
I have named my room THE HOT SPOT yeah you read that right. I am just that cool like seriously people I am sure you are al thinking shannon cool? no way but it is true. People are in my room practically 24/7. So every friday and saturday night we are open for business so let me tell you what it says on my dry erase board right now. "Tonight (Friday) and Tomorrow (Saturday) the HOT SPOT will be open for business feel free to stop by with snacks, dvds, cds, or just conversation and yourself we eagerly await your appearances" See I did it to be funny but the thing is I have people coming up to me asking what time they can stop by and what snacks I like and everything its awesome. Well that is my only update for now oh and guess what else dudettes I have like handed in everything on time and the thing is not even done late at night. I have been doing everything right after its assigned like right after cool huh?
ttyl -Shannon