Dec 08, 2004 12:08
I didn't know what to put in the subject line cause I'm not really writing about anything.
Things are good. For a change. I'm tired and kind of stressed out but it's not bad stressed out.
Work is ok. A little busy sometimes but mostly slow and boring.
I'm leaving early today to hopefully go and register for my classes. ::Sigh:: Back to school.
I think I am done with my Christmas shopping. I might pick up one more thing for Sari.
I worked a lot at the lanes this week which is good. I can use that money for london. I'm pre-bowling tonight for tomorrow so that I can work tomorrow night. Hopefully it's good money. And I'm going to tell my team I need to take about 6 weeks off. My knee (and some other things) just need some time to heal. I'm tired of going home with my knee all swollen and being pissed off because I bowled bad. I need this break or I'm going to start to hate bowling.
Other than that, things are quiet.
joey, I just wanted to say thanks for listening, understanding, and helping me to make good decisions. I'm not 100% sure about what I'm going to do yet but you've been a big help in getting me to go in the right direction...
You're the best...
Thats all
Til later...