Jul 28, 2006 11:00
So, I haven't talked to anybody in a while, but I've been thinking about everyone! In fact I've been thinking about you so much, I've decided to give you alll a message, except that you won't know it's for you! Lindsey did this thing a little while ago where she wrote out 25 things she'd like to say to people, but not who the person was, and althogh at the time I was like, whatever, another boring quiz thingy that nobody reads unless they're really bored and have no life, I'm kind of bored and I decided that it doesn't matter if anyone reads it, because there are some things I just need to say, so here I go! (That was a very long sentence! My grammer and punctuation skills have been destroyed by lack of school! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!)
1. You are annoying and obnoxious and whiny and selfish and even though you think I love you anyway, most of the time I really don't! So there.
2. I love the two of you more than anyone else in the entire world! You guys are just the perfect siblings I could possily imagine (whoops! So much for not saying who I'm talking about!!!)
3. You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, and I really look up to you for your strength, intelligence and all around class.
4. You've been a sort of rock for me for the past year. a very unsteady rock, as you've casued a lot of problems for me as well, but a rock nonetheless. I can really say that I love you, and mean it with my entire heart, but then people will ask me to define which "Type" of love it is, and I can't do that. The "type" of love I feel for you is really irrevelant. I just care about you so much that it doesn't matter. Thankyou for always being there (most of the time).
5. You remind me of eal grey tea, and sunday afternoons, and cats.
6. You are my super-cool, beautiful, girly,shop-a-holic Body Shop friend! (That was a very big hint). I miss you.
7. My other super-cool Body Shop friend! You are fun and always there for me no matter what I need and the best director ever and overall just so Madison Rose-y! I love you!
8.You are the classiest person I have ever met. You are my version of a man out of a Jane Austen novel. Even though, in the en of the book, we don't end up together, no reader can help but love and adore you, and you are my hero.
9. You are the wind beneath my wings.
10. I made a huge mistake last winter, and I'm sorry for the pain it caused you. It seemed like the right idea at the time, but I've been regreting it ever since. I have no idea why I thought that a spoiled apple would make of for a sweet, juicy orange, because it really didn't. I know this is too late, and maybe I'll actually get up the courage to tell you this someday, but I love you.
So, I didn't make it to 25, but these were to most important messages. Most of these people are on Live Journal, but not all, and there are a lot of people form me friends page who are missing, but these were things i really had to say. Thankyou for reading, if you did.