Mar 15, 2011 21:12
Get married
Buy a house
Get Pregnant
Have baby #1
Have baby #2
Have baby #3
Have baby #4
Graduate college
Graduate high school
Meet significant other
Meet who you hoped was your significant other but wasn't
Move out of parent's house for good
Start college
Become gainfully employed
Buy a car
Get drunk for the first time
Get a cell phone
Get divorced
Putting these in the order/first time they happened in: (not all apply)
Graduated High School-1998, BFUHS in Bellows Falls Vt.
Got drunk for the first time: 1998 in Bavaria, Germany with Bernd and his friends. I was 18.
Graduated College-2004, from Russell Sage in Troy NY, got a B.A. in English
Become gainfully employed-1999-Boston Market, Keene NH was my very first job. The job that has led to my career happened in 2009-JCC/ASH afterschool in Albany NY
Got a cell phone: Probably 2000, my Mom got my brother and I cell phones that year for Christmas.
Buy a car-N/A
Move out of parent's house for good: that hasn't actually happened yet, because I keep coming back like a damn boomarang. I'm hoping that 2011 will be that year when I move to the city to live with Peter.
Meet who you hoped was your signifigant other but wasn't: Well this has happened several times actually, as I've been engaged 3 times. 2000-Paul, 2005-Andy, 2006-Tom...well Tom and I actually did at least get married, so he doesn't really count in this one.
Meet your signifigant other: Peter and I met in 2010 :)
Get married: Got married in May of 2008. It was a beautiful wedding, and I'll never regret it, even though the marriage didn't work out.
Get divorced: Got separated legally in 2010, will get divorced in 2011 in April.
Buy a house: Tom and I got a house in 2007, but my name was never on the lease so it's still his, lol.
Get/Got pregnant: Haven't ever been so far, but I hope to within a short amount of time after getting married again, should I be lucky enough to do so. If that doesn't happen (though I'm optimistic it will), then once I get my M.A. I'm going to look into either adoption or In-Vitro or Surrogate or something. I'm DETERMINED to have children, somehow.
Have Baby #1, etc See above. I want 3 in all :)