Do this Meme if...

Nov 20, 2010 22:11're as lazy as me

1.) If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?
Somewhere with beautiful mountains and valleys, not too far from where my family is. I'm thinking either Dutchess or Westchester County, Vermont, Rhode Island, or Massachusetts.
If we're talking fantasy apartments, I'd totally get a brownstown in Brooklyn Heights or Park Slope :-P

2.) What is your favorite item of clothing? Why?
Either my purple v-neck sweater that I love to death even though it's getting old and frayed because it's so comfortable, not too warm, but not thin either, and is flattering, or my purple camisole (also v-neck) because it goes with so many other items of clothing that I can reuse it several times in a week.

3.) What’s the last CD you bought (Actual CD no iTUNES!!)?
Probably a n3rdy purchase: Gwydion CD (pagan folk music)

4.) Where are your favorite places to be?
Home, NYC-specifically The Village, The Natural History Museum, and Central Park, Rhode Island, Long Beach Island (LBI), Scotland, York, England, Saxton's River, Vt, and Straushausen in Bavaria, Germany :)

5.) And least favorite place?
In a cubicle of any kind, on the CDTA bus, Mississippi, Delaware, taking a test.

6.) What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
The microwave, because I fail at domesticity.

7.) What makes you really angry?
Meanness, cruelty, apathy, hate.

8.) If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
Saxophone, I LOVE the sound of a saxophone. Guitar too.

9.) Which do you prefer SUV or a sports car?
Neither :-P

10.) Do you believe in afterlife?
Most of the time, though there are days when I have my doubts. Either way I'll be dead so does it really matter? And if it doesn't really matter in the end since I have absolutely  no control over it, isn't it nicer to believe in an afterlife and not fear death? :-P Works for me anyway.

11.) Favorite children’s book?
The Farthest Away Mountain by Lynn Reid Banks. Still read it every couple of years, I loved it so much. I actually loved ALL of Lynne Reid Banks' books (she also wrote "The Indian In The Cupboard" series).

Other fave children's books: Julie Of The Wolves, The Island Of The Blue Dolphins, Bridge To Terebithia, Anastashia Krupnik, The Secret Garden, Where The Wild Things Are, The Velveteen Rabbit, Charlotte's Web (actually everything by E.B. White I've read: The Trumpet Of The Swan, Stuart Little, etc), Tuck Everlasting, The Hobbit, and My Side Of Mountain to name just a few :)

12.) What’s your least favorite household chore?
Vacuuming the stairs and doing the cat litter.

13.) If you could have one superpower what would it be?
To fly.

14.) Can you juggle?
Not to save my life, lol.

15.) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to now?
There are several: Travis Clark, Rachael Campbell, Maggie McClellan are former friends I still care about.
People who have passed away that I wish I could still talk to: Gammy, Grandmother Alice, Big Al, Mrs. Felch.

16.) What’s your favorite day? Why?
Friday: last day of the working week, it's Shabbat, and sometimes payday :)

17.) What’s in the trunk of your car?
Don't have a car :-P

18.) Which do you prefer? Sushi or hamburger?
Boca Burgers (I'm a veg)

19.) Have you ever been fired?
I've been let go, once, which is not the same thing as being fired.

20.) What is something you regret?
Lots of things, but dwelling on them doesn't change that they happened.

21.) How often do you go over the speed limit?
Rarely, I drive like a little old lady :-P

22.) Were you considered popular in high school? Why or why not?
Not even remotely. For the first half of high school I was the least popular, and then towards the end I was highly respected, but still not considered cool or party-invite worthy. That hasn't changed a whole lot in some ways, lol.

23.) When, if ever, do you think it is okay to tell a lie?
I don't think it's really ever OK to lie, it's never morally acceptable. But I think there are situations where it does less long-term damage then the truth was. Sometimes comforting someone and easing their anxiety requires a more flexible truth then exists.

24.) How old are you in your dreams?
Sometimes I'm a kid, sometimes I'm in my 30's or 40's. It varies. I sometimes worry I'll die in my 40's because I never seem to see myself any older than that when I dream. But perhaps that's just subconscience internalizing of that fear?

25.) Do you dance like crazy, when no one is looking?
Absofuckinglurely. Also sing with reckless abandon! :)

26.) Do you like to sing in the shower? What do sing in the shower, if you do sing?
I do, I love to sing. I'm a potatobagel (Irish Jew), I'm destined to love singing :-P I sing either black spirituals, folk songs, songs I've learned in temple, or some rock songs I still know all the words to :-P

27.) What do you do when (you think) no one is looking?
Sing. Write. Not much else that's different from what I do when people are :-P

28.) If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books and movies would you take along?
Books (if it’s bound in one cover, it’s one book)
The Poisonwood Bible, The Farthest-Away Mountain, The Torah, The Bhagahvagita, and it's a toss-up between The Five Books Of Miriam, or The LOTR series.
Movies: (if it’s sold in one box, I’m calling it one movie)--Ok how would I watch a DVD on a desert island??! Ok ignoring this illogical thought...
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, High Fidelity, There's Something About Mary, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, The Royal Tennenbaums

29.) When you were younger, did you ever drink too much and get sick?
I drank too much, yes, but rarely got sick from it.

30.) Did you ever run away from home? Why/ why not?
I thought about it a few times, but the one time I actually tried to, I hid at the local playround for a few hours and then gave up and came home. No one had noticed I was gone, or at least, pretended that they didn't :-P

31.) What did you get in trouble for, when you were a kid?
Being defensive and argumentitive, fighting with my little brother, not cleaning my room.

32.) Did you ever have a teacher who picked on you?
A couple. My high school drama teacher seemed to have issues with me that I think had nothing to do with me. He tried to apologize for targeting me, but still kept doing it. I had a terrible 2nd grade teacher that wouldn't let me go to the restroom when I had to, made all the kids cry, etc. Mostly though, my teachers all through middle and high school were awesome.

33.) What really gives you the creeps?
Spiders and pedophiles.

34.) What were the three happiest moments in your life so far?
Graduating from college, my wedding day, and my 31st birthday weekend.

35.) Did you have a nickname in middle school or high school?
of course, it's me! I have a billion nicknames., HIgh school:
Sexy Spice, S.K.L., Bean/Beaner, Lambchops/Lamborghini (last name was Lamb at the time), Crazy Lady

36.) What is a wish that is not yet fulfilled?
To have children.

37.) What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
Teddy Ruxpin, Rainbow Brite doll, a stuffed Siamese toy cat, and of course oodles of books:-P
Oh and a home-sewn teddy bear from my then-Aunt Frances that my brother destroyed, lol.

38.) If you have to choose a movie title for your life story, what would that be?
Either Amazing Adventures With RuckLips, or A Two-Crow Life. Either way, it'd mostly be a comedy :-P

39.) If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?
I'd have watched my weight better, I'd take the BS kids gave me less seriously, I'd stop mooning so much over  boys I loved (ok I probably still wouldn't stop that, but I'd stop getting so hung up on it), I'd have gotten a sense of humor sooner, I'd wear skirts more often, and I'd have prepared more for college then I did. I'd not F-up my Senior Year (my 'rents got divorced then so I was in a real funk).

40.) Who did you have a crush on during high school? Did you express your feelings for that person?
I had several. Gabe, who ended up being the top brain in our class and went to Columbia U and dated a couple of my friends.He was pretty nice about turning me down. Shalom Zeigfinger who was WONDERFUL about turning me down, total sweetheart he was, and who moved to Alaska after high school.
Morgan who, a few years after high school ended up with, and is still with my friend Emily (and they make a very well-matched pair!).
Bernd, the German foreign exchange student who other then Shalom (see the Jewish boys thing started early with me! :) was my most heartbreaking crush. Was devastatingly in love with him, and he wasn't into me that way. But we forged a fantastic friendship out of that fire, and he's still one of my very best friends :) And he and Khanh make an amazing pair. I love Khanh dearly, and consider her a dear friend as well. If/when they FINALLY get hitched someday, I will no question fly to see it happen :)
ALL of the boys I liked by the way, turned me down. ALL of 'em. NO ONE would date me in high school either because I was too weird, too unattractive, or too potentially gay. Or all 3. I wasn't gay, but I was weird, and while I was cuter then I give myself credit for, but I certainly had no idea how to dress myself or do makeup, lol.

41.) If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
Well I would never marry one because I'm not a cartoon character myself (though I've been told I'm quite animated...bah DUM! ;-P).
But if I was? Hrm...Dilton Doiley, the nerdy guy in the Archie Comics. He had glasses and dated a plus-size girl :) *grins*
Others? David The Gnome (I'm already short!), and if being human isn't the only choice: Peppe Le Pew :-P (can't smell ;) Oooh and if animated movies count: Schmendrick the Magician!

42.) When you are alone what do you most enjoy doing?
Reading, surfing the web, and listening to music.

43.) Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life?
My Mom & then-stepdad's divorce. It pretty much affected everything choice I made from the age of 16 to the age of 21, which in turn impacted a lot of other things. I'm not saying that in a bad way, there was a lot of good that came from all of that, but at the time I was too young and confused to understand that aspect of things.

44.) If you are not doing anything what are you most likely to think about?
Sex. Fo'shizzle.

45.) Who was your first prom date?
My first Prom, which was Junior I went with a group of friends. My Senior Prom, Bernd was my date!

46.) If you were an alcoholic drink what would it be and why?
Hard liquor: A Pina Coloda - sweet and smooth or a Rum & Coke--feisty, strong, and has a kick
Beer: A Magic Hat #9---sweet and peppy or a Brown's Brew Pub Oatmeal Stout-solid and smooth

47.) If you could be a car which one would it be and why?
A VW Beetle: little, colorful, and fun.

48.) Who is the first person that you think about when you get up in the morning?
My cats (they're furry people ;)

49.) When did you first travel by airplane and where?
I was 7(ish), and my family went to Florida.

50.) Who was your first best friend? Are you still in touch with that person? If you parted ways why do you think that happened?
Justin Applegate. I met him at my biodad's apartment complex, and we stayed in touch for years. All the way into 7th or 8th grade (we met when I was 6 or 7). Then I stopped hearing from him, and that was the end of that. But he was very cool. I think we parted ways because his family moved and he started falling in with a bad crowd.

51.) When was your first sleep over and where?
I slept over at Diona Mulligan's house. She was the girl next door to me when I was living in Jersey (I was about 7 or 8). She was actually horrible to me, but kids deal more with immediacy then logic, and she was the closest kid near me at the time. She passed away when I was 13 in a terrible car accident :(

52.) What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
Feed the cats.

53.) If you could spend a night with a celebrity who would it be? Why?
STEPHEN T. COLBERT!!! Sorry Peter, he's your only competition ;) Why? Because he's the sexiest n3rd alive. He has lit my geek-loving fire since he was a correspondant on The Daily Show. I just find him utterly full of sexy adorkableness. I have had a fetish for guys in glasses since I was a little girl, and Stephen just epitomizes that completley for me :)

54.) What does love mean to you?
Depends on what kind of love you're talking about. If it's platonic love, like the way I love my E-Group and other awesome friends, I see it as the most fierce loyalty. I love them even when they drive me nuts or I drive them nuts. I'll always stick up for them and be there when they need me. That's that kind of love. Family love, like my 'rents, my brother, SIL, and nephews, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc: it's an unconditional love. I would defend them to the death, I would be them whenever they needed me, whereever. I would open my door to them no matter what they needed. Even if I don't agree with them on stuff, they'll always be there.
With romantic love, it starts as a fire, and builds as a constantly burning ember. It can go out if you allow it to, but if you keep working at it, you keep that hearth warm. True romantic love takes a lot of work to maintain, to keep burning, to keep lighting one up from the inside. But if you don't let the light go out, you've got that burn for life. If you let it go out, there will always be changes to rekindle the flame, or start a new fire and see if you can stoke it a bit better than you did the last time.
 And my love for G-d is hard to even explain. It's so internal and complex and powerful. It's ahavah rabbah: Infinite love, like G-d has for me and everything else G-d has created (I don't think G-d has a gender or even neccessarily a solid form so...)

55.) If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I'd be one of my mom's housecats because they live the life of Reilly :-P

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