Jul 16, 2004 22:28
SuperSkyetheHero: you're such a warthog
shanny1191: warthog
shanny1191: now thats new
shanny1191: i've been insulted many a time and never been called a warthog
SuperSkyetheHero: i'm surprised
shanny1191: hahahaha
SuperSkyetheHero: as it so aptly describes you
shanny1191: fuck off bitch
SuperSkyetheHero: vulgarity is a sign of poor education
SuperSkyetheHero: do you really wish to insult ryan lindbuchler in this manner?
shanny1191: im a slut
shanny1191: i mean i really am
SuperSkyetheHero: hahahahaha
SuperSkyetheHero: oh but surely i am the bigger slut
SuperSkyetheHero: for none are the bigger of sluts than i
shanny1191: i thought you wrote flaming at first
shanny1191: and i was about to agree
SuperSkyetheHero: i hate your lying guts you slutbag barf enducing piece of garbage
shanny1191: wow
shanny1191: did you get a piece of veal in your salad today or something?
shanny1191: ah veal, the most torchured of all meats
SuperSkyetheHero: thats an interesting interpretation of the word tortured
shanny1191: hahahah
shanny1191: thanks
SuperSkyetheHero: a very good effort though
shanny1191: welllllll
shanny1191: we cant all be spelling whizzes like you skye
shanny1191: just remember, you're special.
SuperSkyetheHero: goddamn right
SuperSkyetheHero: and you stink like a ponys penis
shanny1191: now thats worth quoting
shanny1191: you are very vulgar tonight
SuperSkyetheHero: hahahaha
SuperSkyetheHero: slut your mother
SuperSkyetheHero: uhhhhhhhhhh
i apologize for continually putting these conversations in, i can't help it. just like i cant help spooning, mmmmm