(cross-posted to
Hi, everyone!
On the weekend of March 5-6, I'm participating in a bowling fundraiser benefiting Hillsborough County Special Olympics, and I need your help. I'll be bowling three games that afternoon, and you can support me one of two ways. You can pledge either a certain amount per pin (so if you pledge 3 cents per pin and I bowl 500 for a three-game total, your contribution will be $15.00) or give a flat donation. If you've ever seen me bowl, I'd recommend going the flat amount route. You could be on the hook for more than you bargained for!
HOWEVER, I'm also sweetening the pot a bit. If the total amount I raise hits the $500 mark or more (per-pin pledge amounts will be estimated for a 500 series), I'll bowl the event as SK-1
IF you haven't seen
HIS VIDEO already, SK also bowls - not quite as well as I do, but still above average. He's appeared at fundraising events for Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the American Cancer Society, and I'd like to break him out again for this one. But only if you provide the proper incentive.
And yes, I'll bring back proof of his appearance.
Let's show everyone the kind of good we can do. I'm hoping to get at least 100 people to pledge 1 cent per pin or give a $5 flat amount. You're welcome to pledge or give more if you feel so inclined. I'm accepting donation via PayPal to the e-mail address: TheBowlingTiger@gmail.com, or if you wish to go the per-pin way, drop me a note and I'll let you know what info I need. Whichever method you choose, March 15 is the deadline for donations to be turned in.
Thanks to all of you in advance. Help me get the tiger out of his cage!