What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Woo I did a survey that I stole from
kitapita. And I also did a few little online survey's... Here ya go:
Yeahh buddy!!
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by
You should be dating a Sagittarius.
22 November - 21 December
Your mate is frank and open, optimistic and honest.
Though the Archer can display bouts of
argumentative, impatient and critical
behaviour, he or she is extremely adventurous
in bed.
What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To? brought to you by
Quizilla Haha:
Your Heart is Pink
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by
Quizilla From
kitapita 1. How often do you brush your teeth?
Two - Three times a day
2. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals?
3. Do you find yourself attractive?
Not all the time.
4. Have you ever been jealous of someone else that is attractive?
Yeah lmfao.
5. Have you ever gotten into a fight?
Yes… a handful.
6. Do your dreams come in color or black and white?
Color… from what I remember.
7. When was your first kiss?
I can’t remember my little schoolyard kisses… but I was 17 when I actually made out with someone…
8. Did you ever predict the future?
Yes lol. I’m “Ms. Cleo”
9. Can you play any instruments?
I don’t know anymore… I haven’t picked one up in a while.
10. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No… and I think that’s disgusting.
11. When you say "the" does your tongue stick past your front teeth? (kind of looks seductive?)
Yes it does… and I don’t think that’s seductive…
12. Do you know what that means?
13. What's the worst haircut you've ever had?
When I chopped my hair off when I was 4 or 5… I had like my hair cut up to my ears… I was devastated.
14. How many of your friends will fill this quiz out after you?
I don’t know…
15. Did you steal this quiz from a random place or a friend?
From Kita!
16. Do you like sunrises or sunsets?
17. Cats or dogs?
Dogs but cats are cool.
18. Wolves or lions?
Lions… they’re SO cute!
19. Who do you have a crush on?
A couple people… but I won’t admit who, incase they accidentally stumble upon this journal lol.
20. Does your father have a mustache/beard?
He has a mustache… but no beard.
21. Does your mother have a mustache/beard?
22. If you have kids, what do you name them? Boy and girl names please.
Boys: Marshall Bryan, Alexander James, Anthony Adam
Girls: Kaylee Mariah, Jordan Arianna, Justice Savannah
23. What movie star do you absolutely HATE?
I don't think I hate any movie stars… but I don’t like some of their acting abilities
24. Do you like marinated foods like pickles and mushrooms?
I love pickles… and I love homemade hot peppers… and some other things. I’m not a mushroom kind of person… but I’ll occasionally eat them, not out of a jar lol.
25. Would you ever eat human flesh?
Hell no. I rather jump off a cliff :D.
26. What would you do if you found out the thing you just ate WAS human flesh?
Shove my finger down my throw and vomit up everything I’ve ever eatten.
27. Do you smoke or drink?
Smoke… occasionally. Drink… nope.
28. Do any of your friends smoke or drink?
Yep. Some friends smoke… most friends drink, except a couple.
29. Have you ever woken up from a dream crying?
30. Have you ever gone on an explosive rage where you just WRECKED something in the house, be it couch or the dog or the wall, to get your frustrations out?
31. Have you ever self-injured?
32. If so, why? Are you better now?
I am unable to answer that question at this time.
33. Have you ever had an eating disorder?
34. If so, why? Are you better now?
35. Did you ever see anyone give birth?
Not in person, but I did have to watch some lady give birth at the museum of science… it was a movie and Jesus! I am NEVER having children.
36. If so, why? Are you better now?
What the fawk?
37. What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?
Sense of humor, I normally fall for the tall bony skinny stick bone ones lol, nice eyes, great personality, etc.
38. Do you wish you were a member of the opposite sex?
Sometime lol.
39. Would you ever have a sex change?
Dude! No lmfao.
40. What if someone paid you 10 million dollars to get a sex change?
41. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
I don’t know… we’d have to negotiate lol.
42. What is the perfect romantic date for you?
Taking me out for a nice perfect, romantic date on the beach, or whisking me off my feet to a tropical island.
43. Do you want to get married?
44. How many children is perfect? What do you think is too many children?
Twins… or one boy one girl. Over 5 lol that’s scary.
44. Have you ever thought you were pregnant/got someone else pregnant?
No lmfao.
45. Are you dating someone?
Not at the moment.
46. Do you shave/wax any part of your body?
Yes, I do.
47. How often do you think about sex?
Haha… I don’t even THINK you’d want to know because it’s quite shocking…
48. Do you think anyone thinks about sex with YOU?
Uh… lmfao.
49. Do you fantasize?
Haha… I dunnoooooooo *Cough*.
50. You find an old man and your favorite, closest pet, your dog, drowning in a pond. Would you choose to save an old man or your dog?
Dude… my dog LOL. Then I’ll get the old man… because he’d probably already he half um-dead.
51. How many dollars would you pay for a piece of memorabilia of your favorite musician/group?
I don’t know… it all depends on what it is lol.
52. What is the perfect Christmas gift?
A nice new computer, a new car, some nice 4 karat diamond earrings :D
53. Do you blush when you see someone you like?
Sometime… depending on how stupid I just made myself look…
54. Do you straighten/curl your hair?
Nope, my hair is so straight you can’t get a curl to stay in it.
55. Did you ever get a bad stab or puncture on your body?
Nope. Not that I can think of.
56. Have you ever gotten a compliment that stayed with you for a long time?
57. How often do you crack your knuckles/bite your nails?
I bite my nails almost everyday… it’s such a bad habit. I crack my knuckles only when my fingers are hurting.
58. Do you have any strange eating habits?
I’m a picky eater… but I am known for making salads and putting pickles, hot peppers, poppy seed dressing, and a whole bunch of other weird stuff in it.
59. Do you like animals?
Yes, I LOVE animals.
60. Do you like bananas?
No… they make me gag.
61. Do you like doing naughty things with bananas?
62. Are you allergic to anything humorous?
LOL, Uh…
63. Who sent you this quiz?
I got it from Kita’s LJ.
64. Describe that person.
She’s funny, smart, and motherly :p… and she likes New Kids…
65. Would you date them?
Sorry to break this to you Kita… but no, you’re not my type lol.
66. What's the weather like outside?
Damp… and a bit chilly
67. Do you like winter or summer?
I hate winter… summers okay… but I like Spring the most.
68. Do you like horses or deer more?
They’re both cute… but I want a horse… yet I live in the city lol, I’d be arrested for owning a horse….
69. Would you rather eat a horse or a deer?
Neither… and I don’t want to try any either.
70. Does the number 69 make you giggle?
Nope, it’s my lucky number.
71. Do you wear socks at home or go barefoot?
Barefoot, but socks if my feet are insanely cold.
72. Who is your closest friend?
73. Would you ever steal to support your family if they couldn't earn things otherwise?
If that was the last thing on earth I could possibly do… sure…
74. Would you ever kill in self defense or revenge?
Self defense, yeah. Revenge… I wouldn’t kill… I’d just injure :p
75. Do you pray?
76. Are you religious?
I’m a non-practice Catholic… what does that tell you?
77. Are you interested in other religions?
I don’t know anymore…
78. Does your house have Central A/C or those air conditioner thingies built into the windows?
We have A/C’s you put in the window.
79. How old do you act?
Depending on the situation… anywhere from 12-35
80. Do you wish you were older?
81. What do you look forwards to, most immediately?
Getting more money because I’m broke as a joke right now.
82. What is your most recent good memory?
I don’t know… lol
83. What do you look forwards to, long term?
Making something of myself after I get out of college.
84. What is your long distance good memory?
Spending a week and a half in Jamaica :D.
85. Any good books you read lately?
Yep. Janet Evanovich is the SHIT!
86. What's your favorite book/s?
Anything by Janet Evanovich.
87. Are you ashamed of your nationality?
Hell no.
88. Do you think that you had a past life?
89. Do you think you are smart?
Yes :p.
90. Do you flaunt your body/brains/talents?
Brains, at times.
91. Do you have any physical qualities you'd change about yourself if you could?
92. Name one ideal location you could live the rest of your life in.
Orlando, Tampa - Florida
Montego Bay, Sav La Ma - Jamaica
93. Did you ever lose someone very important in your life?
94. What was the worst thing you ever did?
Hmm… I won’t say it lol.
95. If you could fix one major mistake you made in the past, what would it be?
Oh lord have mercy…