(no subject)

May 09, 2004 20:38

I'm still alive, I swear! Although it doesn't seem like it to me right now. Whee. It's been a long weekend, if you want to call it that. I spent Wen, Thur, Fri with Shane up in Smithsville.. and then I was supposed to come home, but that didn't happen. I ended up in Mooresville with some friends. That was fun, and interesting to say the least.

The little camping trip was awesome. Shane would make a good boyscout leader. Well, maybe. He didn't have to make any knots.. and yaknow thats a big thing in boyscouts. Gotta know those knots. He can build a great campfire though.. And he knows how to roast marshmellows so they're not too burned. Always a plus.

And I almost sound drunk.. I'm not, but I think I sound like it. Whatever. I'm in a weird mood. No Cup race to keep me entertained this weekend.. But the Busch boys were in action, and my boy Martin Truex Jr won it. Whoo!! That was a reason to party Saturday night. It was fun stuff there.

What else.. I got fired! Haha. My boss didn't like me taking the week off. So I'm now unemployed. Anyone need a dance teacher? Let me know, I need a job. Or will eventually. Either way, it should be fun to have a break for a while. I can work on my tan and just chill. [Insert Ric Flair Whooooooo! here].

Enough crazy ramblings from me. I'm gonna go jump into my pool or something. I dunno.. But it should be fun!
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