Mar 10, 2005 17:11
pRetty qoOd week.. heRe it qoes
tuesday - CCd caz it snowed but me and Lauren stayed home anyywayy so it doesnt matter anndddd ii think that was pRetty much it...oO yeah..Greq was wicked mad @t me too = ( but now everythinq is cool..umm.. Jenn and Dennis were qoinq out = o but they sed they werent and Kay was sad andddd....ii made her happyyyyyyy = ) then in S.S me and Lauren sat toqether and ii was wearinq Greqs hat caz i luhv him beRy much..and his hat.. and then Lauren was like 'yu look like Lil Wayne!! no..ii mean T.I in his video caz he wears his hat like htat in that video' then we started sinqinq in our manlyest voices 'YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME BUT YOU DONT KNOW MEE!' ha ha wicked fun i luhv her
Wednesday-boRinq! Greq wouldnt talk to me allllllllllll dayy = ( but then i talked to him online and now everythinq is cool lol. Jamies basketball qame!! she lost to Kay tho = ( stinkerrr. and ii heLped John with his pRobLem...kinda..
thuRsday (todayyyy) - boRinq aqen cept we went to the computer lab for math and qot to play qames umm.. then spanish was stupid..cept Chris N punched Donny in the face = o!!!then gym was dumb and sceicnce Christian qot kicked out in lunch we made fun of everyone lol andd Mr. Mcdonnell was reaLLy nice today in S.S and in enqlis ii qot 3 lollis !
me *