reaLLy boRed so ii`m stealinq this fRom Sarahhhh

Mar 02, 2005 20:52

oKayy Sarah ii am stealinq another thinq fRom yu loL = )

--Name: Shannon (duRr)
--Birthdate: April 23 , 1992
--Birthplace: Women & Infants
--Current Location: my livinq rOom
--Eye color: hbLue babayy!
--Hair color: bLondes have aLL the fun!!
--Height: like...5'1 1/2
--Righty or Lefty: RIGHTYY!
--Zodiac Sign: Taurus
--Innie or Outtie: Innie/outtie..loL

--Your Heritage: Irish and French !!
--The Shoes You Wore Today: pink &nd white adidas
--Your Weakness: hoLdinq my seLf by my aRms on a bar loL
--Your Fears: heiqhts, spiders, sometimes cLowns, umm idk whut eLse
--Your Perfect Pizza: hawaiin
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: hmm..beinq a teacher qet maRRied.. BIG house..lots of

--What is your most overused phrase?: lots "omq" "and shes/hes like" "and ii qo" "shut up!" the list qoes on
--Your first thoughts waking up: every morninq its the same "bathroom!"
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes ears lips idk...
--Your best physical features: my eyes..?
--Your bedtime: uqh mom makes me @t 9 on school nites but when ever i wanna on weekends..
--Greatest Fear: dieinq (idk how to spell it)
--Your Most Missed Memory: kinderqarten...elemantray OLD best friend = (

--Pepsi or Coke: coke but pepsi is qoOd if ii qotta
--McDonald's or Burger King: eww niether but idc if ii qotta
--Single or Group Dates: qRoups!
--Adidas or Nike: depends on my mood lol
--Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream: vanilla
--Cappucino or coffee: coffee..
--Boxers or Breifs: boxers- definitlyy lol

--Do you smoke?: never ever have never ever wiLL
--Cuss?: ha ha yess
--Sing Well?: almost qot a lead role in a musical but ii qot scared soO..ii quess
--Do you think you've been in love?: oO yess
--Want to go to college: definitly
--Liked High School?: pRbLyy wiLL but...ii stiLL qot 2 yeaRs tiLL ii`m theRe
--Want to get married?: YEAH!
--Type with fingers on the right keys: umm...suRe...w.e that means
--Get motion sickness: nO ii dunt think
--Think you're attractive: uqh no
--Think you're a health freak:
--Get along with parents: mom - sometimes dad - NO!
--Like Thunderstorms: depends...

// Ver.6 - in the past month, did/have you:

--Consumed Alchohol: NEVER!
--Made Out: for me to know...
--Gone On Date: umm..i dunt was in January tho..
--Go To the Mall: OHH YES!
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: ick ii hate oreos
--Eaten Sushi: nasty ii hate sushi (never had it tho)
--Gone Skating: no but ii am wiid Leah and Emma this weekend = )
--Made Homemade cookies: no but ii ate Laurens the other day = )
--Been in Love: Yes- Christian - but no moRe
--Gone Skinny Dipping: not since ii was 5
--Dyed your hair: never! bLondes have moRe fun !
--Stolen Anything: ha ha ii stoLe a 1oo doLLars while playin monopoly - Jamie was in the bathroom so she never found out (ii ended up loosonq any way)

--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: no but ii came cLose
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: never drinkinq
--Been caught "doing something"?: no
--Been Called a "Tease": nope
--Shoplifted?: when ii was lil - but ii didnt mean to

--Age you hope to be married?: aroundd...24
--Numbers and Names of Children?: 2 or 3 boys Patrick Kevin Ryan 1 or 2 qiiRls Erin Riley and/ or Kirsten
--Describe your dream wedding: outside- beach andd ii want my reception...some where pRettyyy = )
--How do you want to die?: in a non huRtfuL way like sLeepinq
--Where do you want to go to college: RIC or Catholic University in D.C (but too far away from my people)
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: TEACHER- all the way
--most like to visit?: IRELAND! = )


Nickname(s): Floey (by John) Limey (By Danisha) Draqon (by Rachelle) Muffin (By Rae) and Grape (by all the boyss)
Initials: SEF (almost the same as Sarahs!!!!)
How old do you look?: 12..?? idk comment and tell me = P
How old do you act?: sometimes 12 sometimes like..14 and sometimes like 8 ha ha
Glasses/Contacts: nOpe !
Braces: possibLyy..
What makes you happy?: Sarah , Kay, Steph, Leah, Jamie, Justin , Greq, Christian all my other friendss..
What upsets you?: when people qet mad at me caz ii break up with someone to qo ut with someone else..ii mean c`mon!! ii`m 12!!!

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