Feb 06, 2005 12:09
[( FIRST )]
First best friend: Stephanie Alicia Henderson in like pre-school-yes yes ii luhv her
First screen name:lmao "Shann423" wicked qay but ii was like 7
First self purchased item : probly like candy or somethinq
First funeral: qrandpa Alan ii think
First pets: iquana`s (eww) Phil and Lil !
First piercing/tattoo: ` hole each ear when ii was like 4 months and ii used to have a second hole but..dunt askk...
First credit card: luckily for my mom .. i dunt have one yet
First true love: Billy Kinq - kinderqarten lol
First big trip: canada when ii was like 7
First music you remember hearing in your house: problyy my brothers music when he was 9 = p
[( LASTS )]
Last cigarette: neverr..
Last car ride: on the way home from the mall
Last kiss: oh boy...Kevin Conway
Last good cry: um...ii dunt remember
Last library book checked out: althouqh ii`m not much of a reader...Ruby Holler from school...its pretty qood
Last movie seen: = O BOOGEY MAN wicked scary - almost pissed my pants
Last beverage drank: lol cranapple juice
Last food consumed: sausaqe
Last crush: Christian Gomes...adurrr
Last phone call: well my aunt juss called for my mom..but ii last talked to Bobby !!
Last time showered: qettinq in in a minute when ii finish this
Last shoes worn: my pretty blue etnies
Last item bought: lol popcorn and sweet tarts
Last annoyance: umm...mom tellinq me not to buy a shirt..!!
Last time wanting to die: oh boyy....like a month aqo...?
Last time scolded: ha ha...thursday by Cynthia when she qrowled @t me
[( f a s h i o n | s t u f f )]
where is your favorite place to shop? aeropostale...
any tattoos or piercings? one hole each ear...had 2 holes in both but....it qot all infected and whut not
[( s p e c i f i c s )]
do you do drugs? oh yeah...ii`m a crack head ... jk ii never would do dRuqs
what kind of shampoo do you use? umm...idk....ii cant think of the name and ii dunt wanna qet up
what are you most scared of? qeez..umm..besides some of the 8th qraders @t school....pRobLyy...clowns..spiders...or..dyinq or heiqhts
what are you listening to right now? World Poker Tour..dads watchinq it lol
where do you want to get married? idk some where pRetty tho...
[( f a v o u r i t e s )]
color: pink and qReen
boys' names: Patrick Kevin Ryan
girls' names: Erin Riley andd...Kirsten
subjects in school: math even tho ii dunt qet it
animals: = ) ii luhv my duckies
sports: softball & dance even tho ii quit...ii`m qonna qo back next year
perfume: theres llots...Britney Spears-Curious, Victoria`s Secret-Love Spell, American Eaqle-Love Flurries (thank yu Jamie it was a qood present) and...Bath and Body Works-Coconut Lime Verbena
[( h a v e | y o u | e v e r )]
given anyone a bath? besides Justin`s lil siter when me n Jamie baby-sat no..(shes 4..dunt qet the wronq idea)
smoked? nope..ii`m qonna live my life to the fullest
bungee jumped? heck no!! ii`m afraid of heiqhts
made yourself throw up? not purposly.
skinny dipped? lol when ii was like 5
ever been in love? = ) ii am riqht this moment (Christan A. Gomes !!)
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? lol pRobLyy
pictured your crush naked? no
actually seen your crush naked? nope
cried when someone died? no....of course ii did!!
lied: oh boy all the time
fallen for your best friend? yeah Robbie Keane in like 3, 4 , 5 and 6th qrade
rejected someone? plenty of times
used someone? no- ii`m not mean
done something you regret? all the time
[( c u r r e n t )]
clothes: Pj`s...qReen monkey pants from aeropostale and oranqe shirt tht says "my parents are aliens" (which they are) from abercrombie
music: uhh// w.e is on the radioor in the cd player
make-up: not a biq make up fan...lol
annoyance: world poker tour..such a qay show
smell: ntohinq
favorite artist: um..qreen day..eminem...err...idk thts all ii can think of
desktop picture: picure tht says "call me cinderella"
book your reading: althouqh ii hate to read - ii`m readinq Ruby Holler...its pretty qood
cd in player: Usherrr
dvd in player: idk pRoblyy School of Rock from when me and Briana watched it
[( l a s t | p e r s o n )]
you touched: um..Christian problyy..when ii qave him a huq
hugged: lol Christian
you imed: Briana Roun
you kissed: uqh Kevin Conway
[( a r e | y o u )]
understanding: usually
open-minded: sure
insecure: ehh..sometimes
interesting: oh yes..lol
hungry: alwayss
smart: depends
moody: ha ha yes
hardworking: ehh...occasionally
organized: ha no wiid my room and my locker yu`d be lost
healthy: umm...me n Jamie sed we were qonna be...so ii kinda am lol
shy: oh boy..ii used to be around Christian but now he dunt care how ii act
responsible: yes - if ii can baby-sit a 4yr. old and 2 9 year olds wiid Jamie
obsessed: depends
angry: nope
sad: not rlly
dissappointed: kinda-missed Christian`s hockey qame
happy: idk
hyper: too tired
trusting: usually
talkative: definitly
legal: uhh..no..?
[( w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a )]
slap: too many to name-Cynthia..,Nick,Pat,that old quy tht yelled at us in the movie the list qoes on...
get high with with: welL...theRe used to be someone ii woulda wanted to wiid IF ii would qet hiqh...but she hates me and ii`m not a druqqy
look like: Jessica Simpson..?
talk to offline: Christian
talk to online: John or Bobby
[( r a n d o m )]
in the morning i am: ha ha....witchy
all i need is: food , a tv, a phone, any my computer
i dream about: oh boy..yu name it ii probly had a dream about it
last person you slow danced with: eww Kevin Powers coulda been Christian but....Kevin....ii feel bad for that boy
worst question to ask: omq "does this make me look fat" lmao
who makes you laugh the most: oh qod..Steph, Justin, Brandon,Lauren, dad sometimes, John, Mr, Gendice, Pat
who makes you smile: Kay Steph Jenna Christian Justin Bob ii luhv them
who gives you a funny feeling: oh boy..Christian does sometimes...Mrs. Wallace...shes mean..uh..thts it
who do you have a crush on: well if ii`m qoinq out wiid Christian....duhh
who has a crush on you: oh qod..pRobLyy Kevin P. or Joe
[( d o | y o u | e v e r )]
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: ha ha yes
save conversations: no comment...lol Lauren
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: nope
wish you were younger: sometimes
cry because someone said something to you: oh boy yes
[( n u m b e r )]
of times i have had my heart broken: lots..1..2..3..like 7 lol
of hearts i have broken: like..1
of guys i've kissed: like..4
of girls i've kissed: none..!!
of continents i have lived in: just one...
of tight friends: like...2o
of cds i own: like 3o
of scars on my body: probly....10 lol iim a klutz
[( f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s )]
do you like filling these out: when ii have nothinq else to do
gold or silver: whut ever...lol idc....qold ii quess
what was the last film you saw at the movies: omq..booqey man...wickedddd scaryyy
favourite cartoon/animal : Tinkerbell...or Dora the Explorer...lol
what did you have for breakfast this morning: eqqs and sausaqe
who would you love being locked in a room with: lol Lauren
could you live without your computer: qod no
would you colour your hair: nope ii luhv my hair color
could you ever get off the computer: for food..yes...other wise probly no
habla espanol? unfortunatly si...yo habla espanol muy malo lol iidk if i sed it riqht but its supposed to say "yes ii speak spanish very bad"
how many people are on your buddy list: i had 2oO but ii deleted the ones who are never on so...lol 1o4
drink alcohol: no but i drank beer once by accident..ii thouqht it was coke
like watching sunrises or sunsets: sure..never have but it would be cool
what hurts the most: oh ... idk