(no subject)

Jan 29, 2005 11:29

not realLyy doinq anythinq caz its too early....ii was supposed to sleep at Briana`s but idk if  i can caz when i called her last niqht her mom sed "Briana cant use the phone for 2 niqhts caz she has an atitude problem" errr i need to sleep over her house caz...
  1. if i dunt sleep there i have to qo and see family tht i have never met in my life
  2. ii want to caz my family is weiRd
  3. ii just need to...lol

ok only the first one is a qood reason buttttt i dunt wanna meet them.....ii will write moRe laterR...

laterr skaterr

xOx Shannon _ x3

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