Nov 07, 2007 17:34
Please tell me why I need organic chemistry to train horses. Please. Someone.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
I already have to take Intro Animal Science part 2 and Intro Bio part 2 next semester, both of which have labs. And then my advisor tried to tell me that I needed to get started on my chem requirements. Which, btw, consist of 2 classes (total, for all 4 years, that's all I need, 2 chem classes), both of which I can take next year. You want me to take 3 labs in one semester? No way. 2 3-hour labs and 1 4-hour lab all in one semester? No fucking way.
Then there's the riding class. 2 hours in the middle of the afternoon, which throws everything off. Not to mention the barn's off campus, which means I have to find a ride directly from my bio class or run to catch the shuttle which may or may not be there, or leave my AnSci class 15 minutes early to catch a ride or run to catch the shuttle which may or may not be there. And did I happen to mention the $650 riding class fee?! Up from $550 last semester?! Why? Please, explain, someone. I am giving you $10,000 more in tuition for your (better) out-of-state horse program and what do I get? NOTHING! The closest I've been to horses so far is petting this year's foals while we waited for the other half of the lab to finish their unit. I WANT TO FUCKING RIDE. Oh, and how many credits are these riding classes worth? 1. 2 hours and $650 extra and all we get is 1 credit?!?!
Another thing I'm not doing right now that I miss is dance. I can feel myself turning to mush, since I'm used to dancing and riding every week, neither of which I have done since the middle of August. But there are dance classes for non-dance majors, which I'm happy about and really want to take next semester. Even though it's at 8am. Despite how much I miss it, it's a possibility that I won't ride this semester either. But I can substitute a second dance class, which could sorta make up for it. Sorta. Though people will be like wtf, you're an AnSci major.
But if I do that then I'll have to drop this really interesting-sounding ancient civilizations class that I wanted to take this semester but couldn't get into. Because with my English class and honors college seminar that would be too many credits.
So I have to choose between riding and dance, modern and ballet, physical activity and really cool-sounding class, WHICH SUCKS. A LOT.
And when have I found time to write or read books I want to read? ALMOST NEVER!
wow. thanks guys for listening to me rant/vent.
all I can say is I better be able to find a ride to Equine Affaire on Saturday, that would improve my mood a lot.