Yesterday we took my 7 year old cousins to Build-A-Bear. They'd never been before. It was so cute, they had so much fun. Me and Kelly knew they would probably insist that we make a bear too, so we looked at the website beforehand. And guess what I found? They didn't have it at the one at the mall, but on the website they have a William The Bard Bear! hmph, I can't get the picture to show, so
here it is.
In other news, I finally found out who my roommate is. Now I just have to go shopping for dorm stuff.
Do you guys have any idea how scary it is to drive around with no spedometer? My mom's car was in the shop, they fixed the problem with starting it but couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, they said to come get it and take it to the Saturn place in Portland and have them look at it. My mom was meanwhile driving my dad's truck for 3 days. We just assumed they'd fixed the spedometer, but nope. And then I realized that I left my license at home. And we went on the highway (95, I think it was) for about 2 minutes rather than go through downtown Biddeford and Saco because of the traffic jam caused by construction that we saw on our way to the shop. Driving down the highway with no spedometer trying to stay somewhere near the speed limit is NOT COOL. So, what was wrong with the care? Nothing. They changed the battery and every thing was fine.
So, the last couple weeks have been pretty...interesting.