Well I'm home now, which is cool I guess. lol I certainly won't be bored this year, break is a week shorter, and I'll actually be working this time (20 hours in 3 days, holy shit). I'm also looking forward to New Year's at
suspicious's house.
My birthday yesterday was pretty low key, which was fine. I got my Supernatural Season 4, and immediately watched the gag reel. LOL those guys are ridiculous. Gotta love them for it. No alcohol, it was just me and my parents and my sister. But when we go out to dinner for my birthday I'm definitely ordering a drink :)
Damn I spent a lot of money today. I did some last minute Christmas shopping, and then came home and bought my Anime Boston ticket and one of the concert tickets. My dad's being nice enough to stop at the box office on Monday to buy our Three Days Grace/Breaking Benjamin tickets so we don't have to pay a $8 per ticket "convenience fee". Can't. Friggin. Wait. It's going to be an awesome concert. I'm hoping my parents will agree to Dana coming home with me for the weekend so she can come too. I might have to do some negotiating.
I also finally paid my parents for the past 6 or 7 months worth of insurance that I owe them. Biggest check I've ever written.
lol I'm still not done all of my laundry yet. And my stuff is still on the living room floor. It's as unpacked as it's going to get, I just haven't taken care of the box and bags :p
I'm pissed it's so cold, it means I can't ride. It looks like Wednesday will be warmer (shit, since when is 40 warm), and that happens to be my day off, so I just have to remember to call Deb.
Can't wait to dig into my pile of books tonight and tomorrow.
oh, and I finally finished watching Hana Kimi :D