so, because my life will probably seem boring in comparison to two weeks ago until we get back to college, I apparently have nothing better to talk about than the books I've read lately.
but boy, have I hit the jackpot :D
So, you guys have probably heard me talk about Robert Jordan and/or his Wheel of Time series. Well, he died last September, before he could finish the final book of the series. 'cause I'm slow and stuff and sort of dropped WoT from my fandoms for a while, I was several months behind everyone else in hearing about who was chosen to finish the book ('cause he left all his notes and stuff, and his wife is the editor for his books, and etc., making it possible for the series to be finished, fortunately). BRANDON SANDERSON. I looked him up to see if any of his books sounded interesting, and on a whim I went out and bought his first novel, Elantris, 'cause it sounded really interesting. His Mistborn trilogy, not so much, but I might have to read them now. Buying a book that I haven't read/heard of by an author I hadn't read/heard of is just something I generally don't do. I lack the space, and most of the time the money, too. OH. MY. GOD. I haven't been this blown away by a book since.... I don't know, since I discovered Terry Brooks' Shannara books?? Like 3 years ago? I don't know, it's definitely the best book I've read in a LONG time, the past year at least. As much as I love Tamora Pierce and other amazingly talented young adult/teen writers, some of my favorite adult (mostly fantasy :p) books are so good because they have a complexity that's missing from most YA/Teen books because, well, it's too complex. lol. Maybe, for this book at least, that's because it has an element of politics in it, but not in a bad way. But I found out that I was missing that complexity, it just wasn't there in the books I've been reading, and it was so refreshing to find it again, and in a new author too. I became totally engrossed in the book. The ending might have been a little slow, I don't really remember, but I know it was a little unsettling, he just threw us into this world without a lot of explanations/background, but not so much that you can't quickly pick up on what's going on, it's just a bit weird getting used to the names and terms and world and stuff. Which is actually just like RJ, now that I think about it. I'm actually really excited about Sanderson being chosen to finish WoT, it's an excellent match. I think I've been convinced to actually reread all 11 massive books so that I can (finally) finish the series. After my initial obsession with WoT, I had a bit of a... falling out, I guess you could call it, with the series, and I still have a few major dislikes of RJ's writing style, but Sanderson made me excited about the series again.
epic fantasy, high fantasy, Shannara fans READ IT!
so, besides the awesome cover
, which I'm not going to lie, is totally why I picked it up, it sounded good, then I saw the blurb on the back from Tamora Pierce. And I was like *yoink* I'll take that, thank you very much. oh, and I totally want that knife. :p 'cause I'm a dork like that and like blades.
haha anyway, HOLY SHIT. I compare how much I enjoyed reading this book to how much I love/enjoy reading Tamora Pierce's books. Which is one of the best things I can say about a book. There were a few parts where I could tell it was definitely a YA/Teen book, but most of them are being kinda picky, I mean no book is perfect. um, yeah, if I start going on much more about Graceling, I'll start raving. Which is kinda annoying.
Tamora Pierce fans READ IT!
OMG I JUST SAT DOWN THE MINUTE I GOT BACK FROM THE LIBRARY AND READ A BOOK STRAIGHT THROUGH IN 5 HOURS, ONLY RELUCTANTLY (lol) STOPPING FOR DINNER. I haven't done that... since Eclipse, I think. No wait, I did that when Wyvernhail came out in September. (this was earlier today, btw)
Untamed by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
It's the 4th book in the House of Night series, a refreshing and awesome new version of vampires. It's great. At this point, though I'm kinda pissed that it's not over. I thought there would be a resolution and answers in this book, but nooo you had a coooouupon The last book was like that, but I didn't mind so much. But I think that I'm mad because I love the story so much I'm pissed that I have to wait another year. But I suppose I should used to that by now :p Make the books longer, dammit!
lol, anyway, TWILIGHT FANS READ IT! (Alicia, Rebecca, Julia I'm looking at you :p) The first one is called Marked.
Next book on my list (aka the book I'm starting tomorrow) is Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik, sadly the last book in her Temeraire series. I didn't understand historical fantasy until I read His Majesty's Dragon (the first book). Dragons plus the Napoleonic wars. Sounds weird but it's awesome. The dragons are used as sort of air cavalry, I guess, sort of like the predecessors to aircraft, except I say cavalry because they're animals. The dragons talk. Temeraire is the name of a dragon. He's cool. Um, the historical fiction part of the novels is excellent, though I'm not an expert or anything, but it all seems good to me. It's just a great concept, really well written, and the dragons are totally awesome :D
I think you'd like these, Rebecca.
and I have an advanced copy of Tamora Pierce's new book. I love my book group!
*happy dance*
vamps and dragons and magic, hooray :p
shit, that was long. If you want to know more about any of the books, I can provide plot details (aka book jacket summaries except better, lol), just ask.
and on a totally non-book related note,
first Harry Potter. then the Kiesha'ra series. then Avatar. and I'm about to finish the Temeraire series. and Breaking Dawn comes out soon HOLY SHIT IN 3 DAYS!!!
and today I just watched the final episode of Wildfire. It's a horse racing drama on ABC Family. Someone, I have no idea who, lent us (and by us I mean me) the first season. So I picked it up one day early in June when I was bored and started watching it. And was hooked after like 3 episodes. Well the rest of the episodes are online (it went through 4 seasons). And I just watched the series finale this morning. *sad face* It was the perfect finale, just like the Avatar one was, but I'm still sad. It's the whole sad-happy thing all over again.
BUT I did just recently get into the show Supernatural. It's awesome. And it's on like season 4 or something, so I won't be done with that for a while.