Aug 23, 2004 23:00
tuesday toneeee-ya came to visit. good stuff. tuesday he got here at like 8ish...we just hung out and were laying on the air mattress together and my mom came in ny ny. so on sunday when he left my mom goes to me, "things may be getting a little too you need birth control yet." and i responded with, "why would i need birth control? tony and i haven't done anything but kiss." hahahaha yikes! she looked so relieved though when i said that and told me to promise that i'd tell her when i needed it....i mean, i am pretty close with my mom but i don't think i'd ever feel comfortable enough to tell her i've had s-e-x...
on wednesday i had to work. tony hung out with me at the Y. he met my favorite camper chase. tony thinks he's gay. then that night we went to the drive in. it was good until astma kicked in with the humidity and my contact was bothering me so we left after 20 minutes into the 2nd the drive in its 12 dollars total for 2 thats like 3 dollars a movie if you go with 2 people. good deal. also at the drive in a made tony proud!! yayyy!! haha.
thursday i forget what we did...probably ice cream and stuff.
friday had to get up early to go to the eye doc. then we went to melrose house of pizza then we got on the T and went to boston. it was sooo hot. i wish we were at my house just to lay out by the pool all day. but we went to the aquarium. it was good. we saw the seal show. i love seals. then after me taking us the longest way possible we went to faniuel hall and went to cheers cause tony loves cheers. we ate and got tshirts and a mug. then we came home and went swimming. tony did the front glide all by himself!! yay so proud haha.
saturday we had explorer problems then just chilled and watched eurotrip cause it was raining. then we decided we wanted spaghetti so we went to unos. then to the mall to get my ears pierced!!!!! they are so pretty. then we went to see open water. it was bad. i even got carded when we bought the tickets!! many people lately say i dont look like i could be out of high school. hmmm i wish i looked and sounded older....wait, no i dont!!!! i never want to grow up. i love looking young. im gonna have a coniption when i turn 20. sat was also me and tonys 3 month...worst anniversay ever haha. jk. love you mucho.
then sunday my tony left early.
me and marianne decided that we are going to go visit chris in san diego before xmas just for a weekend. we will do it. the aiello's came over tonight for a bit. they were at york sun-mon. it was swell.
ok time to go.