Dec 30, 2007 02:25
A wasted Saturday. I woke up, went to work, then pretty much nothing. Took out the trash at the apartments and we each got $10, which led to dinner at Friendly's with us and Ted. Then during the Patriots/Celtics I slept...soooo I slept from 8-11:30. Fuckkkk.
I started Slaughter House Five the other day at work, it's pretty fucked up I haven't read that yet but I have read so many others by him. I'm really excited for this whole mspca thing to start, it's basically my first step towards the whole field I want to get into. Cool man. was really a waste. It was sooooo busy today I was just fucking tired. I have an oncall, but would love to just sleep in, and we can just lay in my bed all day and hold each other. That would be nice.
I need to talk to Bolivar. I need to talk to Megan. I need to talk to Mary Jo. Fuck I need to call Kimmy back. Think I'm just going to wait until after New Year's to tackle all of that. It's a bit overwhelming. Pretty sure I've got plans to go to Friendly's twice next week.....with all the money I have! Oh right, I finally had a real conversation with one of my co-workers who I wanted to get to know. She was in Iraq and we both started up again at the same time, it was really cool. I like sharing stories about foreign cultures, I like that I have that experience. For once, I think I connected more with my co-workers today than the customers. Doesn't happen often.
I SAW ISA TODAY AS WELL! I feel stomach hasn't been good to me lately. Oh oh! Did I mention I finally made my room my own again? I love love love it! I've got a Beatles poster, my first Africa painting, the Strawberry Fields thing I got in nyc, my American Pie record from Amanda, Kimmy's painting, the poster I made in English senior year, my latest Africa painting, and a collage of tickets, cards, clippings, and pictures. Not to mention the sarong is back up and I have a curtain again. It feels nice, more permanent.
I need to stop typing. I have been dreaming about water A LOT lately. Like, swimming in it, wading in it, jumping into it. Typically it's Lake Malawi. It's never the ocean, always a lake. Never imagined I would love being on the water so much. I miss it. But my dreams always make me happy!