
Jan 01, 2005 17:55

I'm stealing this from sammy who stole it from Matt..It's all out of love for you guys!

Physical Features and other stuff

What is your full name?: Shannon Audrey Tarte
How tall are you?: 5'7"
What grade are you in?: Sophomore
How much do you weigh?: 140ish
What is your pant size?: 7
What color is your hair?: brown with highlights
How long is it?: paat my shoulders
Is it straight or curly?: straight
What color are your eyes?: brown
Do you wear glasses?: yeah but during the day i wear contacts
What color is your skin?: white..
Do you have freckles?: nope
How long are your nails?: Well there fake nails
Do you bite them?: No
Do you wear makeup?: Yes
Have you ever dyed your hair?: Yeah
What color?: light brown/blondish
Do you find yourself attractive?: Not really..i dont know
Do other people find you attractive?: I have no idea
What is the best thing about your body?: I have no idea
The worst?: Again I have no idea

Your Home Life

What City do you live in?: Livermore
Do you live in a subdivision?: Nope
What color is your house?: Peach
How many people live in your house?: right now 3 but soon 4..Brother is gonna be home!
Do you like it?: Of course
Why or why not?: I love my family..they are the greatest
Do you have a T.V. or computer in your room?: Both
What color is your floor?: White
Do you live with both parents?: yes sir
What does your mom do?: She is a medical assistant but will be going to school for nursing
What does your dad do?: Retired Police officer/ College Professor
Have any siblings?: Yup,1
If so, how old are they and what are their names?: 19 going on 20 and Brian
Do they work?: Yes sir, He is a Marine
Bathrooms?: 3
How many T.V.s are in your house?: 4
Do you have any game consoles?: 7 i think
What color is your room?: baby blue

Do you have a big backyard? Yeah it's a good size
How old is your house?: like 13 years old
Do you like being in your house?: Love it
Do you like your family?: No infact I hate them..Of course I love them
Are you close to your family?: Very
Who do you look up to the most?: My brother Brian
Does anybody in your house suffer from an illness?: nope
Have any pets?: Yep
What are their names and what are they?: Dog and Harley
Do they crap on the rug?: No he's an outdoor dog

School life

What is your favorite class? History
Least favorite?: Math
Who is your favorite teacher?: Mrs Rodriguez
What time is your lunch?: 12:10-1:05
Where do you eat lunch?: Whereever I feel like gosh!
What kind of grades do you get?: A's and B's
Are you on the National Honors Committee?: No way
What time does school start?: 8:55
How do you get to school?: My dad
What time does it end?: 2:35
How do you get home?: Who ever wants to give me a ride
Are you in any sports or clubs?: Yes Volleyball
Do you have a locker?: No
Does shit fall on you when you open your locker?: No
How many periods do you have?: 3
Do you like school?: Yeah it's alrigth
Do you attend sporting events?: Yes
Do you have school spirit?: Sure

Random Questions

Do what is your favorite computer game?: The sims
Console game?: Beach Volleyball..I own at that game
Do you drink pop?: Yeah
Do you have white teeth?: yeah
Do you shave?: yes
What shampoo do you use? Herbal Essence
Do you eat alot of food?: Yeah
What was the longest you went without food?: like a day
Do you play sports?: Yes
If so, what are they?: Volleyball
Any other activities?: Nope
Do you like anybody at the moment?: Nope
Does anybody like you?: I have no clue
Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: Nope
Would you go out with an unattractive person?: Depends


food: Dad's bachlor beans and garlic mashed potatoes..yummy
band: I dunno
singer: I dunno
actor: Orlando Bloom
store: American Eagle
car: Jetta or an Evo
state: California!
country: United States of America
website: Myspace
disney movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
movie: The Notebook
sports team: Oakland A's
animal: DINOSAUR
clothing brand: American Eagle
drink: like alcoholic?
pop: Sprite
soap: Herbal Essence
color: baby blue or light pink
number: 6
quote: "Heros Get Remembered, but Legends Never Die"

Have you ever...:

Climbed a mountain:
Sang on stage?: Nope
Been on stage?: Yeah
Been in a play?: when I was younger
If so, who were you?: an elephant
Been to New York?: Nope
Been to Hawaii?: Yup
Been to Washington D.C.: Nope
Been to Kentucky?: Nope
Killed someone?: Nope
Been in love?: No
Been heartbroken?: No
broken a promise?: Maybe
Told a secret?: Yeah
Spread gossip?: No
Dressed in front of the opposite sex?: I dont remember
Gone scuba diving?: Nope
Got really drunk?: No
Done drugs?: No
Hitchhiked?: oh all the time..haha no
Stole something?: No..
Skinny dipped?: Nope
Done a polar bear swim?: Yeah I do that everyday..if only I knew what it was
Broken somebodies heart?: I don't think so
Broken a bone?: nope
Called 911?: I was to damn scared to call 911
Saved a life?: Yes..My brothers..if it weren't for me finding his
Almost died?: Yeah..haha I had a huge asthma attack..IT SUCKED
Been in the hospital?: Plenty of times..i could prolly name all the nurses..haha jk
Lost someone?: Well sorta..My grandpa died when I was young..I didn't know him real well so I don't know it that counts
been really scared?: Hell yeah..I'm the biggest chicken out there
Pepsi or coke: coke
Water or sports drink: Water
Orange or black: orange
PC or mac: PC
Kerry or Bush: Bush
Meat or veggies: Meat
dog or cat: Dog
run or walk: walk..i hate running with a passion
Football or basketball: Football
bystander or athlete: athlete
summer or winter: Summer
ski or snow board: ski
Night or day: Night
life or death: Life..cause i totally like dieing right?
Ashton or Orlando: Orlando
white or black: White
Policeman or firefighter: Police..only cause of my dad and they all know me here so i can get away with things
nintendo or play station: Play Station

Your Opinion on

Bush: Way better than Kerry
Kerry: Douche Bag
sex: Go right on ahead
Gay marriages: I don't think it's right for them to have the same vows as a man and women but whatever
racism: Totally not cool
porn: It's for the losers that cant get any
religion: I think it's good..Catholic!
religion in schools: depends
Pollution: So not cool
war: Lets kick those bastards asses!
Hilary Duff: She's pretty..and I like one of her songs haha
Micheal Jackson: Can we say Cradle Robber?
Martha Stewart: I don't even know what the hell she went to jail for? And I could care less.

Your Childhood

Favorite childhood tv show?: Saved By the Bell
did you sleep with stuffed animals?: Yeah
Were you a fat kid?: Yeah still am haha
How much did you weigh at birth?: 8 pounds
Were you a brat?: Yeah!
Did you experiance second hand smoke?: Yeah ew
Your friends were: alright
pets you had: Jakey:(
ever set anything on fire when you were little?: Nope
Did you ever stick a knife in the electrical outlet?: Yeah cause I'm hella
What did you want to be when you grew up?: A fighter pilot
Your favorite color was: Pink

The future

Do you want to have kids? Yup
Do you want to get married?: Yup
Do you want to go to college?: Yes
What do you want to be?: A nurse or FIGHTER PILOT! haha
Where you ou like to live? Probably not california..It's too damn expensive
What do you plan to do in the next ten years?: go to college..get married..the usual
Own a house or an apartment?: House
when will you move out of the parental unit's house?: when I'm 18 and I go to college:'(
Will you/ do you already vote: Yeah I'll vote alright
go in the military?: Hell no..They would not want me protecting this country..But I have a ton of respect for all the men that put there lives on the line for us

Right now

How do you feel?: Bored
what are you wearing?: Pajama Pants and a sweatshirt
Are you on a messenger?: Yea
Eating/drinking anything?: Nope
What underwear are you wearing?: maroon thong
What time is it?:6:30
What room are you in?: the office
who is home?: No one
what do you hear?: the heater
are you iming anyone?: William..Erika and Michelley
Talking to anyone on the phone?: nope
where will you be in 2 hours?: eating dinner i hope

The last

thing you drank: Capri Sun
thing you ate: Chocolate Chip cookie
shower: like yesterday
bath: I haven't taken a bath since i was way little..

book you read: To Kill a Mockingbird
magazibe you read: Teen People
person you talked to: Erika
person you IMed: Michelle
person you made out with: no one
thing you bought: Purse, brians christmas present, jacket and some thongs
place you were other then here: Erika's house
Person you saw: Mom and Dad
word you wrote: probably a letter to my brother
name you called: Dad
went to the bathroom: I dont know but I have to pee real bad right now

Final thoughts

Did this survey kick ass or what?: Hella naw
Did you like this survey? Nope
How long did it take you to fill out?: i have no idea

Only 5 more days!

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