Last week

Sep 26, 2005 14:26

Monday I baby-sat and then Jon called me to see if I wanted to play tennis. So we made plans to go play tennis after I was done baby-sitting. But of course it looked like it was going to rain so we decided to go the next day. Well I didn't want to sit around and him and I were both hungry so I met up with him at Max and Erma's in downtown b-ham and then our friend Mark called and told us that him and a couple of their other buddies were up at Woody's in Royal Oak. So we got to Woody's and went all the way up to the top deck and of course that's when the weather decides that's a good time to rain. We stay on the deck when it's raining because we're sitting at the bar and it's covered. We stay there for awhile and then we go home.

Tuesday was a much better day to play tennis, so after I got done baby-sitting I went over to Jon's and then we went to Groves to play tennis. I was a little rusty but he wasn't being very nice with the serves he was giving I'll kick his ass in tennis the next time! ;) So we played for an hour or so and then I had to get going because Tuesdays are my early nights of going to bed. So we go back to Jon's house hung out there for a little bit because Mark stopped by as well and then I went home.

Wednesday was the CVS day so I was there from 7-3 then I had to go to the bank, cash my check, come home and pack and then go pick up Patty and then we left for Western. We got to Western around 8ish I think because we left at rush hour time and that slowed us down a little bit. So I drop Patty off at her place and then I go and meet up with Court. Go back to her place and start getting ready for the night ahead of us. Pre-drank and then we headed out to the bar. We got there a little bit before 12 because we thought that there was going to be a line but there wasn't so I stood with Court while we waited for it to turn midnight. We had a good time and I was lucky enough to take care of Court when we got back from the bar. We get home she runs into her place grabs her dog and then goes over to Jeff's (her boyfriends) place thats next door to her... so I go looking for her, I go into Jeff's and went up stairs and I'm glad I stopped when I did because he didnt have any lights on upstairs and Court is laying on the ground so I get her up and she runs to her place. I give her some water, and what does she do? She dumps it on her head all over her of course and on the new sofa's. So I help her up stairs and help her get into some dry clothes. What's the next thing she does? I hear the shower turn on and I walk in there and she's laying down in the tub with the shirt that I just put on her. So I turn off the water and then she feels sick. So I tie her hair back and she takes care of the rest. She kind of missed the toilet so I cleaned that up. I changed her yet again and then I put her to bed. She felt like she was going to get sick again so she went to the bathroom. I tried to get her to get back into bed after she was done but she would rather of slept in the bathroom. So I get her a pillow and a blanket and then I go to bed and pass out because at that point I've been going for almost 24 hours without sleep. I wake up at like 7 something I think and Court is laying next to me. Her roommate Lizzie had to get into the shower so she could go to work so Court had to come to bed. Surprisingly she wasn't hungover. I cleaned up their kitchen for them and then I got tired.

Thursday was a lazy day for us until we had to get ready to go out to dinner. We went out to dinner because on your birthday you get a free stake dinner at Finley's. So Court wanted that and then we went out to the bar where they had $6 pitchers of anything you wanted. Court got kicked out (and she wasn't even drunk) before we finished our first pitchers. 1 would of been just enough for me! So we walk to another bar and we just chill there for the rest of the night. Came home went to bed and then once I got in the mood to get out of bed on Friday I headed home.

Friday night I went out with Jon and Mark and few of their other friends. I didn't have a very good night before I got to Jon's so I wanted to have a good time. Jon asked me if I wanted to go up to his cabin with him the next day because he was going up there and his parents invited me as well. So I said yes because I just didn't want to be home. Even though it was just over night it was nice to get away. And going North can relax you. So Jon and his dad built a fire while his mom and I watched home improvement shows! Cooked some hot dogs over the fire for awhile and then came back in and then I went to bed somewhat shortly after that. We planned on going fishing if the weather was going to be nice early Sunday morning.

So Jon wakes me up at 7:30am and told me he was being nice because he let me sleep in! haha but I knew I was going to be getting up early if we were going to go fishing. So I get dressed I go outside and look at the lake and then I hear thunder and Jon's dad said that we weren't going to go and within maybe 1/2 hour it started raining. So we waited till it stopped raining and then we went to breakfast. Then we all went out and walked on the pier that was right there and then we did a little driving around to check things out. Jon and I left to come home around 3ish I think and we're basically almost home when I remembered that I left my phone charger in the room that I slept in. Good thing Jon's parents were 5 minutes away from their cabin so they went back and got it for me! Thank you!! So Jon dropped me off and then I jumped in the shower to get ready to go over to Besa's to watch Desperate Housewives!! After that was over and I met up with Jon and his buddy Chad at Duggen's but he forgot to bring my charger with him so after we were done there I took Jon home because Chad lives out in Novi and I wasn't going to have him drive Jon home to back track when it would of been on my way home even if I didn't have to pick up my phone charger from his house. Picked up my charger, chilled for about 45minutes and then I went home.

Woke up at 8am this morning to wait for Shay to get dropped off and my aunt will be here in an hour or so to pick up the girls and then I head to my 1st class of my last Fall semester of college!

Till next time!
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