So I'm back from the Disney trip, all in all it went pretty well, I mean 4 parks in 4 days with maybe 5 hours of sleep. Another event is that I might be suspended when I get back to school yay more spring break for me! Here is the story: Friday night of our trip whitney comes and tells me that ashley called and said shaun thompson was coming to the
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" So..we met NSYNC (not all of them, just the important ones...Justin, Lance and JC) and they invited us to go hang out in the hot tub with we recorded a giggle track and left that in our room and made a ladder out of our bed sheets and towels and scaled down the side of the hotel. We got picked up around back in a stretch hummer and were wisked away to some masion on the other side of orlando..where we all got smashed and whitney and i both got tattoos on the small of our backs that read #1 Nsync fan.. I <3 Lance & Justin. We then went to a foam party and got all sudsied up and had to take a large dig in their indoor pool before we could sneak back into our room. It wasnt until we got to our door that we realized we left the key inside the room (we were using it as a bookmark in the bible found in the bedside table we were reading to each other earlier). we had to think quickly. we phoned a friend we met in the lobbly and tried to very stealthy sneak back into the hall when whitney accidently tripped the lazer senors and we had to bolt. fortunatly for us the room next to us accidently left their door cracked and we snuck in there. careful not to wake our neighbors up, we snuck out onto their balcony and crawled back on to our own. We were in bed before our teachers came pounding on the door. we would have gotten away with it if it wasnt for the signed JC doll that was so carelessly thrown to the floor that our teacher stepped on. Damn those cute boys. At least it was worth it."
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