(no subject)

Oct 10, 2005 22:53

Currently Floating My Boat:

Grey's Anatomy

Holy Cow.  My love for this show is all-encompassing.  I think part of this comes from the fact that the stuff they talk about was what I heard around the dinner table growing up.  I think they should base a show like that based on me when I get to the intern stage- except I'd go for George and forget Dr. McDreamy- and there would be a small change in the type of patients coming throught the hospital...

Ali G Indahouse

Booyakasha!  A movie about a British gangsta with lines such as
"He iz a criminal!  And not even da good type wot does drugs and does drive bys."
"You tell that slag that in the ghetto, washing no colourfast synthetics at 60 degrees could cost you your life."
Show this film some restecp.

Not Hurricanes


I'm teaching it to myself.  Just because I want to.  And because I am the biggest dork alive.  I think I want to because it's the furthest you can possibly get from biochemistry.  quaHbeh.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I mean, are you kidding me?  Do you believe this crap?  It was excellent.  I hated it.  It was wonderful.  I missed the dissection of the epaxial muscles to finish it. Bugger!

Pad Thai

Cooking it made me feel like I could actually work something besides cereal, and it is the most horribly delicious addiction I've had in a while.

The Med & Dental Students Displaced By Katrina

They're sharing the vet school.  There are actually males in the buiding now, thus knocking the two guys in our class off their undeserved high horses.  The dental students all have gorgeous teeth.  This is the one way that a hurricane could float my boat.

Face of Africa

The new Africa Channel's version of America's Next Top Model.  Instead of fighting NY traffic to get to a shoot on time, they trekked 12km through the bush following maps to a remote location where they plan a runway show themselves and strut better than Tyra ever thought about strutting.  And they don't fight- unlike when my boyfriend Ben Cohen (above) stiffarmed the player from S. Africa in 2004.  Sorry, I had to put rugby in here somewhere even though it really isn't in my life any more.  It still floats my boat.

Cayleen in the Ryan Cabrera Video

This is the girl who taught me how to volumize my hair in the 7th grade.  That's right, I graduated with the girl in the "Shine On" video.  She is so beautiful, & she's going to go so far!  Awesomeness.

XM Channel 75:  Hear Music

I know, it's the voice of the evil empire of Starbucks, but it's the best music together I've heard in a while.  Dedicated to helping you discover your next favorite artist.  Eeeexcellent.

ma(c)-a salama.  ila l-liga!
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