Tuesday's Gone With the Wind...

Sep 26, 2005 00:21

LJ Interests meme results

  1. butterflies:
    My grandma said that if she came back as anything, it would be a butterfly- it's kind of like our family thing. I also like the kind in your stomach, like when you're in love or if you're about to go on a roller coaster. I haven't had either in a while.
  2. cowboys:
    It's not even the hat, the boots, or the Wranglers- it's more of a swagger and an attitude that gets me every time. My favorites are the non-ignorant ones.
  3. fireworks:
    Bastille day was the best I've ever seen. I love them, but I will never ever light one because they scare me to death. I don't even like to hold sparklers even though that's what some people call me. Sparkler. I miss the people who call me that.
  4. goodwill:
    Some of my favorite coats, record albums, and t-shirts are from Goodwill. I also like the kind that goes "to men" and comes with "peace on earth."
  5. jeeps:
    Rowdy, my wrangler sahara, is the love of my life. She's been hit 7 times, and she still loves me back.
  6. lynyrd skynyrd:
    Sweet Home Alabama was one of the first things I learned on the guitar. Skynyrd goes best on the highway with Rowdy's top down. "Tuesday's Gone" makes me want to cry I love it so much.
  7. musicals:
    I am a nerd, and I love them. My mom used to make us watch The Sound of Music (the longest movie ever- it took 2 VHS tapes!) when we were little, and she always was in some kind of theatre thing when I was growing up. My performance as "Oldest Princess" in The King & I in 7th grade was the pinnacle of my acting career. I love musicals.
  8. playing in the rain:
    Best in the summertime. Being at the Domain even improves upon that. Camp kisses in the rain are even better, but I'll settle for a mudslide in the ballfield any day.
  9. sister hazel:
    Reminds me of flying down a mountain sitting on Rowdy's speakers with Jenni and a boy named Patrick. "Champagne High" is my favorite.
  10. the blind horse:
    This is the Honky Tonk that the ag kids always like to hit up on the weekends in Clemson. It's 1/2 line-dancing country and 1/2 hip hop (with line dancing if you feel like it), and it is fabulous. I took my little sister there for her 18th, and we sang the hokey pokey and danced on a bar and made a French boy fall in love with me. And Erica and I almost lost our dignity on a mechanical bull there one night. Good times. And it has cowboys.

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