This year will be closing for cleanup

Dec 11, 2013 14:14

Next week Wednesday will be my last day at work for 2013. After that: holidays!!!

The end of the year always means some kind of closure for me. This is, of course, a total illusion since the year 2014 will start off with exactly the same situation with which the year 2013 ends. None of the chores started will be finished, none of the problems gnawing at us will be finally solved. Everything is just on hold.

And still. If I did not have that weird illusion that something new and fresh was starting, I would have found it pretty hard to plod on and on over the years.

I need this time with all its Christmassy twinkle. I am not even sure whether this is a religious matter. Like most things around Christmas it seems to have much more to do with tradition and custom - a ceremonial framework that prevents the years to run together, merge and clot like so much porridge.

So I get as many celebrations and rituals in as I can. This includes going to carol concerts, singing carols at the top of my lungs, watching the terribly politically incorrect fireworks on Newyear's Eve and eating the exact same food that we always eat over Christmas. Another nail of stability in the framework of dodgy life.

Even the discussions whether you may wish people a "Merry Christmas" have started again and are becoming tradition. An insipid tradition, but still a tradition.

I shall miss Yule with my pagan friends this year because we shall not be in Frankfurt on the day. That is a shame because I love that ceremony. But I am just not terribly good at being at two places at once.

So. Another week. And now back to my trade fair statistics.
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