It's time to open another window from my Arashi Xmas Calendar ^^ We can almost see the finale: marrying Aiba XD Aiba's 28th birthday!! :D But let's not celebrate too early but let's concentrate on marrying Sho & Jun instead ;D I'll take Sho, don't you dare to touch him D:<
Window 22 OPEN!!
scan credits to SNG ♡
Story of the day: I made a gingerbread house, two actually :) One for my sister, one for us. I made my sister's first and you could say it was for practicing :D lol it looks horrible .__. My little sister started to play around the house with gingerbread pigs and men and women and kinda ruined the powdered sugar decoration ^^" The roof and back wall detached once and before we put the roof back I put a gingerbread spider pig inside the house (a little surprise for my sister) :DThe second one that I made for us looked pretty good. I wrote "Merry Xmas" on the roof, "Merry" for one roof piece, "Xmas" for another. I managed to do the powdered sugar decorations better this time :D Tomorrow we bring the Xmas tree inside and decorate it. When I was kid I loved to decorate the tree and played under it all the time. Now I'm too old for playing and not even so interested about it anymore...^^ Childhood, where did you go?!?!