(no subject)

Mar 01, 2013 13:11

So, I'm quitting my job at the end of next month (but I'm not telling work until the end of this month- I want to give them the option of hiring and training someone before I leave. I also intend on offering to be on call on an as-needed basis). Mike makes enough for me to do this, plus, it takes out the awkward what-to-do-with-Seamus-during spring-and-summer-breaks factor. Frankly, I'm miserable here and I'm so ready to leave. However, my boss reminded me today that they are going on vacation the first week of June. Um, oops. Sorry, person who will replace me.
Do I offer this job to friends of mine on Facebook? Or is that cruel to offer them this super-awesome job that offers perks such as:
  • working 40 hours/week for barely-above minimum wage!
  • no benefits!
  • get a whole hour for lunch off that you are expected to answer the phone while you eat!
  • you get to deal with 2, maybe 3 tolerable people, tops, on a daily basis?
  • Oh, and rednecks. SOOOOO MANY REDNECKS.
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