Christmas cards were sent out today. If you still want one, feel free to ask- I had fun writing messages and drawing chibis/pokaymans all over them :3
I got
emi01's card a bit before that. Thanks, Emi! I'm currently enjoying a cup of the tea you sent to Sarah and I. It's really good
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Ugh, technical difficulties! That happened with one of our strands of lights... it ended up being a missing bulb (I think) which I didn't have a replacement for. I ended up getting a replacement bulb from a different strand partially in the socket... the strand works now, though that light still doesn't work. It also might be a fuse light, depending on what kind of strand it is.
The truffles have been really good so far. I have another couple kinds I want to try and make, which I might go for over the weekend. If I make them too early, there won't be any to give as family gifts, lol.
Your cookies sound good... Cookies of various types (but especially chocolate chip) are probably my favorite baked good. I hope that we get to do cookie-baking with my mom this year. Last year we didn't make ANY and the year before we only made one kind, out of a usual three to five. That's one of my favorite holiday things to do, so I'm sad whenever it doesn't happen.
That sounds absolutely FANTASTIC. If we had a Ghirardelli shop... I'd be eating there and I'd be twice my weight probably, haha.
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