Aug 27, 2010 01:27
So today I participated in a Hooters focus group with Sarah and Kat. It was fun... we got to design our own ads for a Hooters social networking campaign. Glue sticks, markers, and glitter were involved, and I included the orly owls on mine. Sarah won for best ad, so she got a $50 Hooters gift certificate on top of the $75 we were paid to participate. Good tiems, and yay for easy money$ :D
The rest of the day was spent napping, doing chores, and removing all the glitter that had become embedded in my skin from earlier, lol. YES I DID SPARKLE IN THE SUNLIGHT. I had to use the back of a sticker to get it all off.
Our new roommate, Emily, moved in today while I was asleep. She promptly left to spend the night at a friend's, though... so I still haven't had much of a chance to get to know her.
My birthday is this weekend. 25 years old, boo. I remember being 15 like it was yesterday... and I started my journal in 2004, when I was 18. Daaamn. I really don't feel very different than I did back then, but I do think I've accomplished a lot... maybe
So far, I'm having a lil get-together Sat night, of which only one of my field school friends and a work friend are definitely attending. I have four other promising maybes, another who said maybe but I doubt it'll happen, and Kat might be working. But I guess four (including myself and Sarah) will be better than nothing?
I don't have a theme this year, either. Or any plans. Whenever I've tried to plan a lot of activities for parties in the past, it just... gets stressful. Either no one wants to participate, or too few/no one shows up. So it'll just be a generic get-together with movies, food, games and drinks. Hopefully it'll help me get to know some of my new friends a bit better, if anything.
Come Sunday, my mom and grandma plan to visit to meet me up for some din dins, too. We're going to Taj, the local Indian place :9 I asked for a pre-order Birth by Sleep. Hopefully the one that comes with the PSP decals so I can look even more like a dork than I do already xD
Lol, Tampa was just on (non-news) TV. An episode of Pitchmen on the Discovery Channel was apparently filmed here earlier this year. They showed the MOSI and Ybor City and stuff. WHY DID I MISS THIS.