Pleasure Little Treasure

Dec 05, 2008 11:47

Happiness is often fleeting. I'm fine enough with a general sensation of contentment. But here are a few of the things which give me happy moments.

What makes me happy:
  • jamming with another dancer to create something amazing
  • biting into a fresh strawberry and discovering it is the perfect strawberry, flavour- and texture-wise
  • the texture and flavour of a splendid creme brulee
  • when the ideal song comes on to match the situation, making it a perfect soundtrack moment
  • thinking about a friend I haven't heard from in quite some time, and then having them contact me from out of the blue
  • seeing something humourous and completely out of the ordinary happen (like yesterday, when I was riding on the bus and suddenly saw a police officer leading a donkey past the bus terminal)
  • singing and having my voice obey my intentions
  • lucid dreams
  • dancing with complete fluidity of movement
  • dancing with complete control over freezes and staccato movement
  • watching a person or animal in peak physical condition do something spectacularly athletic
  • struggling with a phrase, and then suddenly finding the exact word I've been searching for
  • witnessing a student suddenly understand a concept that has been eluding them: the lightbulb moment.
  • having my own lightbulb moment
  • receiving honest and unsolicited appreciation
  • the look on someone's face when they receive something that surprises them with happiness
  • watching pigeons
  • finally getting to piss after having to hold it too long
  • kittens and puppies and other such ridiculously cute baby animals
  • reading a particularly chewy turn of phrase (which reminds me that I must read Les Liaisons Dangereux again)
  • the smell of laundry fresh from the drier
  • watching a moment of genius
  • completing a project and having the results exceed my expectations
  • the feeling of water going down my throat and settling into my stomach when I've been very, very thirsty
  • having a rapt and appreciative audience while performing
  • falling asleep to having a story read to me by someone with a beautiful voice
  • witnessing a spectacular storm

I'm sure I'll think of more. What are yours?
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