Weyrling Snowball Fight

Nov 28, 2006 16:42

Shan-Kaylith, Rilsa-Corineth, Charis-Qeteth, Shalyn-Oenoneth, Steorra-Carulith, W'red, B'yan, Eleria

Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr(#880RJs)
Standing on the western side of the bowl, the high crownlike spires of the Seven Spindles on the north wall tower magestically above the roughly ovoid bowl floor. Near you, a large boulder stands, placed almost exactly in the center of the bowl. This side of the bowl is busy with the constant flow of residents and visitors around the entrance to the living cavern to the southwest and the lower caverns to the west. To the north, the large opening on the upper wall leading into the hatching grounds catches your eye. Directly below it, the ground entrance to the same area seems almost tiny. Northwest, the weyrs belonging to the junior queens of High Reaches are accessible from a short set of stairs and a path of carefully laid black marble leads from them to the entrance to the living cavern. To the south, a few ground weyrs remain unoccupied, in case any visiting or injured dragons need them.
The morning is clear and the sun shines brightly. There seems to be a light breeze and the winter air is warm enough, with only a slight chill.
Views: Junior Queen Weyrs
Obvious exits:
LIving Cavern Lower Caverns Hatching Grounds Ground Level Guest Weyrs Eastern Bowl Floor

Corineth glances from side to side, looking furtively before launching a snowball at his rider with his tail. See, rock practice does help.

Kaylith watches Corineth with interest, and quickly gets the idea, using her muzzle she pushes at the snow until a round lump is formed. Turning slightly she whacks at it with her tail, however, it lands with a squishy plop at Shan's feet, no harm done.

The back of Rilsa's head was hit by the launched by Corineth snowball. With a growl, she reaches down, packs a snowball and turns to throw it in one fluid motion. Unfortunately, as she didn't aim - after all, how do you miss a large dragon - she didn't expect to have to watch out for Shanlee or Kaylith thus the snowball hits Shanlee. "Oh!" She exclaims, fighting back both mortification and a laugh. "Sorry." She doesn't look sorry, does she?

Shanlee has just straightened after helping Kaylith pack a decent snowball, when a snowball whacks into the back of her own head. "What the ....." she turns and sees her mentor peering out from behind Corineth, struggling to maintain her composure "Ma'am?" snow melts and drips off her hat, and down her face. Swift as can be Shan chances it and flings Kaylith's snowball in Rilsa's direction.

Rilsa's lips twitch as she battles valiantly to keep from laughing at her mis-thrown snowball. "Hey!" She exclaims, attempting to duck out of the way of the incoming snowball from her mentee. The movement causes her to slip and land firmly on her bottom. The snowball, however, gets Corineth point blank on the snout.

Corineth roars in surprise as a bit of the cold snow gets into his nostril. He flares the aforementioned nostrils, leans down to roll a snowball to retaliate. With a flick of his tail, the snowball is sent flying.

Doubled over with laughter as Rilsa lands on her backside, the snowball misses Shan but gets Kaylith square on her rump. A bugle of alarm at the unexpected cold, and within seconds Kaylith is rolling her own missile, warbling ten to the dozen as she goes along. "S.s.s..sorry Corineth, I was aiming for your rider" tears running down her cheeks at this point. Kaylith readies herself, tail twitching concentration slowing the young dragons eyes before giving the snowball an almighty whack and it's sent sailing through the air....

Corineth waggles his eyeridges at Kaylith as he manages to get her with the snowball. With an amused rumble, he proceeds to roll another snowball and launches it through the air ...

A hand flies to Shan's mouth "Oh my word......sorry Ma'am" but Kaylith is sent an impressed look "A pain in your bum Ma'am?" she asks already forming another snowball. Kaylith snorts at Corineth, she'd be quicker next time. As the snowball reaches it's downward projectory Kaylith aims and whacks it with her tail to send it back but only manages to successfully splatter it all over her rider. "Heeey......you're supposed to be hitting them, not me" Shan giggles.

Rilsa struggles to stand up even as she laughs at Corineth's and then Kaylith's reactions. While her feet slip slightly, she does manage to get herself upright. At hearing Shanlee's laughter, she turns and sticks her tongue out at the weyrling in a very unladylike "Nyah. You are a pain in my bum, Shan!" Just as she finishes that, the snowball hits her right arm. "Hey! You too?"

Rilsa is already packing another snowball, giving Shanlee a look. "Yes, you are. That's what happens when one falls on icy ground when it isn't their fault." The Weyrsecond is laughing, however, so her words carry amusement. The snowball is packed tightly and she takes aim, letting it fly toward Shanlee in a straight, line drive ...

In the bowl, to the east, W'red leans against the wall of the barracks watching the snowball flinging back and forth, grinning to himself, out of the corner of his eye he sees B'yan walk out of the barracks, "you going to get involved in that lot," indicating with his head in the direction of the snow players.

Corineth gives Kaylith an impressed rumble at the snow shower performance. He smacks the very large snowball he just finished rolling quite hard. The arcs completely over Rilsa, Shan and Kaylith and heads toward the eastern bowl ... it isn't strong enough to hit any structure there but it will be messy when it explodes.

In the bowl, to the east, B'yan strides out of the barracks into the light, and it's a rare occasion that Jaireth doesn't accompany him. That alone might be the source of the easy manner that he walks, hazel eyes taking in the events of the bowl and looking much like the errant child getting ready to get into some more devilment. Looking back at sudden words, "There's fighting to be had?" he drawls, never mind the fact that it's a simple snowball fight.

This time there's no ducking and the snowball hits Shan full in the mid-section sending her stumbling backward into her lifemate, who in trying to make space ends up having her rider land under her belly. Ducking her head between her legs Kaylith rumbles in amusement. Slithering out from underneath her dragon, Shan is a right sight of wet mush, she's lost her hat and her braid is simply -not- holding. Catching her breath she chuckles "Oh, this is -so- war" and has a go at standing up.

Rilsa, in the meantime, doesn't watch where the earlier snowball has gone but has been busy packing snowballs so she puts three in one arm and holds the other. With a quirk of her brow and a wink, her lips curve into a wicked smile and she proceeds to launch the four snowballs in rapid succession, fanning it out for the most damage possible.

W’red has arrived

Corineth is attacked by another snowball. He rumbles, seeming to step away from his rider as he gets hit more often than she is - this is war! He lifts his muzzle and roars in defiance to the puny mortals who dare throw at him. The earlier large snowball lands near the path that W'red took to get to this side of the bowl. Is there aftermath?

W'red sees that if he is going to watch he is going to get hit by something sooner or later and decides as Tavaith is still sleeping and he doesn't have help he'd better attack before he gets attacked, he rolls a number of smallish snowballs that he can throw further than if they were big, and launches three in Rilsa's direction and three in Shan's, and then ducks behind, well as best he can the small snow drift in front of him.

"Kaylith act as my shield while I....." splat another of Rilsa's missiles finds it target. Spitting bits of cold mush from her mouth "While I......make more snowballs" she ends. Green eyes narrow in a show of combat as she ducks behind the dragonet. Kaylith however, is having none of that and neatly sidesteps the next missile, dropping her jaw in a draconic grin as it splodges home on Shan's bent backside. One of W'red's splat onto her back as she stumbles forward. Startled she whirls to see W'red hiding, "Oh no you don't......."

Rilsa acks at the return fire from a direction she didn't expect. One of the snowballs hits her squarely in the chin just before she yelps a, "W'red!" Did the two women find a common enemy or are they going to fight battles on two fronts? She is an equal opportunity launcher thus throws one firm snowball in W'red's direction. It is true in trajectory but will it hit? Stay tuned. However, the second snowball is thrown a bit off-balance at Shanlee's body.

Corineth gleefully scoops up some snow with his maw and blows it in W'red's general direction (which will follow the path of Kaylith and Shanlee).

W'red is trying to get a 6 foot body behind a 1 foot drift, not too bright on his part, he sticks his head up to see if he hit anything and gets squarely hit on the head by a ball that he never saw coming, from Ril's direction, oops maybe he shouldn't have got involved, as Corineth showers him with snow, now he knows he should have stayed out of it, too late. Rolling more snowballs he throws a rather large one in Corineth’s direction payment for the shower, seeing Kaylith move to expose Shan he quickly throws another two in her direction, and ducks again, behind the totally inadequate cover.

B’yan has arrived

"Oy you....." Oh bother! She was just never going to get up at this rate. Shan hauls herself up with the use of Kaylith's forearm "Some help you are" she teases the green. Snowballs are packed and stacked, as her arm lifts in what would have been a perfect throw a shower of snow hits her, a look of surprise "Corineth?? So that's how it's going to be huh?" Four snowballs, three targets, Rilsa, Corineth, W'red......oh dear the fourth was unintended but seems to be heading for B'yan "Oops."

Having watched enough, B'yan wanders closer to the snowball fun, a made ball already in hand and slightly behind him. He flashes his trademark smirk to those present, leaving a lingering one to Rilsa in the end before Shanlee's snowball comes flying straight into his chest. Knocked back, he snaps a glare at her for ruining his pompous entrance before sending a return launch in her direction. "And here I just came to watch," he drawls as he makes his way to over where W'red hides.

Rilsa presses the fingertips of her left hand against her lips to blow a mocking kiss in B'yan's direction at his pompous approach and releases the snowball cradled in her right hand in the bronze weyrling's direction. "Morning ..." She calls. In the meantime, Corineth rumblechuckles at the brown and green weyrlings before he gets hit by W'red's snowball. He roars again. However, with her attention on the approaching B'yan, she doesn't see the one coming from W'red. Splat!

Shanlee snickers "Uh....sorry B'yan.." she sticks her tongue out at him "Not...." eyes shine with amusement. Kaylith has gotten rather adept at rolling the balls for her rider and warbles as she rolls, nudging them into piles keeping ones for her own use to one side. A dip of her head should have given Corineth fair warning of her intentions, eyes whirl with a sly light in the many facets. A nonchalant flick of her tail sends a snowball the brown's way followed by a teasing bugle. Shan chuckles as W'red's snowball finds it's target, and flings two of Kaylith's offerings at her fellow weyrlings, before turning and sending another in her mentor's direction.

Dragon> Corineth bespoke Kaylith with "We should battle together against the humans. That would be intriguing."

Kaylith> Corineth senses that Kaylith warbles "Good idea Big One, let's do that" amusement washes her voice.

Dragon> Kaylith senses that Corineth rumblechuckles. "Let us wait for the opportune moment. First we see how many humans join us...We'll be nice to our riders ... for a while."

Eleria and Charis have arrived

Kaylith> Corineth senses that Kaylith's eyes whirl in delight "I shall await your signal" head nods and turns to regard the arriving humans "Lots of targets" she notes.

Corineth is forewarned but does not move fast enough to avoid Kaylith's missle launch effectively. His eyes whirl and he focuses his attention on her. After a long silence, he rumblechuckles in a tone that could resemble mwahahaha.

W'red still trying to hide as much of his body as possible, peeps out and sees B'yan approaching a snowball behind his back, he is about to warn him to take cover when a ball from Shan hits him in the chest, he calls out " B'yan you better take cover, these girls are quite accurate and they're not throwing little ones either," there is a grin on his face. "Not the best place to be I'm afraid, not much cover, and Corineth can get you no matter how well you try and duck." W'red proceeds to roll his next volley of snowballs. Thump! One of Shan's snowballs lands close to his shoulder, close but not close enough.

B'yan eyes Rilsa and her mocking kiss, whatever slick return he was going to send her gets interrupted by the ball coming his way. Seeing it coming, he steps out of the way much like a smooth harper would. "I apologize for interrupting this...." and he looks around, "...is this a weyrling lesson or something?" he asks before hearing Shanlee's taunt. With a dramatical sigh, he bends down to scoop snow into his hands, "Now that was the wrong answers, dear Shan," he drawls, shaking his head. "Not being sorry? I guess it's up to me to be the one to teach manners today," and this coming from the ex-itinerant who's the unruly sort. Looking over his shoulder at W'red's late warning, "Is this the best they got?" he drawls boldly. "Then we can take them, easy," and he lets fly two snowballs, one each at Rilsa and Shanlee.

Kaylith warbles loudly, head nodding as her missile finds it's mark. Tail swishes in self-satisfaction.

Rilsa chuckles softly. "A bit too late in warning there, W'red." She keeps her eyes on the troublemaker who approaches and as she sees the snowball approach her from B'yan's throw, she reaches out a hand to catch it. It slaps against her palm with a loud thwack and a good portion of it still remains intact so she turns around and launches it back at him. In the meantime, Corineth uses his snout to get another snowball ready and whacks it with his tail at W'red!

Ah, into the fray come Eleria and Charis, hand and hand, heads bent close together, obviously talking over something, perhaps serious, perhaps not so, though its hard to tell by their expressions. It doesn't take long for them to notice the 'fight' that’s ensuing, and with a wink, Leri says to the weyrling she's with, "well come on, duties can wait? Who do you think we should help?" Her smile slipping mischievous as she adds, "or hurt?"

An errant snowball arcs through the air - whether it comes from a rider or dragon is unknown and it is heading right for Eleria and Charis.

"I would consider lessons in manners an honour from you B'yan" Shan raises an eyebrow, then bursts out laughing at his Harperlike dramatics "Lesson One, would be....?" a pause as she picks up another of Kaylith's offerings, and pretending to fling it in Rilsa's direction changes direction to fling it at W'red, followed by another B'yans way. Rilsa is not spared and the third arcs up into the air, perfectly aimed to find it's target......until Splodge!! One of W'red's plough into the back of her neck as she's turned "W'red! I'm SO going to get you back!"

Shalyn has arrived

Shalyn comes out of the living cavern carrying a pair of ice skates, but upon spying the activities of the denizens of the bowl she quickly discards them and dives behind a nearby boulder... Not so much to hide but for cover, since two snowballs come whizzing out immediately after. Both course and speed would indicate they were aimed for Shanlee and Charis.

Kaylith follows Corineth's earlier example and scooping up a load of snow, blows it at the two arriving girls a look of glee whirls in her eyes.

Corineth scoops up a load of snow at Kaylith's movement and proceeds to blow it at the arriving Shalyn.

Kaylith> I bespoke Corineth with "Is it time Big One?"

Dragon> Corineth bespoke Kaylith with "I think it is time to launch the offensive against the humans of this bowl. Yeah."

Charis comes walking in with Leri, nodding her head as they speak to each other, she points at the weyrlings with a chuckle. "Ummm I think we need ta 'elp the Weyrsecond? Not dat she prolly can't take care of 'erself, but she was so kind ta bring us to the 'all dat one time." She squeezes Leri's hand, catching her eyes maybe conveying something to her first before scooping up some snow. She doesn't see the snowball heading for them, but it hits her right on her shoulder, "'ey!!"

Kaylith> Corineth senses that Kaylith nods in understanding "Lead the way."

Shalyn meeps! and pulls her hood down and takes cover from the dumping of snow that Corineth just sent her way, "Cori!" she exclaims just before scooping up some of the freshly dumped snow and sending it hurtling towards the brown's snout.

With a low whistle of appreciation, "Nice catch," B'yan drawls to Rilsa with a wink before ducking from her throw. In his ducking, he's already forming two more balls, hazel eyes seeking out the better victims....and two seems to come right into view. He bears his teeth as he straightens, slipping behind something to give him time for his next throw. "You should take such honours bestowed you with grace, Shanlee," he drawls aloud, hazel eyes glinting at the green weyrling from his vantage point. "Lesson one would be to-" and a snowball gets him in the face, muffling the rest of his words as he wipes it away. No matter. He fires one straight for Charis and Eleria, adding a too-bright "Morning!" and then fires the other right back at Shanlee. He ducks the one W'red sends, glaring back at him, "Ah, a betrayer amongst me," he drawls wryly as he scoops up more snow.

Kaylith> Corineth senses that Kaylith subtly starts moving her ready-made snowballs Corineths' way "I'll make them, you launch them" and she steps just off to his side

Corineth proceeds to sneeze at Shalyn's response and then a landing of a snowball on his back. He rumbles and turns toward Kaylith. His maw opens, his large teeth are bared as he gives the humans a draconic smile. With his new partner's assistance, he starts to methodically launch snowballs with a thwack of his tail as Kaylith rolls the snowballs into proper launch position. There is no set pattern of attack, just a global launching every 6 beats.

"Sorry B'yan, what was that I didn't quite...URF......" this one hits Shan mid-section, winding her slightly, eyes narrow "Right! All bets are off" snowball after snowball is launched and she turns in surprise, "Kaylith! How could you" Splat, splodge, drip - it's raining snowballs and it seems no one is spared. Kaylith bugles in triumph at the draconic subterfuge and carries on preparing Corineth's missiles.

"Practice, my dear man." is Rilsa's drawled response to B'yan's comment. Her brow arcs again as another wicked smile forms on her lips. She feints to the left and then slides behind a snow-pile to use as both material and cover. With nothing come from her direction for a few moments, she finally appears with plenty of ammunition. One carefully aimed snowball is sent at W'red, then another at Shanlee in quick succession. A smaller, more streamlined looking one is sent at Shalyn.

Eleria chuckles as the snowball hits Charis' shoulder, "are you sure you want to help the Weyrsecond, that looked suspiciously like it came from *her* direction?" She quickly bends down to scoop up her 'weapons', making sure both palms are ready to launch, "having said that though, there is something to be said for getting on her good side I think." She stands up just in time to get hit with one of B'yan's 'good morning's' and launches her own greeting back to him, "good morning to you too!" A sweet smile is sent the bronze weyrling's way before she slips off to get a little closer to Rilsa and the woman's snow-pile.

Corineth, once he figures out the range and the two dragons get their flow going, proceeds to work on more specialized attacks. The first two are sent toward B'yan and W'red.

Shalyn is squarely pelted by Ril's well aimed shot,
, "Hey! Ril! I guess it's not riders verses weyrlings eh?" she says sending not so much quality but definitely a quantity of shots Rilsa's way reducing her stockpile considerably.

Qeteth comes rumbling into the bowl with a bugle, letting his body slide on the snow, using his wings to guide his direction, pushing a pile of snow up in front of him looking more like a barricade. Charis grins and pulls Eleria over to it

Rilsa wiggles her fingers in greeting toward Eleria and Charis. "Morning!" She doesn't throw anything at them ... yet. However, at Shalyn's called query, she calls back. "There is no such thing as trust in a snowball fight. You know that." The volley of snowballs in her direction cause her to duck but not fast enough to keep one from hitting her shoulder firmly.

Charis says "'ey we can use this Leri. Thanks Qeth." she says with a grin forming a snowball, launching it in W'red direction quickly bending over for another to throw at Shanlee. "I've not done this in a long time." She scoots closer to where Rilsa and Cori have set up fort having Qeteth help out with the barracade.

W'red laughs as B'yan, drawls, "A free for all Sir," is his glib answer, blue eyes filled with mirth. W'red ducks and covers his head as the two dragons large and small launch the tirade of snowballs in no particular direction, but a lot and often, at least three hit him in various places, "Dragons!" W'red shakes his head to rid it of snow, sits up as the flow of snowballs slows. Ril, Shan, you two put them up to that?" W'red can do nothing but laugh, this is one war he isn't going to win, he can't roll or throw as fast as the two dragons do. Another pelts him in the chest and he dives back for cover.

"Perhaps I should take lessons with you, then," B'yan quips back to the Weyrsecond with a lopsided grin as he launches one at Shalyn, then Shanlee. The latter gets a low chuckle, "I suppose we'll have to set our lessons on manners at another time, when there's not any snowballs being thrown at my head," he drawls to her in amusement. He whips around to launch one at W'red before Eleria's shot gets him in the back. With a return smirk, "Want to join Shanlee in lessons of manners?" he asks her all-too politely before Corineth's shot gets him in the side.

Dragon> Corineth bespoke Qeteth and Kaylith with "Are you siding with the humans? Against the more superior race?"

Dragon> Corineth and Kaylith sense that Qeteth rumbles and looks around seeing the alliance, "Oh no! We are much better than they are. I want us to win!"

Kaylith> Corineth and Qeteth sense that Kaylith croons "Come now Qeteth, do what is right, and join us"

Rilsa's green eyes flash toward her dragon and replies to W'red. "No. He is like that on his own. Don't know where he gets it from." Her lips hold that wicked smile as she watches W'red get attacked. With a wink, she reaches down, throws a smaller snowball toward W'red in case he is bored without a barrage of snow. Lifting her voice, she retorts back to B'yan, that wicked smile widening. "You couldn't keep up with my lessons, little man!" A snowball is also sent in his direction

Shalyn sends a particularly well crafted snowball hurtling towards B'yan before ducking his shot behind her boulder, "Word to the wise B'yan... it's never a good idea to upset a greenrider." she says with a grin before launching another one.

Kaylith bugles delightedly as Corineth's aim hits the intended targets. Dipping her head she lifts a mound of snow onto it, then flipping her head upward sends a shower of snow over the humans warbling with mirth.
Qeteth bugles again, now being on the other side of the humans from his dragon mates decides to demolish the barricade by pushing a great big pile towards Rilsa, Charis and Eleria. His eyes whirling brightly with a tint of red excitement.

Eleria laughs softly as she's pulled back the other way, her free arm just managing to launch her last snowball Shanlee's direction, the weyrling picked at random. "I haven't done this since I left Fort, used to do this all the time with the farm folks and my family, well this, among other things," is noted as she ducks to fill her hands with more ammunition. "Oh, and I suppose you think you're the one to teach me those manners B'yan?" is called out, before she gets to her feet again and whips a snowball his way, her second and third getting thrown at Shalyn and oops, did that last go Rilsa's way? Maybe that was an accident.

Corineth warmly welcomes his fellow dragon to the Kaylith-Corineth line of attack. He quickly shows Qeteth how to thwack the excellently made by Kaylith snowballs with the tail. This one heads in Leri's direction.

Shalyn get's pelted by Eleria and sends a few more her way in response before she ducks down laughing and rolling another stockpile of ammunition at the same time. Seems a lot of people are not having a lot of trouble hitting such a small target... could also be because she was dressed for winter watch-standing. "Hey Shan! Over here!" she shouts out before launching a couple in Shanlee's direction.

Shanlee staggering from the repeated blows and laughing too much, manages to lift a hand in greeting "Morning Leri..Oof...Charis..." thump on her back in the snow, she gives up and just lies there for a second. "Thanks Shalyn I needed those, although not so splattered" she grins from her prostrate position, before making an attempt to crawl out of the way. Giving up Shan sits right where she is and starts scooping and molding snowballs. Standing with an armful of snowballs flings one at W'red "Now why would you think -I- told her to do that?" snowball punctuation. Shan demonstrates her cheerful dismay at her green's betrayal by flinging one at the dragonet.

B'yan raises a brow, "Little man?" he echoes Rilsa with a challenge in his eyes. "That's a lot to boast, Rilsa-Ma'am," and the title gets drawled out musingly. "Is this where I get to quip the words I really want to say, and you come over here and slap me for my insolence?" He launches a snowball her way, ducking from hers as he regards Shalyn briefly. "I've upset plenty of greenriders in my day," he returns a bit haughtily with a grin, seeming to taunt her, "so what makes you special?" And yep, she gets a launched ball again too. He tips his head to Eleria from his vantage point, "Who else -but- me?" he launches his words along with a ball at her. Perhaps all the bantering made him not notice the balls coming his way, for they all hit him at once, the ex-rogue making a grab for his hiding spot as his feet threaten to buckle beneath him.

W'red lies low, unsure who to throw at next, rolls two really big snowballs, looks up to gauge the distance to Corineth and Kaylith, sees Qeteth has joined the other two dragons, he bends and rolls a third, W'red picks them up one at a time but in quick succession launches the three large snowballs at the dragons, scoring with each. He then turns to see where he can run to get away from the coming retaliation. seeing a larger rock he dives behind it and begins to roll some smaller balls for the human adversaries.

Kaylith snorts in disgust at her human's puny attempt and rolls some extra big snowballs each for Corineth and Qeteth warbling instructions at who she felt they were meant for.

Charis gasps in surprise, glaring at her dragon when he sends a wall of snow in her, Leri and Rilsa's direction, yells out at him, "Qeteth, you're supposed to 'elp me! I can't believe...." she grins at him anyway, not to be angry long, picks up more snow. She sees the crawling Shanlee and throws another in her direction quickly then sees that B'yan is a little unsteady on his feet launching a big one at him as well. "B'yan, you talk a big game." She sees W'red's snowballs go flying towards the dragons and laughs.

Shalyn grins a feral grin towards B'yan, "'In your day...' why you little snotling! Haven't you heard?" she says flinging another couple his way, "I'm the one that does the slapping."

Rilsa gets hit with a snowball from Leri and turns, giving the girl a look. "I wasn't going to attack you but this calls for war, you know." She says, grinning before picking up a snowball to toss up in her hand a few times before launching it purposefully at Leri. Hearing B'yan's words, she calls back. "You can say anything you want, little man." Her voice drawls out the new title for the bronzeriding weyrling. "Actions speak louder than words ..." She pauses, giving the now on-the-verge-of-being prostate weyrling a lingering look. "... and you don't have anything to show, apparently. Though, prostrate at my feet is a good start." She flashes him a grin and blows another mocking kiss at him before turning to Corineth. "Hey!"

Dragon> Corineth bespoke Qeteth and Kaylith with "To whom shall I gift this one?"

Dragon> Qeteth bespoke Corineth and Kaylith with "I think you should get *Leri*"

Corineth follows Qeteth's instructions and launches the snowball at his requested target ... Leri.

Kaylith> Corineth and Qeteth sense that Kaylith muses a moment "Perhaps the one who rides Jaireth next?"

Dragon> Qeteth and Kaylith sense that Corineth motions to Qeteth "You try it with your tail and get Jaireth's human."

Eleria's not looking Corineth's way and get hits firmly in the side by the dragon's apparently well aimed shot, but she laughs and sends one of her latest snowballs the dragon's way, and of course gets hit again by Shalyn's volleys. "I never said I was any good at this," is spluttered to Charis, her eyes rolling amusedly at herself, playfully lobbing a snowball at the grey-eyed weyrling, before launching the rest of her ammunition at B'yan and W'red, the former of the two getting called towards, "I think I'll change that to anyone *but* you!" She drops to her knees next, just barely managing to get hit by his return fire and luckily avoiding Rilsa's.

Corineth rumbles with amusement as his target is true. He shows some teeth in a draconic smile at Eleria's direction before crooning encouragement to Qeteth.

Kaylith> Corineth and Qeteth sense that Kaylith rumblechuckles "Good one Corineth, to whom should the others be bestowed?"

Charis chuckles at all the snow flying about, having been fairly lucky so far. She moves closer to her friend and starts to make more snowballs, now ignoring the fact that Qeteth has defected to the 'other' side. She looks over at Rilsa and Leri, "Let's get B'yan and W'red next." she says in a hushed tone, just enough for them to hear. She waits a few moments to see if they heard before launching several snowballs in the two males directions. After that she throws more snow towards her dragon. "Traitor!"

Dragon> Corineth and Kaylith sense that Qeteth rumbles and runs over to them, "Wait for me! I want to help. Get that boy over there *B'yan*"

Dragon> Corineth bespoke Qeteth and Kaylith with "You get him, Qeteth. Just pull your tail back and swing at the ball in Jaireth's rider's direction."

Qeteth goes running...sliding over to where the other two dragons are, watching Corineth's instructions before patting a huge pile of snow together and whacking it in B'yan's direction with a snortchuckle.

Shanlee gives up and just lies back in the snow cry-laughing, her stomach ached and fighting dragons was just -not- going to work. "I don't know what's funniest" she gasps "Dragon betrayal or B'yan offering Harper lessons" Hair is completely out of the braid, hat long gone and breeches soaked all the way through. Finally Shan sits up, and struggles to her feet, slipping and sliding along she makes her way to the men and ducks down behind them "Guess you two come in handy for something every now and then" she teases from behind them and starts moulding snowballs again.

Regaining his ground, "Perhaps you should get to know me before spouting off such titles," B'yan drawls smoothly to Rilsa with a baring of teeth. "I've got plenty to show. It's just not... appropriate for those innocents among us. As for the prostrating," and he makes a show of looking to the ground, a finger tracing his chin briefly, "I don't let women rule me, but if you wine and dine me, then we'll talk." He only winks over at Charis' words before he launches a ball in her direction before Shalyn gets his attention. Hazel eyes regarding her with interest, "No, that little bit of news seems to have slipped my ears," he answers her in amusement. "I'm sure I'll be able to give you plenty of reasons to prove your particular prowess to me." He sends a ball the greenrider's way then, along with W'red and Shanlee. Eleria gets a barely-contained sigh, "Then I guess I'll just have to settle for... this!" and he shoots a snowball at her, his grin mischievous.

W'red from his new vantage point can see all the possible targets better now, and with his stock of snowballs nicely built up he tosses two in Leri and Charis's direction. Ducks quickly as one comes from out of nowhere but not quick enough 'splat' on the ear, W'red winces, as his ear burns slightly. Turns and throws another at Shalyn, and then Rilsa, B'yan. Starts again, with another round, as Shan ducks in behind him, "You roll I'll throw, we can try the dragons trick," he grins as Shan breathless from laughing is already rolling snowballs. "B'yan you sure know how to move your feet I see," W'red laughs out as B'yan's quips to the two women seem to flow easily from his mouth.

Steorra has arrived.
Carulith has arrived.

"Innocents?...." Shan looks around behind her, then back to the human wall she's chosen to hide behind "Perhaps the wining and dining should be offered rather than taken B'yan" she quips at the bronze weyrling in front of her and drops a snowball down both W'red's and B'yan's backs before scooting over to join Shalyn, laughing at the shocked looks on the men's faces.

Eleria nods in Qeteth's direction and whispers an aside to Charis, "all right, but after we get them, we need to get your blue friend." She quickly begins to form fresh snowballs and pops up just to take in the lay of the land, of course at the wrong time and gets hits on the side of her head, white flecks of snow peppering her black hair. "Jays, I really need to work on my timing," is noted to no one and just before she sends a snowball whizzing back towards B'yan, calling, "you bet your sweet behind that's all you'll be settling for!"
She laughs at Rilsa's comment, just rolling her eyes in response and nodding, before sending more snowballs flying the trio's way, the trinity consisting of the bronze weyrling, Shan and W'red.

Dragon> Qeteth bespoke Corineth, Carulith, and Kaylith with "Caru...you need to come help us. We are *better * than the humans!!"

Kaylith> Corineth, Qeteth, and Carulith sense that Kaylith warbles in agreement "Qeteth speaks the truth" and puffs her little chest out

B'yan throws his head back and laughs, the sound a bold one before he gives a little dramatic bow to both Shalyn and Rilsa and lets some of the snowballs hit him on the side. To Rilsa, "You just haven't had a bronzerider like me is all," he drawls in open arrogance, scooping up some snow in the process. "It's really a shame that you don't have much to compare to. But it's not your fault." Straightening with a challenge in his eyes, "And you're welcome to teach me the proper way of things, Rilsa-ma'am," he adds easily. "But I warn, I'm quite uncivillized. Charis can vouch." He launches one at Charis right then before regarding Shanlee with, "I barely need to offer, my dear." With all the banter the women are sending his way, he looks to W'red and sighs. "Jealousy. What a beautiful thing," is all he quips before he launches a ball at those returning his words.

Shalyn smirks at Rilsa, "Hey Rilsa, do the weyr a favor... do you're worst." she says before lobbing another one at the impudent little snotling.

"Heeeeey......" Shan yells good-naturedly at Eleria "I was trying to set them up, not join them" she lobs a complimentary snowball Leri's way before calling back to B'yan "One day bronzerider you'll meet your match in a woman that will have you more confounded then the day you Impressed" A snowball finds it's way to Charis but the next one veers slightly off target and may just hit the arriving bluerider. "Steorra.....Oops.."

Shalyn lobs another one at B'yan, "Besides, you're not a -real- bronzerider yet anyway."

Dragon> Corineth, Qeteth, and Kaylith sense that Carulith almost squeaks with excitement "Come help you? what are we doing?!"

W'red is shocked at Shan's total disregard for his kind offer as she drops a snowball down his back and scarpers, "Shan," he yelps as he tries to get the snow out of his shirt, he follows her with a tirade of snowballs, "Well so much for trust," W'red yells after Shan a snowy cold smile on his face. "B'yan you're on your own in this one, those two," he indicates Rilsa and Shalyn are out of my league at the moment but....." W'red launches three snowballs at each of the senior riders.

Charis nods to Eleria, chuckling when her friend gets hit with snowball, "Yep, timing my friend. Need ta work on it." She does nod to her and starts making some snowballs to get Qeteth and the other dragons, if they can. She hears her name though coming from that arrogant bronzerider and sticks her head up, just in time of course to get hit in the side of the head. B'yan gets a glare, "Oh I'll get ya for dat B'yan."

Kaylith> Corineth, Qeteth, and Carulith sense that Kaylith explains happily "We're showing the humans who the superior race is Carulith"

Steorra walks out towards the bowl, the blue running off in front of her towards the other dragons "What on Pern....?" she doesn't get chance to finish as a stray snowball hits her in the side of the head and she ends up with a mouthful of snow. Wiping it away from her hair she glares from one to the other trying to decide who the culprit is but as there is so much snow flying from one person to another she gives in and decides to find somewhere to hide.

In the sky directly above, Oenoneth circles above the snow-brawlers watching with interest.

Rilsa lifts both hands, palms up and then moves her fingers in a 'come on' gesture. "You're not a bronzerider yet, little man." She drawls lazily. "If you ever become one, maybe I'll deign to consider your worth ..." A flash of a grin is sent in his direction before she continues. "In the meantime, your first lesson in manners is to either put up or shut up." With that, she starts moving in his direction using a perimeter, snowball in hand. "For the good of the Weyr. Shal?" The latter sets her off laughing. "Now now, W'red. Hey, Charis ... why don't you show the boys just how lethal we can be."

B'yan snaps his finger at Shalyn, "No, but I'll settle for being my former itinerant self before I become one," he returns to her loftily. "You can figure out which one of me is the worst." He launches one at Shanlee for her words as he ducks one coming at him, "Who's to say I haven't already?" he quips wryly. He turns to face Rilsa then, his posture steady as he readies a snowball in his hand. "Then for your sake, you better hope I don't become one," he quips, eyes dancing. Forming a second ball, "You really want to take me on?" he challenges boldly, seeming pleased when Rilsa walks toward him. He notes Charis then and flashes a grin, a bold one as well.

Eleria rolls her eyes B'yan's way, amusement and just the hint of distaste making her blue eyes spark, once again getting peppered by snow, this time at Shanlee's hand, and once again, she laughs it off, offering a wink and a "sorry" to the green weyrling. "You get him Charis, I'll concentrate on the dragons I think," is said quietly to her friend, but through a warm smile. She sends a "it wasn't me!" towards Steorra, before grabbing her latest batch of snowballs and whipping them one after the other in the traitorous dragons' general directions.

Shalyn also begins to stalk B'yan, snowballs in hand, she grins at Rilsa, "Call it confidence in your abilities." she turns to Shanlee at her side, "Whatdaya say Shan? Shall we teach this little snotling a lesson?" she asks before glancing up and nodding at Oenoneth.

Shanlee laughs at W'red "Never trust a woman behind you W'red" she chortles at his dismay. Her glee is short-lived however, when his barrage barrels into her sending her staggering. "I'll call that retribution shall I?" she pants trying to catch her breath. "Go on Rilsa, teach them a lesson they may not understand" Shan eggs the Wingsecond on but shakes her head at Shalyn "I'm not getting involved in this one Shalyn, I have to share Barracks with him remember"

Steorra stays in her hiding place behind a rock, making her own collection of small snowballs before she takes a peak from behind the rock "Hey guys, I daren't ask what started this all off" she calls. Carulith has already made his way, slipping and sliding towards the other dragons and he even seems to have forgotten his fear of greens while he bounces about Kaylith amused at the whole situation.

In the sky directly above, Oenoneth quickly dives down towards the boys position flying over the women and dragons (to avoid them) with well aimed precision delivers a draconic sized armload of snow onto the boy's position.

W'red watches as the girls stalk B'yan, well with all his quirks he was looking for it W'red looks for an escape route just in case he gets caught in the cross fire, he giggles as Shan tumbles as the barrage hit her, "Trust is a two way thing, shouldn't turn your back and run". Too late to do anything he is covered by a pile of snow, only caught a glimpse of the culprit but far too late.

Rilsa continues to move toward B'yan, her hands holding firm snowballs. She releases a silvery laugh at his words. "You have a chance to run now, B'yan. After all, are you sure you're man enough to play with the big kids?" She drawls, her eyes twinkling with amusement. The first attack is in play and she laughs louder, "Last chance ... little man." Her steps are sure, her hips have that playful swagger going as she taunts the bronzeling. Her eyes flash momentarily toward W'red. "You have chosen your side, brownling ... you chose ... poorly." before she goes back to smiling at B'yan.

Kaylith bugles her approval at the other green's clever snow deployment technique. Seeming to have lost interest in rolling snowballs she starts a new game, ploughing the snow into drifts in front of her, warbling constantly.

Corineth's tail swishes side to side, his eyes watching the events unfolding in the bowl. He knows where his loyalties lie and he waits, watching to see if anything happens.

Qeteth looks up as the snow is delivered and falls towards the two guys, looking about and gets hit with one of Eleria's snowballs, warbles at her. He changes his tactics too though, following those of Corineth.

B'yan is well aware that he's outnumbered, his eyes flicking from one woman to the next with open indifference. The smirk grows, "I've wrestled with worse," he drawls boldly, both hands holding snowballs as he faces Rilsa in showdown-style. His smirk grows at her swagger, nodding in approval. "Are you sure you're woman enough to play with this one?" he returns smoothly. "I don't back down. Enough posturing and smooth words. Bring it on," and his hands tighten on the snowballs as his arms tense.

Shanlee gives W'red a cheeky grin, green eyes flashing with mischievousness "I don't run W'red, I make alternative decisions on the move." Raking her fingers through her now loose and damp hair, she flicks the mass back over her shoulder and goes in search of her hat to keep it out of her eyes. B'yan's words have her grinning to herself, Oh, he really was the cocky one wasn't he. Bending to sift through some snow, still searching for the hat, she fills her hands and starts moulding it idly, a turn of her head, a quick look behind her to her friends.

Eleria gets slowly to her feet, doubled over in laughter while patting over her now wet clothes. She sends a softly blown kiss Qeteth's way and rolls her eyes again at B'yan's words, not bothering to even look in his direction. "I still think I owe your blue a few more volleys Charis," is said through a crooked grin. She ducks down quickly and retrieves the last of her snowballs, then straightens and begins to walk towards the dragon, who is following Corineth.
W'red looks at B'yan, a wry grin on his face "We're outnumbered here for sure, not even the male dragons are helping us." W'red just shakes his head at B'yan, doesn't know when to quit. "Ah well if it's us against them then we'll have to do as best we can," W'red sighs and stands next B'yan, also with a snowball in each hand. "Ok Ril, lets have it." Knowing something was up he glances over towards Corineth.

Rilsa purses her lips, blowing the bronzerider another mocking kiss. "More woman than you can handle ..." She replies, her fingers twitch for a second before a slow smile curves, giving her expression a rather playfully wicked appearance. "Catch me if you can, darlin'" is drawled before her arm snaps back to deliver the first throw, then the second.

Shalyn takes advantage of the showdown and B'yan's focus on Ril to move to his flank and send a couple well aimed shots his way!

Corineth, in a well choreographed move, flicks the snowball at his tail toward B'yan at the silent signal from his rider. The snowball flies true but it can hit either man depending on their dodging abilities.

Steorra gets slowly to her feet listening to the others but looking from B'yan and W'red to the group of women with a slight grin on her face. She grabs a couple of the snowballs at her feet and begins to launch them towards B'yan and W'red from her vantage point.

Qeteth bugles when Cori sends the snowball heading in the men's direction and follows suit with a large one of his own. He gets pelted though with the snowballs from Eleria and warbles at her again before launching a quick one in her direction before tossing another at the guys.

Oenoneth rolls a small snowball, for a dragon anyway, before she too lobs it towards the direction of the 2 little boys.

Kaylith nudges her now big snowball into position. Taking careful aim she thwacks it right into the middle of B'yan and W'red, a bugle follows her action.

Carulith can't help but copy the other dragons, after all it looks like fun! Taking aim he belts one of the snowballs at his feet straight towards the boys.

Charis laughs and nods to her friend working on a few more snowballs, "By all means Leri, get 'im. 'e deserves it after joinin da dragons." She looks up and watches Rilsa taunt back at B'yan, rolling her eyes at his words. She sees the snowballs fly from the dragons and moves over to the right side of where the guys are standing, waiting a moment longer with her snowballs.

Having managed to come around behind W'red and B'yan in 'search' for her hat, Shan takes a step back and flicking her wrist using her knife-throwing technique, lobs a snowball each at their backs. Bending and throwing her stockpile for as long as she can knowing full well she'd pay for it later.

Eleria wisely lets the dragon's have their due, but just before she can send her remaining snowballs in the 'boy's' direction, she gets hit again. She glares playfully at Qeteth with a pretty little smirk tickling the corners of her lips, a curve that broadens as she now turns and flings her snowballs at B'yan and W'red.

B'yan grimaces when W'red mentions the dragons, adding "That shardin' dragon of mine doesn't even show when I need him," in an undertone his way. He chuckles low at Rilsa's taunt, sending W'red a look. "Well, it seems like she's giving a challenge, hm?" he drawls aloud with a grin. "Oh trust me, Rilsa-ma'am, I can handle more than you know," and with a wink he shoots one at Rilsa, then the other at Shalyn. It's quick that he notes that the dragons have entered the fray as he dodges Shalyn's shot, letting Rilsa's get him in the side as he bends to set up another shot. "W'red!" he calls. "The women are cheats! What brazen examples we have!" And while it's difficult to avoid all the dragons' shots, he gets caught in the back by Shanlee, the sides by those near, and throw his hands up in a dramatic show of being bombarded. "I'm hit," he cries, glaring at Rilsa, "but I'm not going down without a fight," and he shoots a few more in Rilsa's direction.

Charis laughs at Qeteth, but quickly launches the rest of her snowballs at W'red and B'yan, making sure that they are equally thrown at both, yelling out to W'red, "Ya just 'appen to be da wrong gender right now W'red. Sorry." she grins at him. Her throws are pretty accurate to say the least, especially since she is farther to the side where there isn't anyone in front of her.

"Cheat? No, the correct answer is clever beyond your wildest dreams, darlin'!" Rilsa retorts, ducking a few lobs. "Is that all you have?" One hits her in the arm and the other on the tip of her boot but she is making and throwing balls at the bronzeling and brownling as she goes. As she is releasing the volley of snowballs, along with the help of her dragon, she is getting closer and closer to the man. If his attention is temporarily drawn away from her to her partners-in-crime, she will make the attempt to trip and bring him down - with or without her going down.

Kaylith> Corineth, Oenoneth, Qeteth, and Carulith sense that Kaylith rumblechuckles "We did good, didn't we?" eyes whirling with mirth "Look at them all covered in snow"

Dragon> Corineth bespoke Oenoneth, Qeteth, Carulith, and Kaylith with "I agree. A few more lessons are needed."

W'red drops the two snowballs and covers himself as best he can just in case, and takes several hits from the dragons and so called friends, "You started this by taunting them and Tavaith wouldn't join me anyway as this is not considered draconic, so we're on our own for now," he starts laughing "the attentions of so many women at the same time can't be a bad thing though."

Dragon> Corineth, Oenoneth, Carulith, and Kaylith sense that Qeteth bugles happily, "WE got them!!!"

Corineth flicks more snowballs, including the one toward W'red for being so fresh.

Kaylith> I bespoke Corineth, Oenoneth, Qeteth, and Carulith with "Oh do tell Big One"

Kaylith takes a mound of snow in her maw, and snorts it at the human males, sending yet another shower of snow over them.

Qeteth warbles at Kaylith, his playmate and does what she is doing, but instead of actually spewing it out he swallows half of it, dragon sneezing all over the place

Steorra is happy that she at least managed to hit someone in revenge for her earlier hit to the face, wiping the snow from her hands she hurries back to the safety of the barracks with Carulith skulking along behind her.
Steorra goes home.
Steorra has left.
Carulith goes home.
Carulith has left.

Shalyn laughs as she continues to lob rather poorly made snowballs towards B'yan, now that W'red has taken cover, "I suppose it's rather unfair that we're in riding leathers and they aren't isn't it Ril?" she looks like she's thinking, "Nah! I call it a tactical advantage." she throws another.

"I did no such thing!" B'yan sends W'red's way about his 'taunting'. "I was speaking my mind. Is it my fault they take offence at my words? I mean, really," and he shoots a few in different directions, "they got just as much ego as I do. If that wasn't the case, they wouldn't be eliciting the help of their dragons against us." Being hit with more of the snowballs, the ex-rogue doesn't notice Rilsa's proximity, so down he goes with a sudden curse. By reflexes alone, he shoots out an arm to attempt to bring her down right beside him amidst all the melee, tossing one of his snowballs in the air before catching it lazily. "Nice try," he drawls to her in amusement.

Charis runs closer now that Rilsa has gotten B'yan on his back, instead of throwing all her snowballs at him she decides to get W'red with a few before retreating back. Her face and hair all a mess with snow and water dripping down, soaked to the core, but she laughs at the fun, looking over at Shan's way seeing that she looks rather a mess herself.

Scooping up several snowballs from her stockpile Shan jumps out of the way as B'yan goes down "Not so sure of ourselves anymore are we" she taunts them, throwing a snowball to punctuate each word "Now isn't that where they're meant to be? Down on the ground before us?" Shan asks her mentor a sly grin on her face and pushes the damp strands out of her eyes.

Rilsa's laugh at bringing to pompous man down is brief as one foot escapes the bring-down attempt but she is brought down as well with some quick reflexes. "It was, wasn't it." She replies, flashing a grin even as the hand that was holding a snowball moves to mush it into that amused looking face if she has a chance to do so. "Yield." She says, adding. "And I'll call off the dragons."

Eleria watches as B'yan and Rilsa manoeuvre to get the best of each other, the latter with the aid of most, and the former apparently not getting much help from anywhere, not that she thinks he deserves it, as evidenced by her arched brow at the weyrling. "I think I'll even the odds a little for you and take myself out of the equation boys," she smiles and then slips off, black hair, damp and tumbling about her back and shoulders in a riot of wavy tendrils. Quietly she removes herself from the fray she had walked into earlier, and when she feels safe enough, turns and walks towards the other side of the bowl.

Eleria strolls towards the eastern side of the bowl.
Eleria has left.

On his back beside the Weyrsecond, "You talk a hard bargain," B'yan drawls lightly as if speaking of the weather rather than being in the middle of a snowball fight. He ducks from the snowball she tries to smash into his face, chuckling. He flashes a grin at Shanlee, "Perhaps in your wildest dreams, my dear," he drawls to her easily. "As you can see, the Weyrsecond has been gracious enough to come join me down here on the ground. She'll get hit if I do," he simply warns in amusement. He raises a hand to Eleria then, "Best move to make," he calls to her. "I'll be seeing you." Back to Rilsa, "Yield," he adds with casual ease, "and I'll let you up," and sure enough he has her pinned to the side with the arm that brought her down. "What's better...? Conceding your brazen treacherous ways, or preparing to be bombarded with W'red and me?"

In the bowl, to the east, Eleria goes home.

W'red has managed to back away as Rilsa tackles B'yan, "What, don't you girls think you need back up only five plus dragons against B'yan and I" he grins and backs away quickly expecting a barrage of snowballs.
Charis steps up behind W'red and puts out her own foot to see if she can trip him up as well. She grins over at Rilsa, "I think she's got more a chance ta get ya back B'yan than ya think." She smiles sweetly at the brown weyrling, "'ello there W'red. Ya seem ta be missin your dragon." She throws a snowball at him.

Kaylith ploughs her head under the snow to resurface with a headful, balancing it carefully she sneaks up as much as a waddling dragonet can and dumps her load on the top of the bronzerider and his brownriding accomplice. A snort of amusement follows. "Why yes B'yan, I lay awake nights trying to devise schemes of such a nature" a sarcastic note in her tone as a snowball gets casually dropped on him. W'red's comment gets a raised eyebrow "Well, we had your male egos to consider at the time" Shan utters a soft sigh "And so fragile they can be too" before her eyes zero in on her target and a snowball is flung his way.

"If you are going to play hard, you have to accept all the consequences, darlin'" Rilsa responds, shifting back into imitating B'yan's drawl. "Are you willing to do that, little man?" Even on the ground in this position, she doesn't seem to be worried. "Yield, and I'll let off easily." At those words, a large brown head appears overhead and a snort is felt, though that movement does save them both from Kaylith's snow dropping. "Corineth mentioned wanting a chew toy ... are you willing to be it?" She winks at the one that has her pinned, quirking a grin. "Yield."

Shalyn grins and salutes, "I applauded your sacrifice Ril... prepare second bombardment!"

B'yan puts his free hand over his chest at Charis's words, "Such low opinion of me," he drawls. He flicks a glance at Rilsa then, "Are all Reachian women quick to dump their hard-nosed influence on poor souls?" he quips wryly before adding, "We -both- yield, and I'll throw in that 'wine and dine' when I'm allowed to," in light interest. He looks up to Corineth then before his lips twitch, "I got plenty of chew toys," he offers blithely. "If Jaireth has no care, I can offer them to him?" For Shanlee, he simply blows her a kiss at her words as he bats the snow away from his face.

Shalyn grins, "Hold off for a moment girls we might have a treaty."

W'red backs away, "I also yield you lot got us totally outnumbered and out dragoned, next time I'll make sure I have more backup before getting involved in a snowball fight with you, we didn't have a snowballs chance on Pern." W'red grins at the assembled, looking like they'd all been swimming fully dressed.

Rilsa's eyes flicker toward the group and chuckles, moving her gaze back to the bronze weyrling laying at her side in the cold snow. She hmms, giving him a long look before extending a hand in tentative agreement. "Yield for today." She says, then chuckles. "I'll accept that 'wine and dine' if you survive weyrlinghood in one piece, B'yan. After all, you have much to prove." The latter is said with a light laugh, however.

A hand reaches out and catches B'yans 'kiss' "Oh bronzerider I shall treasure this moment forever" a roll of eyes however, wipes the sincerity out of that statement entirely. Shan laughs at W'red's cliche "Real smooth brownrider" his glance causes her to look down at her attire "Aren't we all ready for a gather?" A grin on her face as treaties are agreed upon "You're a brave woman Ma'am" Shan offers her mentor at accepting B'yan's wine and dine offer.

An aside comment is heard. "That poor man for offering."

Shalyn giggles, "A gather sounds like a wonderful idea, to bad it's winter. But what does everyone say to a steaming mug of Klah?"

Charis tosses one more snowball at her blue Qeteth for Eleria to get him back before chuckling at the group around her. "B'yan, I'm not sure you could 'andle Rilsa's wine and dine. I sure would love ta be there when it 'appens though." she quips, nodding respectfully to Rilsa. She moves closer to where Shalyn stands and smiles at her mentor.

B'yan sighs in mock relief, wiping a hand at his forehead. "You are quite the woman, Rilsa-ma'am," he drawls, now sitting up and letting the Weyrsecond free from his grasp. "You know," he adds as an aside to Rilsa casually, "I happen to be stellar in my wining and dining, provided I -do- manage to do something drastic like ....survive weyrlinghood unscathed," he notes lightly. "But I'm always up for a challenge, even ones coming at the expense of being simply outnumbered." He flashes a grin to Shanlee and her words, "Everything I do is meant to be treasured," he states loftily to her before adding to Charis as he gets to his feet, "And..." he adds in her direction, "I think you're underestimating me, my dear. We'll just see, won't we?" he adds with a touch of arrogance.

Shalyn smiles, "Hey Charis, shall we help these two to their feet?" she asks her mentee.

Charis nods and offers Rilsa a hand up if she wants it. "Well we'll 'ave ta save the war for another day it seems. Time for some warmin up?" She winks at W'red and B'yan, "I'm sure dat you two will be outnumbered again in da future." Qeteth pushes some of the last snow towards the group and gathers it up in his maw, spewing it up in the air above everyones head, rumblechuckling as it comes down.

Rilsa rolls her eyes at the comment, but laughs nonetheless. "Don't lose all of that arrogance, little man. You'll become boring. But maybe you'll grow into it rightfully" She comments, sitting up as well now that she is released. Waving a hand at Corineth to get him to move that nasty breathing away, she chuckles again. "That was an entertaining afternoon. Quite enjoyable." She takes the offered hand and gets to her feet.

W'red sighs, a gentle look in his eyes, "Duty calls, Clear skies ma'am's and all you weyrlings, sleep with one eye open, Tavaith's creeling to be fed." With that W'red turns and hurries off to the barracks.

Rilsa lifts a hand, waving to W'red. "Clear skies, W'red. We'll do some mentoring work another day." She says in way of goodbye to him.

W'red wanders towards the eastern side of the bowl.
W'red has left.

B'yan's quip gets a chuckle and a slight shake of her head "Oh, I have no doubt that there are many who would fall for that B'yan" Finally spotting her hat and the leather thong from her braid, Shan retrieves them and starts trying to make some sort of sense out of her hair. "Yes Ma'am, it was most enjoyable, but a mug of klah wouldn't go amiss right now" a shiver runs through her, as a breeze brushes against the damp clothing. "I best go get some dry clothes on" Shan lifts a hand in farewell as she and Kaylith head back to the Barracks.

B'yan dusts his pants off and stretches, "I doubt I could, Rilsa-ma'am," he answers about his arrogance easily. "It's just the way I am." He winks at Charis then, "Yeah, that was entertaining-" and his hazel eyes cloud for a brief moment before his jaw tightens visibly. "Oh, now he wants...after..." and shaking his head, "I better go do Jaireth's bidding," he drawls in mild anger. "I'll see you all around too." With a low chuckle to Shanlee, and a smooth salute to Rilsa and Shalyn, the bronze weyrling turns and heads back to the barracks.

qeteth, rilsa, b'yan, snow balls, weyrlinghood, shalyn, corineth, shan, steorra, kaylith, w'red, charis, oenoneth, carulith, eleria

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