Dragonets and Weyrlings go skating

Nov 26, 2006 16:32

Shan-Kaylith, Charis-Qeteth, Melata-Verenth, W'red-Tavaith, Eleria, Keevin

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
This shoreline marks the edge of the freshwater lake that fills the southeastern portion of the bowl. The gritty dirt of the bowl gives way to smooth sand. Dragons often dive from high above the lake into its chilly waters, rinsing away the pungent smell of firestone. Their riders are frequently seen standing along the shoreline, watching on, the waters too brisk for casual swimming.
Across the lake, the bowl wall rises high into the sky, its face dotted with weyr entrances. A few dragonlengths above the water, glimpses of a level cliff can be seen amidst boulders lining the edge. Just south of here, a smaller pond of water is divided from the main lake by a natural bridge of land. The water of the pond is frozen solid, an expanse of crystal glass that spreads from shore to shore. A path leads across the bridge and up to the diving cliffs, winding through a dotting of small boulders on its way.
The morning is clear, and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past. There is a light breeze that whistles softly across the frozen lake.
Obvious exits:
LAke Pond Diving Cliff Bowl

W'red grins at Keevin, "This is one thing that you can't do, you get searched, and aaaaah, W'red slips, and yelps, then a loving dragonet picks you! and that's that," he says from a sitting position on the ice. He watches as Eleria glides off neatly pivoting to face them, he just grins at her and tries to get back to his feet, Tavaith however has moved a foot or two, and turns his head to look at W'red sitting on the ice, eyes whirling in amusement.

Melata laughs at her dragon's annoyance, "If you actually expended yourself to go fly to the otherside, you might find ice thick enough for you to get your tail out upon."

Verenth sits back on his haunches to sulk, dragon-style. Flying over to thicker ice would take too much effort. Melata shakes her head and goes over to see how the Weyrlings are doing, as for some this is probably their first chance to really try skating as the lake hasn't really been thick enough until this point in the winter.

Kaylith warbles brightly when she sees Tavaith is actually out on the ice, her eyes whirl faster when she takes in the large blue nearby. Shan looks around "Wow! Is there a party I didn't know about?" The bluerider's words get her attention "Afternoon Ma'am" she salutes "Duties to your dragon" Shan glances at Kaylith and cants her head in the Lake's direction "Go on then, I'll catch up in a minute" She hangs back a minute to smile at Charis "How you two doing? He still sulking?" a fond smile is offered in Qeteth's direction.

Kaylith> Tavaith senses that Kaylith warbles her voice lifting and swelling "Use your tail Tavaith to make you steer where you want to go" she turns her little body and demonstrates a swishing movement with her own chubby little tail.

"You do seem to be handling the ice better than your lifemate Tavaith, but the next step you take, could be *your* undoing. W'red just might have the last laugh," Eleria notes to the dragon, her voice continuing to tease as she glides back to the brown's side, her gaze falling onto the weyrling. "You okay? Would you like some help up? Or would rather try to get up on your own?" She absently pats the brown's hide while she waits for the man's answer, then noting the gather folks on the shore, raises her free hand to wave to the group.
Melata takes a long look out at the lake, and shakes her head, "New to the ice?" she calls loudly.

Qeteth comes running from where ever he was with a bugle to all the other, announcing that he is there. Charis, who is following behind a little slower walks along looking around the lake, taking a deep breath to enjoy the winter air, filling her lungs deeply. She smiles when she sees the group and waves over at them, making her way over to one of the boulders to sit upon to put on a pair of skates. She finally spots Melata and stands to salute her first and then begins tying tightly, finally standing up to make her way to the frozen water.

Kaylith nudges her rock to the very edge of the ice, than turning slightly, whacks it as hard as she can with her tail, sending it spinning and sliding along the ice. A small jump has her landing neatly on the ice, done this before, Oh yes - know how to do it. Unfortunately digging one's claws in at the moment of impact is never a good thing, and she lands rump over head, to slide along with ice in slowly widening circles.

W'red puts a hand on the ice and heaves himself back onto his feet, "thanks Eleria," W'red says in mock hurt voice, seeing Eleria wave, he turns around to see this array of people now gathered on the shore, and turns back quickly, a little embarassed. "Didn't see them coming down," suddenly out of nowhere Kaylith comes shooting past Tavaith, warbling loudly, Tavaith warbles back but doesn't move, "I know Tavaith, I know they're all showing off now." turning to Leri, I think I would rather try this without the audience." He smiles at her, "I think that's enough for one day."

Keevin chuckles at the dragons and the riders' antics. "I'll make sure to stay well away of the pond for now." He says teasingly. "I'm sure it's a bit too cold for me."

Verenth continues to sulk because he is too heavy for the ice on this side of the lake.

Melata pats her dragon, then goes down to the ice-shore interface herself. She calls again, "New to the ice?" It seems as if the Wingleader is about to offer adice, wanted or not, if no one stops her. And, in fact, she begins to shout out stuff about 'keeping feet under you' and so forth.

Qeteth warbles as the rock goes sliding over the ice, bugling he makes a dive for the frozen water, of course forgetting that you slide on it tumbles over, trying to navigate with his tail, but stops right in front of Eleria and W'red meeping at them.

Shanlee chuckles as Kaylith and Qeteth land in ungainly puddles on the ice "I'm not sure who needs more help Ma'am, the dragonets or their riders" she puts a tentative foot on the ice to follow after the others "Any advice for someone who doesn't have skates?"

Eleria winces a bit at Tavaith's loud warble, sending him an eye roll before giving him a last pat and gliding slowly away, her eyes watching Kaylith's circles, so she's startled by Qeteth's appearance despite her awareness of his presence. "Jays, you okay Qeteth?" She smiles warmly at the blue and then says to to W'red, "that was close. Okay, without the audience and I won't say anything about you going all wherryish on me." A wink for her tease, then, "would you like help back to shore?"

Tavaith turns his body slowly, eyes whirling, a rumbling coming from deep within, he slips and slides his way back to solid ground.

Kaylith> Tavaith senses that Kaylith croons "Aw c'mon Tavaith, don't go" tricklings of water intercede with the big brown from under her haunches somewhere "You can't look any worse than I do" amusement at her predicament bubbles up as she tries to right herself.

Melata looks over at Shanlee, somewhat suprised to have been addressed, as she had not seen the lass. "Those without skates should go slow and be prepared to fall. A lot. Same advice to those with skates, actually, who have never used them before."

Charis grins at her blue, seeing how he's tumbled over and almost landed on Eleria and W'red, "Sorry about dat. 'e's still a bit clumsy on there." The former herder moves to the waters edge, turning to look back at Shan, "We're doin pretty good thanks. Course Qeteth isn't so good on ice as ya see." She winks and turns to push onto the ice, gliding over to where the sprawled out blue lies and checks on him with a small chuckle before moving farther away able to skate quite well.

W'red watches as Tavaith, turns to leave, "you're going where? why?" he shakes his head, and grins at Leri, "he says the others are annoying, sliding about, as if lost, no purpose, he is going back to the shore." W'red chuckles, "well you got him onto the ice and a dragonlength from the shore, more than I thought I'd ever get him to do, yes actually he seems steadier than I am, a hand would be nice, thanks." He grins sheepishly at her, "wherryish, maybe, we'll see, next time."

Keevin smiles and raises his hand to Shanlee. "Hey there, how are you doing Shanlee?" He says with a bright smile. "In mood to skate so I see." He adds with another bright smile

Shanlee grins and offers the requisite salute belatedly to the Wingleader "I spent most of yesterday on my behind" she quips "Should have tied a pillow to it for today" she twists to eye her backside. Charis' answer gets a chuckle "You're good" she notes "Seems we all have our strengths and weaknesses" Kaylith finally manages to get her head out from under her haunches and gives herself a pretty little shake before digging her claws in and gliding over to Tavaith, crooning in encouragement. "Hey Eleria" Shan calls, her breath making little white clouds in front of her. "Keevin?" Shan seems surprised to see the Fortian still at The Reaches.

Verenth starts to twitch his tail back and forth, and before too long he has waded out into one of the near-shore ice-holes and is busilly offering advice to the young dragons about how to handle themselves on the ice.

Dragon> Kaylith senses that Tavaith rumbles at Kaylith "you are being silly, Dragons don't fall about for fun, excersise maybe, but that's all"

Kaylith> Tavaith senses that Kaylith's in amusement "Not falling for fun. Falling is......learning" she pulls the word from her lifemate's mind and offers Tavaith an image of graceful gliding "Exercise? Yes, good exercise Tavaith" she ends a sly note colours the waters of her voice.

Melata pats her dragon, or would, if he wasn't so far out in the icy water. "Well, then, you blue lump, you tell them what to do. I've things to take care of." The Weyrlings aren't listening to her advice, anyway.
Qeteth lifts his head up and warbles at his lifemate before wufflign W'red, making sure that the man is steady on his feet before moving a little slower this time on the ice. He makes his way over to where Verenth is sitting, listening to his advice and probably adding some of his own.

Eleria takes a moment to appreciatively watch Charis skate off after checking on Qeteth, then glides over to W'red's side to offer him her hand, "come on then, I'll see you safely back and I promise to go very, very, slowly." She returns his sheepish grin, with a warm smile, then upon hearing her name called by Shanlee, turns her gaze in the red-head's direction to yell pleasantly over, "hey Shan!" Her free hand raises to wave while she notes quietly to W'red, "Tavaith did very well actually, he'll be turning controlled circles and cutting figures before you know it."

Melata goes away from the lake shore, back to the main bowl.
Melata has left.

Verenth slaps his tail into the icy water behind himself in bare acknowledgement of his rider. He's having much better with talking to the Weyrling dragons and giving them advice.

Charis turns her circle and then skates back over to where W'red and Eleria are making their way over to the side, "Not done much skatin I see W'red? It takes a bit ta get da 'ang of it, but ya seem ta be doin alright so far." she says gently, not one to really tease, especially if someone is doing something new. She smiles, "So 'ow are ya both today." She rakes her fingers through her loose hair, gloves not the best thing to do it with, but at least gets it out of her eyes to be able to see.

W'red smiles at her, "yes, Tavaith will probably take to it quite quickly as long as he still believes it is excercise, he just told Kaylith, that they were being silly this was excercise." W'red shakes his head slightly, and takes her hand again, to help him back to the shore, "hi Charis, never skated before, and finding it a bit awkward, and I'm fine thanks," he smiles at her.

Shanlee calls out to Kaylith "Want to help me out love?" The little green gives Qeteth a passing wuffle, a croon to Tavaith and she glides over to her lifemate offering her tail as anchor. "Thanks Kaylith" Shan smiles and grasping her tail lightly allows the little green to pull her out onto the ice. "Hey guys" she grins at her mode of ice-portation, letting go and thanking her lifemate silently Shan stops just short of knocking W'red over "Don't suppose he'd let you try that huh?" she asks of him. "I'm not too good either, but you two.." she smiles at Charis and Eleria "are brilliant"

Keevin smiles even brighter and waves his hand again at Shanlee. "Yes, that's me." He says happily. "Surprised to see me here huh?" He adds with a teasing wink.

Kaylith> Qeteth and Tavaith sense that Kaylith warbles, fun filling her voice "Fun...er....Good excercise, yes that's right" wavelets of mirth ebb and flow "Could be good competition for whole Weyr"

Eleria chuckles softly as she relaxes herself from preparing for the impact that just stop short of coming, her gaze going between Shanlee and W'red for a moment, before falling onto to Charis. "I'm fine, thought it was going to be quiet out here, but apparently that was not to be," she replies through a smile, her tone light and at ease, "you and Qeteth are looking well, everything going okay? Oh, I dropped off those shirts, and a sweater, and a couple of extra blankets for you, they'll be on your cot. Your shirt is being mending by someone too." Her smile goes to Shanlee next and she shakes her head, "no, not brillant, not me, passable I think. How have you been girl?" She glances past the others to look at Keevin on the shore and back at Shan, but doesn't say anything further.

Dragon> Tavaith and Kaylith sense that Qeteth croons and gets his feet under him again, "Exercise is very good for everybody. You are doing good Tavaith."

Charis glides along slowly next to W'red and Eleria on the other side, "Yes we are doing well. Thanks for dat Leri, da clothes an stuff I mean. I appreciate it. Now I'll be a bit warmer at night, even though Qeteth is quite warm 'imself." She gives the girl a look, somewhat saddened by there once shared time as candidates now gone. She shakes her head a bit and glances over to where Qeteth is now shuffling about trying to catch Kaylith and the rock that was sliding around.

Dassah trundles towards the lake short, a heavy jacket wrapped around her and gloved hands thrust in her pockets. Around her neck and covering her mouth is a scarf, and there is a knit hat covering her head and ears. It's not hard to find her friends in the cold of the bowl, and she makes her way over to the knot of people and dragonets. "Hi."

W'red is standing there on the ice holding Leri's hand for support as she chats with Charis and Shan, "can you get me back to the shore please," he says starting to shiver a bit, he is wet through, and is a bit cold now, he smiles at Leri, "thanks for the skating lesson I'll certainly be back, for another," he says teasing a little.

Shanlee's eyes follow Eleria's a slight pursing of lips, eyes flick back to meet her friends with an almost imperceptible shake of her head. "Later" she mutters, then plasters a smile across her face at Qeteth and Kaylith's game of 'slide the rock' "They sure do love those rocks don't they?" she notes. W'red's shiver gets a sympathetic look "It does get cold doesn't it? Perhaps we should all head off the ice, before we get sick? Klah would be good"

Keevin smiles softly and sits down in the snow. He's sure wearing something thick for he doesn't seem to feel the cold at all. He looks over to Shanlee with a smile but doesn't say anything at all.

W'red sighs at the mention of hot klah, that would be good, "thanks to Leri we can have hot klah, on these cold nights when the dragonets won't sleep and most any time we want." W'red is so pleased that they are moving back to the shore he doesn't even notice, the teasing, as Leri's grip on his hand tightens he tkaes a step forward, his back foot slips a little and he remembers to slide his feet, out here he can't walk. He focuses on the thought of klah, and moves with Eleria towards the shore.

Charis looks over to where Dassah had called out a greeting and offers a smile, she's skating towards the shore on one side of W'red, ready to actually give support if he needs. "'ey there Dassah. 'ow are ya today?" she calls out to her. Qeteth is still out on the ice, hitting the rock that came sliding his way back towards Kaylith. "I think dat 'eadin inside for some klah would be great actually. Come join us Das. Its cold out 'ere."

"Cold." Dassah replies to Charis in a voice that makes her growing dislike of the state apparntly. "And hello to you all." A curious tilt of her head. "So... That's ice skating? Huh. I think I am much safer over here. But klah sounds like a pleasant enough change, if you all don't mind an extre person?" Her gaze takes in W'red, Eleria, and Shanlee expectantly. "I'll understand if you prefer not."

Kaylith catches the rock and gently starts nudging it along the ice toward her lifemate. Automatically offering her tail as support to Shan, Kaylith digs her claws in and pulls her along "Thanks love" she smiles gratefully at the little green. "I could do with a whole pot of klah about now" Shan quips, a nod is given Keevin's way as she reaches the shore. Giving Kaylith an affectionate rub across her muzzle, she smiles warmly at Dassah "Hey Dassah, good to see you again" as the others mills about "An extra person is always good"

"Don't be silly Dassah," Eleria replies, "besides you're not an extra person, you're part of our group." She looks up thoughtfully at the other girl when her skates hit the shoreline and she smiles, but says nothing else on the matter, instead her next comment is for W'red, "all right you, safe and sound back on land now. You did considerably well on the trip back than going out. I'm sure you'll do even better next time." She gives him an encouraging gaze, then squeezes his hand gently before letting it go, teetering on her blades a bit as she adjusts to the different surface.

Kaylith rumblecroons, eyes whirling an orangey colour "Yes of course love" Shan turns to her friends "You'll have to go on without me, Kaylith's hungry" regret on her face, she turns and heads for the Barracks, Kaylith warbling and waddling along behind her.

qeteth, verenth, weyrlinghood, shan, keevin, kaylith, w'red, tavaith, charis, melata, eleria

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