“I’ll be back for you later.”

Jun 21, 2007 19:10

Ayson, Rilsa, Josilina, Shan

Determined to banish the tension of the last few sevendays, the greenrider takes to teasing a repairman to enhance her mood.

You wander through the archway, into the living cavern.
Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr(#1000RIJs)
The impressive living cavern is seemingly as large as the bowl that cradles the hatching sands. Rivers of polished wood tables and benches arrow towards a raised platform crowned with a compact version of their sturdy design. Neatly crafted pegs, some fancifully carved, are tapped into holes in the wall and support clothing dangling like lazy sleepers. Woven baskets, both useful and decorative, hang along another wall. Piles of summer fruit give off a shimmer of color and a waft of sweet aromas from their cradling bowls. Hanging sheaves of herbs and spices rustle in the breeze, adding their fragrance as well. Banners worked with the designs of Holds and Halls beholden to the weyr cascade down the walls high above, interspersed with several brilliantly colored tapestries. People move briskly about their business, the chatter of children and creeling of hungry firelizards in counterpoint. The aroma of freshly baked bread fills the air.
Obvious exits:
Kitchen Bowl Lower Caverns

Ayson has dark brown eyes set underneathe equally dark eyebrows. Shaggy brown hair covers his forehead, frequently brushed aside by a calloused hand. His ears are a little bigger than would be desirable. He has a strong jaw and a straight nose. A shadow of a beard covers his face and his lips are shapely, though often pressed together in a firm line. He's not so tall, standing at a modest 5'10. His shoulders also aren't that wide. Work-worn hands are attached to muscled forearms and shoulders. On days that he's wearing cut off pants or a bathing suit, it would be noted that he has well developed legs also.
He's wearing a clean white linen shirt, a spattering of stains across the front. The heavy brown pants are tucked into beat-up and scuffy looking workboots. Both items sport their own stains and markings, regardless of being clean otherwise.

Seated alone at Snowstrike’s table, the last wingriders having just left in a rowdy bunch, Shan pushes the last pieces of breakfast pastry around the plate idly and staring at it blankly. Coming back from wherever she may have been in her thoughts, the plate is pushed away from her and the fresh mug of klah taken up. A sweep of the cavern yields not the one she’d been trying to catch for the last few days. The parcel lying on the table to her right is given a glance that brings lips to press together in annoyance as the index finger of the free hand taps distractedly on it’s solid bulk.

Ayson strides in from the lower caverns. He looks to be a bit grumpy today, dirty as well. His right hand is also bandaged up. While walking he occasionally gives it a look of disgust and shakes his head, mumbling. To the food he goes, gathering up just enough to make a quick meal. He glances briefly around before taking a seat. He sees Shanlee, lifts his eyebrows ever so slightly before going and sitting at the empty end of a partially populated table.

Having been situated at the table so as to be able to observe all that come and go, Shan doesn’t miss Ayson’s entrance. Sharp eyes take in his grubby appearance and immediately fall to the bandaged hand. Giving the man a moment to take up a meal, the greenrider is about to wave him over when she catches that look from him and he settles elsewhere. A sigh spills out as she realizes she likely deserved that. Getting to her feet and taking up the parcel it’s to where he’s chosen to sit that she heads. With a dip of head to those few seated there too, the redhead’s attention falls to the repairman “You look like you’ve had a fight with a boar.” the glimmers of amusement showing through.

Ayson attacks his meal like someone who hasn't eaten in quite awhile. "If you consider a boar to be a wooden object, with sharp corners and a definite box-like shape, dust for fur and a need to be moved, then yes, I fought with one this morning. And after that, I fought several of its brothers and sisters." He hasn't looked up at yet. Instead he focuses his gaze across the cavern, fastening onto a young woman who's going by. Once she's passed by, he actually looks up at Shanlee. "You look good and not dusty."

Rilsa meanders into the cavern from the lower caverns.
Rilsa has arrived.

Rilsa steps into the living cavern, hair still damp from a recent bath, and heads immediately to the serving table for some of the herdbeast hash with poached eggs and a cup of steaming hot tea. With a slight nod to those present, she immediately finds a table to seat herself. Once seated, the first thing she does is close her eyes, take a long breath and take a delicate sip of her tea.

Biting at her inner cheek to prevent the laughter welling up from actually spilling out, Shan's silent a moment mirth dancing in her eyes for Ayson's witty comeback. With a small cough to banish the last of it, a more suitable expression is arranged "And your hand?" reaching a slim hand toward the bandages "Did one of it's sisters bite you?" A quick flick of eyes touch on the woman he eyes but soon come to rest on the brownrider that's just arrived bringing a warm smile to the greenrider's mouth then back to the man that's seated at a table with the wingsecond standing to one side of him. "Not gone hunting yet." to her own appearance still being impeccable.

Pure annoyance fills his face as Ayson looks down at his own hand again. "Well see, I decided to slice my hand open earlier today. You know, as opposed to this length of rope that I was cutting down to size. Hand, rope, almost the same thing." When her hand nears, he doesn't withdraw his own. "Oh well, if you're looking for some good game, the storerooms would be the place to do so. It's that time of the year when things get rearranged and cleaned etc.." Catching her smile, he looks where she's looking and notices Rilsa coming in as well.

Rilsa takes another sip, reopens her eyes and peers around the living cavern to notice the people. With a soft sigh, she inhales deeply then plasters a smail on her lips. "Go ... Morning." She amends.

Fingers touch lightly on the injured hand “This is healer bound?” allowing small concern to flicker behind her eyes as Ayson relays the nature of the injury. Lips curl into a wry smile “Think I’ll stick to boar and wherry. None have bitten me yet.” a low chuckle appears. Remembering the parcel in her other hand, the greenrider places it on the table and slides it over to the repairman “Peace offering.” is explained in a slightly sheepish manner. Rilsa’s familiar voice swings her head that way next “Rilsa! Heavy night or early morning?” the other woman’s demeanor taken into account.

"Lord Crom ..." Rilsa starts to speak, pausing to formulate her words in a more polite manner in honor of Ayson and Jemah's presence. "... dealings require a recovery period after the fact. It always has and it always will."

Josilina walks in from the tunnel to the bowl.
Josilina has arrived.

Josilina isn't quite skipping as she comes in, but it's a near thing. "Morning!" she greets the room at large as she approaches the serving table. "It's /beautiful/ out, don't you think?" she asks of the young woman ahead of her in the line, who does her best to politely ignore Jos - who luckily doesn't seem to notice, as she takes a slice of klahcake and a glass of juice.

Rilsa's green eyes follow the nearly-skipping goldrider as she makes her way through the cavern. The smile on her face slowly turns more genuine before she chuckles softly in spite of herself. "Morning, Josi. You are in rare form this morning ... well, no, you're normal this morning but still."

Ayson's eyes drop down to his hand again, and then he shrugs. "Maybe, if it doesn't look like it's healing well. But it's not like I haven't accidentally cut myself before. I'm more irritated than concerned with it." When the parcel is slid over, he eyes it warily while she speaks. "You don't have to. Things happen, people say stuff they don't mean and stuff they don't know anything about." His attention once more goes to Rilsa, and he offers the unknown rider a small wave. Though he doesn't comment on the Lord Crom issue.

Shanlee shudders delicately as Rilsa explains her weariness "Think you need something stronger then tea after having to deal with that. Transports?" the light tone lilting upward in query. The blank drawn from Ayson to her ex mentor elicits an introduction "Ayson, this is Rilsa, brown Corineth's, Senior Dragonhealer and mentor extraordinaire." the last said with as straight a face as possible "Rilsa, this is Ayson, weyr repairman and muscle." a glance to the man seated near her at the table she stands at to determine if this were correct in its delivery. Fine brows knit "So not healer bound." a clucking sound is made with tongue "Men! You should get that properly seen to or it may end up being more problems later." His words on the parcel are met with a light shrug any words cut off as the junior weyrwoman arrives. A dip of head and another warm smile "Morning Ma'am." the formal term of address given in public.

"No, something stronger may allow me to give in to my homicidal urges this morning." is Rilsa's amused reply. With the introduction, she nods her head to Ayson, "Well met. You better listen to her ... she usually gets her way even if she has to porcine-tie you and drag you there herself." She manages to say it with a straight, innocent face.

Ayson lifts his hand and waves a little at the happy Josilina. He looks a little amused when his attention shifts back to Shanlee. "Ah, well met Rilsa." He says, nodding politely to the brownrider. "No, it'll be fine. It's not like I cut the tendons or the vein or something sort of important like that. It's not bleeding anymore and it's clean. So there." Listening to Rilsa now, he definitely looks amused. "I can imagine. Though I like to think I'm a little tougher to tie up than a porcine. It helps me feel manly."

Josilina hesitates over the cake serving platter before adding another slice to her own plate, muttering something about lazy weyrmates. "Rilsa!" she beams at the brownrider's greeting, "Perfectly normal. I like mornings. How are you?" She grins at Shanlee as well, wiggling her fingers in a wave around her glass as she makes her way toward the other riders and their companion. "Hi, Shan! Hi..." she hesitates over Ayson, settling for, "Shan and Rilsa's friend! Who's tying up a porcine?"

Rilsa's lips twitch momentarily as she responds to Ayson briefly. "Ah, but you don't have a green dragon who is willing to help with the aforementioned tying." She resumes her tea sipping, a brow raised and eyes twinkling in obvious suppressed mirth. "Shanlee is probably going to tie Ayson up and drag him to the healers for something he's done or not done. You know how she can get ... greenriders."

Laughter held low, Shan feigns exasperation at Rilsa “And here I was trying to make ‘nice’ with him for almost biting his head off the other day.” Without invitation but tired of waiting for one, Shan slides into a chair opposite Ayson “If you don’t want it you could always keep it to throw at me next time?” legs stretching out in front of her as the greenrider leans back in the chair, her klah left lonely and cooling rapidly on the other table. Josilina’s cheery arrival and the brownrider’s subsequent take on greenrider’s draws a groan from the redhead “Aw c’mon. I haven’t been that bad lately have I?”

Rilsa's expression turns into mock shock. "You haven't? Are you feeling well? Pregnant, maybe?" The brownrider is beginning to feel more human with a new "target" and tea.
Ayson grins easily enough when Josilina hesitates, "Ayson works, it's a little shorter than 'Shan and Rilsa's friend. I think." Making a face he shakes his head. "I'm a grown man, I feel like there are rules about kidnapping them and taking them to the infirmary against their wills. Maybe." Eyeing the parcel once more, he reaches for it and then glances at Shanlee. "Is it safe to open in public?" He asks, face tinged with humor. "And no comment on that."

"Mind if I join you all?" Josilina asks, barely waiting for an answer before claiming an empty seat by Rilsa. "Oh," she scoffs, taking a sip of her juice, "like brownriders never tie people up. Or worse." The last she mutters. "Nice to meet you Ayson," she nods, "I'm Josilina. And," she glances pointedly between Rilsa and Shanlee, "I wouldn't be too sure about those rules."

Shanlee chuckles at the mockery but the last teasing suggestion from Rilsa draws a look of near disgust "Not if I sharding have anything to do with it." a frown flickers then is quickly banished. Reaching over to push a chair out in invitation for Josilina "Need you ask?" a grin fitting once again to her mouth. A brow raises Ayson's way "Oh don't tempt me repairman, I've done worse before." her expression making it hard to tell if she was teasing or not.

At Ayson's comment, Rilsa turns to Josilina and shakes her head. "Look, you step down as Senior Weyrwoman and now there are all sorts of rules against kidnappings and things like that. All the fun is gone from this place." With a martyred sigh, she shakes her head. "Makes one want to transfer to a less rigid Weyr. Besides, don't look at me - I am the epitome of innocence and perfection, remember?" Her lips twitch again before permitting a grin to curve her lips and a wink toward Josi before smiling ever-so-sweetly at Shan, "I see".

"Nice to meet you as well." He responds, picking at whats left on his plate. Looking at the women sitting at the table he says, "And if I just go to the infirmary no one will tie me up and drag me there?" He lifts his eyebrows as a cup is now brought to his lips. "And I certainly don't mind rules against kidnapping people."

Josilina holds her hands up, palms out, in defense. "It's not me!" she objects. "I /always/ had those rules! Just no one ever listened! I think," she muses, "Satiet might be scarier than I was. Or something with dignity. So now there's rules." For 'innocence and perfection' she snorts - what was that about dignity? - before noting to Ayson, "She might tie you up anyway. Wait, Shanlee, why are you tying him up? Or is it just for fun?"

"Agreed there." Shan nods solemnly to Rilsa's quip "I mean, what are we to do for fun nowadays if that's no longer allowed? Kaylith will be ever so disappointed not to mention how we're supposed to earn extra marks without ransom money now." Rocking back in the chair a little Ayson is fixed with wry look "Better not to, -it- might jump out and bite. Or worse - explode." green eyes roll at this notion. "Oh no! You don't get out of being my prisoner that easily. All agreed that its too late for Ayson to go to the infirmary of his own accord now, say Aye." Mischief dancing across the fine features as the gold and brownrider's are looked to for 'support'. Josilina's words on rules, and dignity draw a soft snort from the greenrider.

Rilsa's brow arcs again in regards to the dignity comment and she stares a moment at Josilina then peers into her cup. "Perhaps there is more in here than just tea. I'm hearing things." Her gaze returns to the man with a chuckle. "It's too late for you, my dear man. If only you listened earlier."

"I am a grown man, as I have mentioned before. And I do realize that while I am not tall, strapping and musclebound like some, I still will put up a fight if anyone tries to tie me up and drag me around. I'm not a pile of wood." Ayson points out, humor laced through his words. "Fine, I'll open your exploding, repairman biting parcel in private." At the call for a vote, he looks a little apprehensively at the other two women. Rilsa's comment is returned with a 'funny look' that involves him shaking his head a little at her.

Rilsa winks at Ayson in reply, a rather wicked smile appearing briefly before she sips her tea in a genteel manner.

Josilina furrows her brow, picking at her cake, venturing, "But if he agrees to go, shouldn't he be rewarded for the good behavior by being allowed to be... not tied up?" She pauses, "Or you could just give him a cookie. And drag him anyway."

If Ayson had been trying to scare Shan, the opposite effect is achieved “Promise?” is drawled out slowly, a wicked grin appearing to his putting up a fight “’Cos you know, it would be really disappointing if you didn’t. Not to mention ‘unmanly’.” The slim hand lifts and waves vaguely up and down his form. Just the sparkle behind her eyes giving away her suppressed mirth. Amusement pulls at the corner of the greenrider’s mouth for Josilina’s added assistance in ideas. Leaning forward to place elbows on the table and cupping her chin in her hands a near angelic smile appears for the repairman “Do you eat cookies?” the dragging anyway bit a given.

Ayson makes another one of his faces at Rilsa, because the first one was very effective. "Or, or, here's an idea. You could give me a cookie and not tie me up." He then grins slyly at Shanlee. "Maybe it would be more manly to not fight back. Most men wouldn't if a girl was trying to tie them up. Though you're just trying to bring me someplace unpleasent." At her last question he goes, "Not anymore I don't." Mock-annoyed looks are shot all around the table.

Rilsa gently presses her fingertips to her lips before blowing Ayson a kiss in response to both the face and mock-annoyed look. She comments to Shanlee. "He is right about one thing -- most men would pay good marks to be tied up by a beautiful woman ... especially to be subject to dastardly deeds."

“Ah, so feeding you is the way to go then huh?” Shan chuckles for his alternative suggestion “Don’t think you’d like to be porcine-tied though and then there’s that carrying pole. Very undignified.” she ends catching Josilina’s earlier words on dignity. Rising to her feet, the wingsecond grins at Rilsa’s blown kiss and the flickering annoyance coming from Ayson “Unpleasant? I’ve heard some of the infirmary aides through their beauty and winsome ways alone have men healing in their presence.” With a wave to all at their table, the greenrider ticks off a salute “I’ve some hunting to take care of. Clear skies.” a raised brow of mock warning to Ayson “I’ll be back for you later.” at that she’s gone wending her way through tables and laughter floating over her shoulder.

"You don't eat cookies?" Josilina shoots Ayson a narrowed look, "Who doesn't eat cookies?" She purses her lips, "She could give you cake, I suppose. Oh! Or pie! Do you eat pie?" At Rilsa's words she looks vaguely scandalized, "They do -not-. That's only in those really awful story scrolls." As Shanlee gets up, she nods, "Good luck with hunting, see you later Shan."

You walk through the archway, into the lower caverns.

ayson, rilsa, josilina, shan

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