Kaylith and Qeteth receive a gift

Nov 22, 2006 05:44

Shan-Kaylith, Charis-Qeteth, Rilsa

Weyrling Barracks(#430RAJs$)
This is a large, high ceilinged cavern cut from the rock. There are rows of depressions on the floor, couches for the young dragons; the weyrlings sleep with their dragons. The floor is stone, which helps ease the inevitable task of cleaning up the muck left by the dragonets.
The cavern has been decorated with old dragon tapestries hung on the walls, their colors slightly faded. A threadbare rug in the middle of the room bears the emblem of High Reaches Weyr, a mountain range in black on a dark blue field. A few low tables, chairs, and pillows have been scattered about the room, and baskets of glows placed strategically throughout the room keep the place well-lit. An opening in the southwest leads out into the Bowl.
Firelizard Perch(#8812JSae$)
Obvious exits:
Weyrling Training Room Bowl

Coming in from the bowl after having just sorted Kaylith's itches out, Shan sighs and flops on her cot for a moment. She didn't know which was more tiring the feeding, bathing and oiling or answering all the incessant questions. Kaylith traipses in after her lifemate, little tail swishing behind her and leaving a faint oily trail. Spying her clutchsib, her eyes whirl a little faster - lifting her wings up and out, she lowers snout and makes a mock charge at Qeteth, skidding to a halt just in front of him. However, her happy warbling, destroys any sense of fierceness she may have been trying to imply.

Kaylith> bespoke Qeteth with "Did I scare you? Huh? Huh? Did I?"

Qeteth jumps out of the way, flapping his wings, bugling at the green. Of course the bugling gets a sharp yell from one of the other weyrlings who is trying to sleep. Charis puts her fingers to her lips, "Shhh. No bugling in da barracks. I told ya that Qeteth." The former herder rolls her eyes, reaching up to scritch Barley, who is always secured to her shoulder, tail wrapped around her neck. "'ello there Shan. 'ow are you and Kaylith today?"

Dragon> Kaylith senses that Qeteth rumblechuckles, "Scare me? Nah, you aren't scary enough."

Qeteth's bugle catches Shan's immediate attention "Kaylith, you'll get him into trouble" a chuckle follows. "Hey Charis, we're doing......well" Shan pauses slightly "Well Kaylith's full of beans, as you can see" a hand waves in her lifemates direction "And I'm just trying to keep up with her." She sighs and swings her legs over the cot, "And you two?" Shan nods in their direction "How you holding up?" The Weyrsecond's entry has her dropping to her feet beside her cot and snapping a salute "Morning Ma'am"

Rilsa steps into the barracks, pausing a moment to let her eyes adjust from the brighter winter morning to the dimmer, cozier light of the cavern. Glancing around, she pauses, adjusts the pouch in her hand, and makes her way to the weyrling grouping that noticed her first. She returns the salute crisply and smiles. "Morning, ladies. How are you and your charges?"

Kaylith drops to her haunches and contemplates her next move. So that didn't scare him? Warbling brightly she snakes her head in under the cot that Carulith's rider uses looking for the small pot she knows must still be under there. Kaylith nudges it out and rolls it gently round the cot, positioning it in just the right place she half-turns and whacks it with her tail sending rolling and clanking in Qeteth's position -a hopeful look in her eyes. "We're doing well Ma'am" Shan answers, catching Kaylith's actions out the corner of her eye, she rolls her eyes slightly.

Kaylith> bespoke Qeteth with "Play with this?"

Charis tries to roll of her cot to get up to salute, but ends up on the floor in front of Rilsa's feet, looking up sheepishly. Qeteth warbles at his lifemate, seeming to chuckle at her, thinking that she is funny. "Ummm, we're doin well ma'am." she says as she gets to her feet as quick as she can and salutes the Weyrsecond. The blue quickly turns his attention back to his playmate, bouncing around when the green finds something noisy to play with.

Dragon> Qeteth bespoke Kaylith with "Oh this will be so much fun"

Kaylith> bespoke Qeteth with "Your rider's funny. Is she okay?"

Rilsa's brow arches at that unusual cot manoeuvre, but returns Charis' salute as well. "That was ... um ... graceful." She comments with a slight smile, trying not to laugh at the girl faux pas. Lifting the pouch she was carrying, she asks. "I thought to stop by to catch up on how you girls are doing now and share some fresh baked cookies stol ... er ... borrowed from the bakers."

Charis' unexpected exit from her cot, sends Shan into giggles "You okay Charis?" and she takes a step forward to help her friend up, but she scrambles to her feet. "Cookies Ma'am?" Shan's eyes light up "Oh those look wonderful" her nose wrinkles at the lovely smell. Eyeing the offered cookies she chuckles "You seem to be a pretty good people healer too Ma'am" and reaches for one. Kaylith happens to look Shan's way, and giving a little warble of interest wanders over head nodding, stretching her neck out she nudges at her lifemates hand, snuffling at the cookie. "No Kaylith, this isn't dragon food, besides you've already eaten."

Rilsa ohs suddenly, moving to rummage in a larger sack she had slung over her shoulder, forgotten until this moment. "And Dasmareth and Corineth have gifts for your dragons." With that, she produces two identical larger than the normal everyday rocks. "Enjoy them." She, of course, doesn't proceed to explain that unusual draconic gift - let the dragons discuss. "So, how about some cookies and chatting then?"

Kaylith> bespoke Qeteth with "Look new foods for us"

Dragon> Dasmareth, Qeteth, and Kaylith sense that Corineth rumbles in a pleased manner at the gifting.

Kaylith> bespoke Dasmareth, Corineth, and Qeteth with "We eat? Not meat, not people food. Is good?"

Dragon> Dasmareth, Corineth, and Kaylith sense that Qeteth croons, "Gifts for us. Yay!"

Dragon> Corineth bespoke Dasmareth, Qeteth, and Kaylith with "The glorious Dasmareth created a game called Rock. It is much fun. We will have to teach it to you."

Charis says "Cookies? I love cookies. Especially stole cookies. The are da best." she grins at the two standing with her. A surprise look is given though when Rilsa produces gifts from the older dragons to hers and the green. She rolls her eyes a bit, chuckling because she knows that Qeteth loves it. She reaches for one of the cookies and steps back to watch the two dragonets playing. "Can't imagine 'ow they are goin ta do dat when they get older."

Rilsa leans against the wall, taking one of the cookies in hand as well as she corrects Charis. "Borrowed not stolen. Borrowed ... permanently." A quick grin flashes across her lips before being replaced by a slighter smile. "How are you enjoying weyrlinghood? Studies going well?"

Shanlee takes the offered rock and looks at it curiously before Kaylith explains to her it's for some sort of dragon game. "Oh...." though not understanding how it's played and places it on the floor before Kaylith, who immediately begins rolling it around the Barracks. Rolling and warbling, rolling and warbling. "Mmmmm......good" Shan speaks around a half-full mouth, swallowing quickly "Sorry Ma'am, thank you for the cookies." Waving a hand to her cot, "Please Ma'am, have a seat" she offers, before perching on her cot herself. "Weyrlinghood? Unlike anything I thought it would be" is answered with a wry grin.

Shanlee adds "Please thank Dasmareth and Corineth for Kaylith's gift too. It was most kind of them"

"Thank you." Rilsa says, taking a seat on Shan's cot. She waves a free hand to the latter comment of Shanlee's. "I don't claim to understand their fascination with it but they have fun playing it so more power to them. Welcome to the club." With a slight chuckle, she continues. "Weyrlinghood is always like that. It sounds like you are enjoying it, however."

Kaylith> Dasmareth, Corineth, and Qeteth sense that Kaylith warbles brightly "Game? New game? Like games, games are good. Teach us soon?"

Charis grins and turns the rock over in her hands, "Well, I'm sure we've got a place for ya ta put this Qeteth. I'm not sure though how you'll recognize it out in da bowl." She takes a bite from her cookie, closing her eyes, sighing softly, "Very good. Thank you." Qeteth warbles unhappily, moving over to come get 'his' rock from Charis, who puts it down, "Sorry about dat love. You can 'ave it. I don't want it." She finally focuses her attention on Rilsa, "Its good ma'am. Very busy and I'm always tired."

Smiling at Kaylith's almost constant chatter with the other dragons, Shan nods "Yes Ma'am, she may need a lot of attention, but she's worth every bit of it" Kaylith stops her rolling a moment and nudges her rock closer to Qeteth. Reach out her muzzle she gently pokes at his, then lowers her head so that an eye can closer inspect it. Satisfied with her inspection, she returns to her own rock, dropping her jaw in a draconic grin, she flicks it at Qeteth. "Charis is right, busy and tired" Shan shakes her head slowly "And so much to learn, I wonder if I'll ever remember it all."

Rilsa smiles, her voice reassuring. "That will change. Well, you will be less tired in time. Busy, that depends on where you go and what you want to do as a rider." Tucking hair behind an ear, she then reaches for another cookie. The comment from Shanlee has her laughing in companionable amusement. "You'll remember it. That's why there is so much repetition in learning. The drills, the formations, the reading. Eventually, it becomes second nature."

Charis leans back against her press, chewing thoughtfully while she listens to the words of her friend. "I'm tryin ta keep up with the readin. I'm not so good at it anyway. Was workin on it when I was at da 'all, but well then I was searched." She looks over at her blue, her face filled with affection for him, "Qeteth's got a thousand questions for me dat I can't seem ta answer fast enough and he thinks dat he's always got a better way ta do things. Can't wait ta see if 'e tries to tell Dasmareth and Corineth dat he can make their game better."

Rilsa listens to the responses quietly as she is too busy licking her fingers from the sweet carob to reply at the moment. As she hears the game improvement comment, she laughs again. "I wouldn't be surprised. They're pretty open to adding more dimension to the game. There are quite a few dragons that enjoy playing it." Eyeing the pouch, she contemplates another cookie for a moment. "If you need any help reading or with answers, you can always direct Qeteth to ask one of the other dragons too. They are a gossipy bunch of old aunties." A moment of unfocus passes before she says aloud. "Yes, Corineth, you all are gossipy Jemahs."

"I can help with the reading if you like Charis, father was very strict about our Harper lessons back home" Shan reaches for another cookie and grins at her friends little blue "Well you never know that might just come in handy one day, and he may just find a more efficient way to handle something too" Rilsa's comment has her chortling in delight "You know before I impressed I had no idea that dragons did that" her eyes light up with fun "Guess one has to be careful what is said in front of them......"

Charis shakes her head at the brownrider, not sure that the woman completely understood her words about her 'efficient' dragon, "Umm, I actually think 'e would think that only 'e could make da game better. 'e thinks 'e knows how ta make everthing better ma'am." The former herder reaches for another cookie, her face reddening a little at admitting one of her weaker points, "Thank you. I'll remember dat." She grins though when she hears about the other dragons, "So they do dat? I didn't know. I just figured they talked about dragon stuff."

Rilsa's eyes raise to the ceiling of the barracks in a martyred look. "If only. They can put Jemah to shame. Thankfully, we only hear about a quarter of things otherwise, I think we'd end up in the mind infirmary at the Healer Hall." Any self-control over not taking a cookie is gone when she sees Charis get another one. Plucking another carob cookie from the pouch, she adds. "Sometimes, Corineth, for example, will start a running commentary about something when I'm trying to meet with Lord Crom, for example."

"That must be awkward" Shan's eye light up with amusement. Tucking her legs under herself, her gaze falls on the little green "She doesn't gossip so much as interrogate every dragon she meets. Where are they from, what's it like there etc. etc. etc." Kaylith lifts her head from her game, and gives Shan a little warble "Oh...she says that asking is the only way to learn" a wry grin on her face. "Yes love, you're right" she lowers her voice "But does she have to do it -all- the time?"

Charis laughs, almost losing the cookie in her mouth, "Sorry..." she says softly, wiping her face. "Qeteth doesn't seem ta ask questions. Its more like tryin ta correct everythin that da other dragons do. Can be a little embarassin at times." The little blue rolls the rock around the room, making banging noises with it, looking over for a moment wuffling.

Rilsa snickers softly, listening to the exchange. "They'll learn to keep most things from you soon enough. Right now, it is new for them too. I remember taking several trips to the healer to get some thing for my aching head at first. Then, they stop sharing everything but will tell you what you don't want to know and not what you do." With a sigh, martyred as it is, she adds. "They're a lot like men ... or children."

Kaylith nudges her rock under a cot for safekeeping and waddles up to the Weyrsecond. She launches into a warbling one-sided dialogue, nodding her head and shuffling her paws as if trying to explain something, glancing every now and then at her lifemate a questioning look in her eyes. "Yes.....NO......I don't know..." Shan throws up her hands in despair "See? Now how am I to keep up with that, and tell you what she's carrying on about" the look on her face is total bemusement. Kaylith stops her warbling briefly and nudges at Shan "Okay love, I'll try" taking a deep breath "Let's see.....she thinks you're nice Ma'am 'cos you bring gifts from 'the big ones', she wants to know how many places you've been to....." both hands cover her face "It's too much Kaylith, why don't you just ask Corineth next time you see him?" Shan laughs "Like men or children?" green eyes slant at the Weyrsecond "Now there's a new way to handle it"

Rilsa's eyes widen at the proximity of Kaylith and her discussion. "Ah, well. Yes, wy don't you talk to Corineth and I'm sure he'll be just _happy_ to answer your questions without having your lifemate translate. As far as how many places, as many as you will someday." Her eyes also flicker toward Shanlee, the corners of her lips threatening to twitch in a smile. "Definitely men and children. More the former rather than the latter."

Charis grins when Shanlee's green moves over to Rilsa to ask her questions, Qeteth still pondering his 'gift' from the bigger dragons. He watched when Kaylith put it under a cot and follows suit, but instead of bothering the Werysecond he comes over to his lifemate, creeling a bit from hunger. Charis reaches down to rub her ridges, "Well I think dat Qeteth 'ere is 'ungry. And 'e's most important right now. If you'll both excuse me." She smiles and nods politely to Shanlee before giving Rilsa another salute, not sure she is supposed to when she leaves, but figures why not.

Charis goes home.
Charis has left.

Rilsa returns Charis' salute and smiles. "Have a good afternoon." She looks around, then at Shanlee. "I suppose I should head out so you can do your own work as well. It was nice having a chat."

"Sorry Ma'am" Shan looks a little embarassed by her lifemate's boldness "She just gets carried away sometimes" and gently puts a hand out to steer the little green in the opposite direction "Go play with Qeteth love, and let me have some people time for a bit will you?" Kaylith wuffles at Shan and waddles off in search of her rock. Nosing it out from under the cot, she imitates Qeteth banging it into as many things a she can. Nodding her head in satisfaction at the noise. Only raising her head slightly as he 'parks' his rock "The former?" Shan's tone is amused "Oh I hope not - surely dragons make more sense" As Charis leaves, Shan smiles "See you later Charis, Qeteth" Shan smiles at Rilsa "Thanks for the chat and cookies Ma'am" she points to Kaylith "And her gift."

Rilsa leaves the pouch with whatever cookies are remaining, heading out the door. "My pleasure. I hope to chat with you all again. Kaylith." She adds in departure.
Rilsa wanders out to the bowl.
Rilsa has left.

qeteth, kaylith, rilsa, weyrlinghood, charis, mentor, shan

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